Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 234 Potion mixed with water

All four people were silent. They all knew that the words of the potion master Dagworth were actually meant to scare them. Maybe such cases really happened, but they were definitely in the minority.

Albert, who personally prepared the raw materials for Baffy's Brain-Refreshing Potion, certainly knew how many Galleons it would cost to gather those raw materials. To prepare a Baffy's Brain-Refreshing Potion, at least 15 Galleons were needed. The expensive raw material prices were simply shocking. Suffocation and failure once are enough to make people heartbroken, not to mention the difficulty of brewing this kind of potion. A small flaw will make the potion unusable.

Even top potion masters will not drink it directly after brewing it successfully.

"The Buffay wizard in France drank the potion he brewed and had some problems with his brain." Dagworth raised his finger and pointed at his head and said, "Later, when he was chanting the curse, he changed the 'f 'Said 's' and found myself lying on the floor with a bison on my chest."

"I know, Professor Flitwick mentioned it once."

"The wizard Professor Flitwick mentioned is called Baruffio. I think this name is probably due to a translation problem." Albert explained.

The letters of these two names are actually similar, so it is not surprising that there will be problems in translation, especially for those who are not very proficient in French.

"In fact, the guy originally put together some raw materials that can stimulate the brain and wanted to create a magic potion that can make people smarter. Of course, after a long period of improvement, the Buffy Brain Awakening Potion was completed, but the preparation failed. The probability is still very high, and it can easily make the user too excited and directly cause brain damage, so this potion is banned by the Ministry of Magic to prevent inferior products from being leaked out and poisoning people." Dagworth continued to describe this potion. The history of growing pharmaceuticals.

"So, it can really make people smarter?" The three of them were a little excited.

"Yes, the real Buffy Brain Refresher can indeed make people smarter." Dagworth poured cold water on them coldly, "But it requires a lot of risk, and the degree of improvement limited."

"Later, there was a potion master named Astor Belkant. Because his son Albert failed to pass the exams in spells, transformation and herbal medicine, he tried to brew this potion to transform his son. Be smarter.”

"They succeeded?"

"It succeeded, but it also failed." Dagworth said meaningfully. "At that time, there was a potion master named Bilius Fenbock who was with him at that time. He did brew a poor quality Buffy Wake. Brain potion.”

"His son turned into a fool?" Everyone seemed to have guessed the fate of the unlucky guy.

"No." Dagworth shook his head. "They diluted this potion and gave it to Albert to drink. As you can imagine, Albert failed all the tests."

"Speechless was a huge business opportunity, so they started selling Bafei's brain-reviving potion on the black market." The potion master continued, "Later, one time, the unlucky guy Bilius Fenbock was harvesting rune patterns. When I was laying eggs, I was bitten by a rune snake, and in the end the rune snake ran away."

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"The Ministry of Magic rescued Bilius Fenbock and went through a lot of trouble to find the snake. However, the Ministry of Magic also prosecuted two unlucky people for illegally keeping rune snakes in captivity, and awakened Buffy. The brain agent was taken away by people from the Ministry of Magic, and this matter was exposed.

Since that incident, the Bafe brain-refreshing potions on the black market have been diluted, which can greatly reduce the damage caused by the potion to the human brain and can be used as a short-term stimulant to enhance brain memory.

Of course, drinking too much low-quality Bafe brain-refreshing potion is still harmful to the human brain, especially the effect of potions made by some idiots.

As expected of Dagworth, what was revealed was really shocking. I didn’t expect there to be such a secret.

"Now, do you know why I want to get that gold card back?" Dagworth glanced at Albert and said lightly.

Without that gold card, Dagworth's use of some precious materials to brew potions in the future might be considered illegal by the Ministry of Magic, at least the way to obtain the raw materials would be illegal.

Albert nodded and said nothing more. He knew what Dagworth meant.

"I'll explain it to you later when I'm brewing the Buffy Brain Refresher, but don't talk or ask questions. If you can't do that, it's best to leave now. You can go to the Three Broomsticks to drink some butter. Beer, or go buy some candies from Honeydukes." Dagworth looked at Fred and the three of them and said, "I suggest you choose the former."

All three people could hear Dagworth's intention to drive people away, so they simply said goodbye and left.

"It's a bit rude of you to do this." Albert frowned slightly as he looked at the backs of Fred and others leaving.

"I think they won't be able to hold on until then. Instead of staying and suffering, it's better to go out and play." Dagworth explained lightly: "Moreover, their potion skills are not good enough, and staying here will probably be a waste of effort. Instead, it will hinder us."

"What you said makes sense. Maybe you can remind me of this in your heart." Albert didn't mean to blame Dagworth, because what he said made sense.

"When I'm brewing Bafei's brain-refreshing potion later, I'll explain it while I'm cooking it. You can ask again when you want, and remember not to disturb me." Dagworth said as he took out the needed medicinal materials from a medicine box and quickly Enter the state of brewing potion.

Albert also quickly entered the state.

As Dagworth said, Baffy Brain Refresher is actually a mixture of ingredients that may excite the brain and improve memory.

"And the jumping toadstool itself is poisonous. When making Baffy's brain-rejuvenating agent, it must be treated with alchemy before it can be used." Dagworth explained while handling the red-headed jumping toadstool with white spots. The thing itself is soaked in some oil-like liquid. Oil soaking is the best way to store jumping toadstools.

In fact, the jumping toadstools that Albert got were stored in this way, and a lot of olive oil was wasted.

The frog's brain must be freshly baked, but one problem is that the frog must be dissected quickly enough, and usually an assistant is needed.

However, Dagworth didn't need an assistant. It only took him a minute to dissect three frogs, take out their brains and throw them into a dry pot.

During the process of brewing the potion, Dagworth would only explain in important places. Sometimes it was more like talking to himself than explaining, such as when to add dragon claw powder, how to add in time such as Neanderthal eggs, and how to tell if a potion is formed.

The whole process only lasted an hour, and the final prepared Bafe Brain Refresher showed a thick green liquid. Dagworth held the test tube flat in front of his face and said after confident observation: "It's done, but it is still necessary for safety. Simply dilute it, the ratio is five to one!”

He put some Bafe brain-refreshing agent into some test tubes and diluted it with a large amount of water. The color inside immediately became darker. "

Dagworth took a sip, seeming to taste its quality. After a moment, he nodded and said, "That's fine. However, I still don't recommend you use undiluted Baffy's Brain Refresher."

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