Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 237 Profiteers

The strong wind wrapped with snowflakes beat mercilessly on the windows, and the biting cold seeped into the house through the glass, but was isolated by the heavy curtains. There is a large stove in the center of the dormitory, with blue flames burning inside.

Albert and several of his roommates were sitting around the big stove warming themselves, busy with the things at hand.

"Can Baffy's Brain Refreshing Potion really make people smarter?" Fred looked at the green potion. This was the Baffy's Brain Refreshing Potion brought back by Albert. The dosage in the bottle was probably enough for each person to drink one. Small mouth.

"Bafe Brain Refresher can indeed make people smarter." Albert said without raising his head, "As long as you drink that stuff, you will easily get an excellent score in this year's written examination."

"Really?" Fred stared at the Buffy Awakening Potion with even more eager eyes.

"Of course it's true, I've already taken it, and the effect is really great." Albert paused and frowned, "However, it is very difficult to brew Bafei Awakening Potion, and it is also very laborious to collect the materials. .”

"Didn't you say that the potion can be diluted with water?" George took the potion bottle from Fred, stared directly at the green potion inside, and continued, "With Albert's knowledge in potions, boil it It shouldn’t be too difficult to make a brain-rejuvenating drug, right?”

"It's difficult!" Albert is not arrogant enough yet. Even if he uses experience points to upgrade his skills, he doesn't think he can succeed in one go.

Brewing any kind of potion requires many attempts. Even a genius potion master cannot guarantee that he will be successful the first time he brews a strange potion.

"Don't be afraid of flaws. Just add more water to dilute it when the time comes." Li Jordan comforted him.

"This is a good idea. Although the effect of the potion may not be as good as this bottle, it will still help to make your brain more flexible and get excellent results in the exam." Looking at the excited expressions on the faces of the three people, they More confident than Albert himself.

"Stop dreaming. Do you think you can drink something like potion every day?" Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes at the three of them. "It's okay to drink a little occasionally. Drink it every day. If there is no potion by then, just drink it." He has truly become a useless person.”

"It's not that exaggerated!"

"How about we use this bottle of Baffy's Brain Refreshing Potion as the championship prize?" Fred suddenly suggested: "I believe that Albert will definitely be able to brew this potion in the future. Now we need to let some students know that we There are special channels to obtain this kind of potion that can make people smarter when drunk. The reward for the champion is ten galleons, so the price of this bottle of Baffy Brain Refresher is set at ten galleons."

"I suddenly discovered that you also have the potential to be a profiteer!" Albert looked at Fred up and down and said with a smile.

The raw materials of Bafa Brain Refresher are indeed very precious and difficult to brew, but its price is also very expensive.

Although the bottle of Baffy's Brain Refresher in George's hand can only last for a few hours at most, if you take a sip at a critical moment, you can solve the written test in any subject. It is actually quite cost-effective when you think about it.

At least, with this thing, you don't need to worry about failing the exam and getting in trouble from the professor.

"This potion is definitely popular among fifth and seventh graders," Fred continued. "I think they'd be willing to empty their pockets of galleons just for a nice report card."

"Only if they have galleons in their pockets," Albert said angrily.

"There will be some savings." Lee Jordan explained.

"Fred, you have changed." George said sadly, "I didn't expect..."

"It's actually good to have Galleons." Fred shrugged and said, "Especially after seeing Albert, I suddenly realized that people really need Galleons so that they can be happy according to their own wishes. live."

"Are you planning to join the Ministry of Magic after graduation?" Fred said, looking at his twin brother.

"Forget it, people still need Galleons." George suddenly wilted and immediately nodded in agreement with Fred's words.

"Okay, although I think it's a bit early for this matter..." Albert organized his words and said: "After I come back from the Christmas vacation, I will start trying to brew Buffy's Brain Refreshing Potion. You are responsible for it. Selling, as for the commission...if you sell one bottle, you can get one Galleung." At this point, Albert's tone paused and continued, "Or, we can save this money and use it to open a store after graduation. Start-up capital."

After all, Albert plans to open a Wizarding Card store in the future, and he has already prepared to rope in several roommates to open the store together.

"A commission per galleon for a bottle?" Fred and the other three's eyes instantly lit up when they heard this.

After all, Albert was responsible for brewing the potion, and Albert purchased the medicinal ingredients with his own money, and he borne the risks himself. If he sold a bottle of Baffy Brain Refresher, he could get a galleons commission. That is really a terrifying wealth to them.

However, when Albert talked about opening a store together after graduation, the three of them were a little confused. That was too far away for them now.

"When the time comes, I plan to open a black magic defense shop, specializing in selling some items, books and other things that protect against black magic." Albert continued to talk about his future plans: "Maybe I can return to Hog in the future. Watts becomes an honorary professor."

"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, do you really dare to think about it?" The three of them couldn't help but want to complain. They all knew that this position was cursed, and whoever thought it was bad luck.

"We want to open a joke shop." The twins looked at each other and said in unison.

"There is also a wizard brand store." Lee Jordan suggested.

"Well, we can open a store in Diagon Alley and sell three stores together." Albert nodded, "We will discuss this matter later. Before that, we still need a large amount of galleons as start-up capital. "

"Perhaps, we should give that store a loud name in advance." Lee Jordan suddenly suggested, "Call it the Big Four. How about this name?"

"Don't you think this name is ugly?" Fred immediately retorted: "People who don't know better think we have big heads!"

"It's not urgent. We'll talk about it later. Anyway, this matter will take a long time. Just don't forget to give us a nice name then." Albert twitched the corner of his mouth, coughed slightly, and interrupted the three of them. man's argument, and returned his attention to the dried mandrake roots on his hands.

"Are you going to use this thing as a protective bracelet?" George put his newly completed wizard card back into the box. The three of them are now also learning to design wizard cards to help Albert share the pressure.

"Well, after drying, mature mandrake roots can be used to make various amulets, which can effectively resist some evil spells and black magic." Albert explained: "As for these shaved pieces, they can still be used to make amulets. Used to refine magic potions.”

In fact, Albert has already changed several sets of runes and wood, but the protective bracelets produced can only be regarded as average.

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Today, Albert is not planning to make a protective bracelet, but is trying to make a special amulet. The object carved in front of him is a unicorn as thick as a thumb, which is both an amulet and a cute pendant.

This is a birthday present for Isobel.

Albert didn't know Isobel's preferences, so he followed the ideas of an ordinary girl.

"I think those protective bracelets you made before are already very good." George has long been eyeing the protective bracelets made by Albert.

"Even if you say so, I won't let you play with it." Albert suddenly said, and Fred and Lee Jordan beside him couldn't help but laugh.

"Your carving skills are getting better and better." Lee Jordan stared at the formed wood carving and asked, "What is this, a horse?"

"Unicorn." Albert reminded, pointing to the unicorn.

"A Christmas gift for your sister?" Fred also remembered that Albert got a griffon last year.

"Well, a birthday present." Albert responded noncommittally, but he was thinking about how many galleons this thing was worth.

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