Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 242 Almost Eaten

"Something is coming this way."

Hearing the barking of dogs in the woods, Fred, George and Lee Jordan immediately became more vigilant. They all turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound and exchanged glances with each other.

However, since a few people are still outside the Forbidden Forest and it is daytime, they don't think they will encounter any big trouble. Even if they do encounter trouble, the four of them should be able to handle it together. Is Albert still here?

"Hagrid's hound?"

"It shouldn't be Fang." Lee Jordan shook his head and denied it. Although he hadn't been to Hagrid's hut for a long time, he could still distinguish the cry of the hound Fang.

The footsteps and barking dogs were getting closer and closer, and the sounds echoed in the woods, creating a creepy sound.

"Let's go, go back." Albert reminded again.

"Where are you going? Wait for us." George looked at Albert, who was walking quickly toward the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, and shouted quickly.

"Get out of here, do you want to be caught by Hagrid?" Albert muttered and continued walking out of the forest. He didn't want to meet Hagrid here at all, and Albert believed that Hagrid didn't want to either. Let other students see him walking his dog.

Yes, walking the dog, this was Albert's guess. The sound just now was undoubtedly the barking of the three-headed dog Luwei. There are only two possibilities for it to appear here. It broke free from Hagrid's rope, or Hagrid was carrying him. It wanders in the Forbidden Forest, the latter is obviously more likely.

"Do you know what that is?" Fred noticed Albert's reaction and felt that he should know something.

"Leave here first." Albert didn't answer and continued to seize the time to move forward. He hasn't seen the three-headed dog for several months. Lu Wei must have grown bigger now!

Meeting the three-headed dog and Hagrid here is not a good thing, it will only make both parties feel embarrassed.

"Hey, wait for us, don't walk so fast!" Fred and George looked at each other and couldn't help but slow down. They were actually curious about what kind of dog Hagrid had. As for why it was said to be raised by Hagrid, it was because the last time he was at the Pig Head Bar, Hagrid mentioned that he bought a dog named Lu Wei from the black market, which was probably the one he met now.

"Fred and George are lagging behind." Lee Jordan turned his head and looked behind him, and quickly spoke to remind Albert in front.

"Those two idiots." Albert stopped, looked at the twins who had lost their sight, and muttered in a low voice: "Forget it, let them suffer a little loss and it will help them remember a lot. I really thought there were many people in the Forbidden Forest. It’s safe.”

"What was that just now?" Li Jordan finally asked the doubt in his heart.

"Luwei, Hagrid's new pet." Albert glanced at Lee Jordan absently.

"Why do we have to leave in such a hurry?" Li Jordan was even more puzzled.

"Why do you think Hagrid kept his new pet in the Forbidden Forest? I hope Fred and George won't be scared to death." Albert curled his lips, raised his wand, cast a spell on himself, and turned into a ghost. The spell enveloped him completely in an instant.

"What a piece of shit, why?" Lee Jordan next to him had just asked his doubts when he saw Albert suddenly disappear out of thin air, which shocked him.

"What are you..." Li Jordan didn't understand what Albert wanted to do.

"Come on, don't you also want to see Hagrid's new pet? Although the Disillusionment Curse probably has no effect on Lu Wei." Albert muttered softly. A dog's nose is very sensitive, not to mention having three noses, so he can definitely detect them.

Albert used the Disillusionment Curse actually to deal with Hagrid.


Lee Jordan only felt that something cold flowed into his body from the place where the wand struck. The moment the Disguise Spell took effect, Lee Jordan also disappeared out of thin air, leaving only footprints on the snow on the ground to prove that they were still there. Still here.

Although Lee Jordan didn't know what was going on with Hagrid's new pet, there was no doubt that Fred and George were going to be in trouble. Why didn't they leave with him just now?

"Is this really good?" Lee Jordan asked in a low voice.

"Fred and George committed suicide. No one else is to blame. No matter what you see, shut up later. Even if you are discovered, don't say I am here." Albert did not forget to remind him and started on the same route. return.

Soon, they found Fred and George. They were hiding under a tree and had a disembodiment spell cast on them. However, their disillusionment spells were not very good. Even Lee Jordan could see them. Irregular twists on their bodies.

This is actually due to lack of proficiency in using the Disguise Charm. Wizards' magic usually requires a lot of time to practice. This is one of the reasons why Albert always said that he should practice more. Practicing more is not just to become familiar with a certain magic. You also need to strengthen your control over magic and improve your magic power, which will be especially obvious for lower-level wizards.

The barking of dogs was getting closer and closer, and it was vaguely mixed with other sounds. The thing was running towards this direction, and it appeared in the field of vision of the four people in the blink of an eye.

However, when they saw the three-headed monster clearly appearing in front of them, both Fred and George regretted why they had not listened to Albert's words and left here just now.

What caught the twins' eyes was a monster with three heads, which looked a bit like a dog.

Fred and George stood there blankly, not daring to move, for fear that if they moved, they would be discovered by the monster in front of them that was sniffing around. The monster's sharp teeth can easily bite off their arms, tear the two into pieces, and crush the bones and dregs together and swallow them.

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Fred and George had realized that the smell on their bodies gave away their location. The monster might not have noticed them, but it must have smelled their scent. Lu Wei was approaching the tree where Fred and George were hiding, and the terrible pressure made the two of them breathless nervously.

It's so scary that they want to go home.

Not only were Fred and George breathless, Lee Jordan, who was hiding aside, also almost screamed. He now finally understood why Albert told them to run away, and Hagrid was not here. What should he do now? Just do it!

Li Jordan looked in the direction of Albert almost instinctively, but found that there was nothing in his sight. Albert didn't know where he ran. Did he leave on his own?

No, he is not such a person.

Lee Jordan didn't believe that Albert would leave Fred and George alone, especially since he broke into the Forbidden Forest alone late at night last semester to retrieve the Weasley twins.

But where is he?

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