Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 259 Lost Technology

Albert knew nothing about Dumbledore's meeting with the Flamel couple, and he was now frantically absorbing the alchemical knowledge mentioned at the party.

This time, I really came to the right place.

Although everyone did not fully disclose their results, Albert still learned a lot of useful things, which can be said to be a huge gain. The direct reflection is that his alchemy skills and experience have skyrocketed.

Moreover, most wizards would prefer to maintain owl contact with him. Albert naturally welcomes everyone, but he is very curious, when did he become a popular person in everyone's eyes?

Could it be that they are very optimistic about their future?

Albert quickly shook off the unnecessary thoughts in his mind and listened carefully to Adolf's explanation of the important principles of the double-sided mirror.

In fact, the double-sided mirror is not a secret in the wizarding world. However, the double-sided mirror that was once very popular in the wizarding world has basically disappeared from the market.

"I have a question!" Albert waited until Adolf finished speaking and then asked his doubts, "Why do you hardly see anyone selling double-way mirrors now?"

"Mr. Anderson, as I just said, the manufacturing process of double-sided mirrors has disappeared for many years." Adolf said regretfully.

"Actually, many people know the general principle of this magic mirror. However, after its maker, Blair Bursted, passed away, the technology for making double-sided mirrors disappeared, and no one can make the double-sided mirror anymore. Bursted’s double-sided mirror.”

"As I said, double-way mirrors were once popular in the magic world. At that time, there were still a large number of double-way mirrors in the magic world. No one would make inferior products because they simply couldn't be sold."

Later, as the double-way mirrors were damaged, the remaining number became less and less, making it difficult to find double-way mirrors on the market. The manufacturing technology of double-way mirrors was gradually forgotten by people. Of course, the most important thing is Another point is that if you want to make a double-sided mirror, you must be proficient in the transformation spells in both alchemy and transfiguration.

The essence of a magic mirror like a double-sided mirror is the advanced application of the transformation spell. However, there are very few wizards who can use it on magic mirrors.

Even if he is proficient in alchemy and transmutation spells, he can successfully create a double-sided mirror. However, the magic released on the item weakens over time.

The small book kiosk that book lovers used before has been shut down, and now they are basically using Mi\\Mi\\reading\\app\\\\.

The double-sided mirror manufactured by Blair Bursted has no such problem, and no one knows the secret so far.

"This is actually not surprising. Many ancient crafts have been gradually lost or eliminated by the times, such as the disappearing cabinet that was very popular in the First Wizarding War."

"No, sir, I think many people have got it wrong." Albert reminded kindly, "Actually, double-way mirrors are still very popular. Take a couple of my friends at Hogwarts as an example. , after they graduate from Hogwarts, they will definitely need a double-sided mirror to keep in touch. This method is much faster than writing letters, what do you think?"

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, and then someone couldn't help laughing and nodded: "What you said is absolutely correct, but we old men have a rigid thinking."

Families can use two-way mirrors to connect with their children at Hogwarts, and couples can also use two-way mirrors to connect, just like video calls, but many people don't think about this.

"Mr. Anderson, you seem to be very interested in double-sided mirrors?" Adolf asked curiously, "Can you tell me why?"

"I think this technology is very promising." Albert explained, "If I have a two-way mirror, I can stay in touch with my family on time every week instead of spending time writing letters. If we have a two-way mirror, If you want to talk about some alchemical topics, you don’t need to write letters. Although the owl is convenient, it takes time to come and go, and letters sometimes cannot perfectly express a person’s thoughts.”

"In the Muggle world, there is something called a telephone, which allows people in two places to communicate with each other through words, and the technology of the double-sided mirror obviously goes a step further and shortens the distance between the two parties."

"What a great idea." Adolf applauded, "If you want the knowledge of double-sided mirrors, I don't mind sharing my research with you. Maybe one day you will be able to invent a better magic mirror. Don't forget it then. Please write my name on it too!"

Hearing the last sentence, everyone couldn't help laughing. They all know that this is just a joke. The wizards here don't care much about fame and fortune, because they are so famous in the magic world.

"Thank you for your generosity." Albert bowed slightly towards the old wizard, "If there is such a day, I will."

At this moment, everyone was quite surprised and didn't understand why Albert valued the double-sided mirror. Even though they had just heard Albert talk about the reason, they still didn't understand.

Magic is very convenient. Wizards rarely have a sense of distance. If necessary, an Apparition or Floo powder can reach the destination in an instant.

This is one of the reasons why double-sided mirrors are gradually being phased out, as people no longer need them.

However, such a technology still has many uses in Albert's eyes. It can only be said that there is a certain gap in the thinking models of the two parties.

Albert glanced at his task panel.

Lost technology.

You have come into contact with the knowledge of double-way mirrors and become interested in it. However, this technology has been known for several years. Retrieve this technology and recreate a pair of double-way mirrors.

Reward: 10,000 experience, 1 skill point, double-sided mirror skill level +1, reputation in the magic world +500.

"What is the disappearing cabinet?" Albert asked again.

"The disappearing cabinet is like a double-sided mirror. There is a pair, which can act as a passage between two places. If an object is placed in the disappearing cabinet, it will appear in another disappearing cabinet." This time he answered Smith.

"The Vanishing Cabinet was very popular during the First Wizarding War. When people were attacked by Death Eaters, they could use the Vanishing Cabinet to appear in another place and escape."

"Of course, there are two problems with this kind of thing. The cost of making a pair of disappearing cabinets is too high. If the cabinet is broken, it needs to be repaired by professionals before it can be used again. In today's peaceful world, naturally no one will use such expensive magic items. .”

The disappearing cabinet felt a bit like a portal to Albert, well, it was a portal.

However, the teleportation magic in the magic world is so advanced that technologies like the disappearing cabinet have been forgotten by people. After all, compared to two ounces of floo powder, the disappearing cabinet is too expensive and inconvenient.

However, in Albert's eyes, every technology has its value, and the disappearing cabinet is no exception.

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