Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 268 Fire prevention, theft prevention, and Peeves prevention

At the end of January, the weather still showed no sign of warming.

When he woke up in the morning, the sky was still gray, with occasional snowflakes falling. Walking on the way to the auditorium, listening to Fred and George's chat, Albert always felt that something bad was going to happen.

Albert was eating bread and corn soup, chatting with Lee Jordan beside him about registration for the wizard card competition. Suddenly, he saw Charlie walking quickly towards this side, obviously looking for Fred and George, who had been imprisoned several times.

"You have missed several Quidditch trainings." Charlie glared at his brothers with dissatisfaction and reminded: "There is not much time left before the next Quidditch match. We lost once. If this If you lose again, you will completely miss this year’s..."

"Charlie, we didn't mean it." George put down the spoon and looked up at Charlie, with helplessness on his face.

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"That's out of necessity." Fred quickly agreed: "If we had a choice, we would rather go to the Quidditch pitch to train than face Snape."

I don't know why, but these words sound particularly convincing.

"Okay, but you can't miss the next training." Charlie was convinced by the two.

Few students were willing to be detained by Snape, and even Slytherin students also had to endure a lot of pressure when facing their dean.

"We will train well." Fred and George said in unison.

"Guys, you will never guess what I just saw." Wood ran over panting, ready to tell everyone an interesting news.

"What did you see?"

"I just met Marcus Flint. I don't know what happened to his lips. They were swollen like a sausage for no reason. You didn't see that he covered his lips with his hands, looking shameless. .Ah, no, let me laugh."

"Where is he?" Charlie also wanted to go over and watch to see how unlucky his old rival was.

"He covered his lips and ran to the campus hospital." Wood finally stopped laughing, raised his hand and gestured to everyone, describing Marcus Flint's misfortune with great emotion.

There's nothing more satisfying than seeing someone you hate in trouble.

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. Albert followed everyone's gaze and saw a Hufflepuff girl covering her lips with her hands and quickly escaping from the auditorium hall.

After a brief burst of laughter, everyone whispered about who was playing the prank.

After finishing the steak on the plate, Albert glanced at the equally expressionless George next to him. The latter seemed to feel Albert's gaze and shrugged his shoulders, innocently indicating that they did not do it.

"You actually succeeded?" Albert was curious about how Fred and George added ingredients to Marcus Flint's food.

"It was Peeves who did it, it has nothing to do with us!" Fred looked innocent, saying that it was really not them who did it, and neither of them had such ability.

"Have you convinced Peeves?" Albert asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We promised to provide Peeves with some interesting gadgets." Fred blinked his innocent little eyes, "Anyway, we have to tease the students, and it's the same for everyone, don't you think?"

Albert was speechless. This was indeed true. To Peeves, students at Hogwarts were not divided into the four major colleges. They were all students anyway.

It turned out that Albert's idea was right. In the next few days, many people's lips swelled into funny sausage mouths inexplicably while dining in the auditorium.

The lack of a reason made the students at Hogwarts very uneasy. Everyone was afraid that one day it would suddenly be their turn to be unlucky.

Professor Sprout also made a point of checking the school's kitchen, but it was obviously not the house elves' problem.

One day, everyone finally discovered the reason.

No way, Peeves was humming a weird ditty and sprinkling strange seasonings into the steaks they were eating.

Many people saw with their own eyes that the lips of students who ate the spiced steak soon became as swollen as sausages.

Then, the matter completely exploded.

Everyone began to denounce Peeves, but it was of no use. Peeves's pranks were not repeated once or twice.

Filch wanted to use this opportunity to drive Peeves, who was often against him, out of Hogwarts, but he failed in the end.

Among the administrators of Hogwarts in the past, there were many wizards who wanted to drive away Peeves, but none of them succeeded, let alone Filch, who was unable to use magic.

"How much did you give Peeves?" Albert glanced at Fred, who had been tricked again, and asked in a low voice when others were not paying attention.

He had also been unlucky just now.

Fortunately, after Albert discovered that many people had been infected, he prepared anti-swelling agents in advance. If he encountered any abnormalities, he nipped the problem in the cradle.

"Only that bottle, it should be used up soon." George said uncertainly.

"We didn't expect that bottle of seasoning to last so long." Fred was also very depressed. In the past few days, he had accidentally eaten food with added ingredients several times.

It's completely self-inflicted.

Peeves went crazy and it was almost unbearable.

"Don't forget, according to the agreement, you have to provide Peeves with a pack of dung bombs." Lee Jordan reminded me depressedly. His lips were also swollen.

"Aren't you worried about the professors investigating who gave Peeves the bottle of seasoning?" Albert looked at the twins helplessly. Now Peeves's method of adding seasoning to food has become even more sophisticated. It’s hard to guard against.

However, it turned out that Albert's worries were completely unnecessary.

The students at Hogwarts have never suspected this to other students, and they are now almost driven crazy by Peeves. When eating, always be careful to avoid eating food that has been spiced by Peeves.

Madam Pomfrey was also driven crazy. Students with swollen lips appeared in the school hospital one after another. This head guard was worthy of asking Professor Snape to prepare a large amount of anti-swelling agent, and also specifically reminded everyone that if they encounter such a situation again, In this case, go to the school hospital to get anti-tumor drugs.

Now, everyone knows that to eliminate the sausage mouth and avoid making a fool of yourself, you only need to use a small amount of anti-swelling agent after realizing that you have been tricked, and the problem can be solved perfectly. They no longer need to guard against Peeves' pranks.

Naturally, the school hospital also has a lot of anti-swelling agents, but they can only be used after being infected. There are actually many wizards who can actually prepare such potions, but many people's potion skills are very average. Since they dare not drink it, they can prepare it themselves. Just know the magic potion.

So, in the black market of Hogwarts, anti-swelling agents suddenly became popular.

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