Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 277 Lu Wei flies over

Albert followed Professor Smith and walked forward silently. After turning a corner, he stopped in front of the stone statue of the griffon.

"Chocolate frog!"

Professor Smith spoke the password to the stone statue in front of him.

The statue of the griffin came to life and jumped to the side, the wall behind it splitting in half, revealing a stairway leading upward.

"Follow up."

Professor Smith passed through the gap in the wall and stepped onto the spiral stone staircase. Albert hurriedly followed. As he stepped up the stairs, the gap closed behind him.

The next moment, the stairs slowly rose automatically, sending the two of them to the door of the principal's office.

Professor Smith stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The door opened quietly, and the two walked into the principal's office one after another.

This is already the second time Albert has come to the principal's office. There was no difference from the last time they came. The portraits of witches and wizards on the surrounding walls began to pretend to sleep again after they entered.

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"Rowenna, is something wrong?"

Dumbledore was writing a letter at his desk, looked up at the two people who came in, and asked.

"Albert comes to see you for something. Regarding Hagrid, I think it's better for him to tell you himself!" Professor Smith moved his body and asked Albert to tell Dumbledore his wishes.

"Hagrid?" When Dumbledore moved his eyes towards Albert, the parchment on the table had been automatically put into the envelope and sealed with sealing wax.

He took the letter and handed it to Phoenix standing on the branch of the sycamore tree. Fox flew away with the letter in his mouth.

Does this mean the phoenix is ​​an owl messenger?

Albert looked away from the Phoenix and began to tell Dumbledore about Hagrid:

Hagrid secretly raised a three-headed dog named Luwei in the Forbidden Forest. His three-headed dog suddenly ran away and was probably wandering outside the school.

He told the story in detail, including that Hagrid didn't want to cause trouble to Dumbledore and was currently running around in the Forbidden Forest, looking for Lu Wei's whereabouts.

Albert observed the changes in Dumbledore's expression as he spoke, but the principal's expression never changed. He still stood quietly and listened to what Albert had finished.

"Principal Dumbledore, you won't kick Hagrid out of school, will you?" Albert asked pretending to be worried.

"No. Mr. Anderson, your judgment and handling are correct. 20 points for Gryffindor." Dumbledore smiled at Albert and comforted him: "The three-headed dog is indeed a dangerous magical creature. Creature, you did the right thing, we'd better find the three-headed dog and place it properly before it causes trouble."

"Principal, what are you going to do with the three-headed dog?" Albert asked again.

"Sending it back to its hometown is the best choice." Dumbledore did not hide his treatment of the three-headed dog and said to Professor Smith: "Mr. Rowena, are you free now?"

"Of course I'm free, if you need help." Smith said with a smile, "I'll go into the Forbidden Forest at any time to help find the three-headed dog."

"Well, let's go find Hagrid!" Dumbledore said and was about to leave.

"Principal, can I go with you?" Albert said quickly: "I promised Hagrid that I would help him find Lu Wei."

Dumbledore took a deep look at Albert, nodded and said, "Then come on!"

Albert has great confidence in Dumbledore. With his help, he should be able to find Lu Wei soon.

This time the mission is stable.

The three of them left the castle and walked towards the hut on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid was having lunch when he heard a knock on the door. He put the bread in his mouth and reached for the door, "Albert, why did you..."

His voice paused, and he looked at Dumbledore standing outside the door. He suddenly became a little panicked. His eyes moved down and fell on Albert beside Dumbledore. He immediately knew what was going on.

"I'm sorry Hagrid, but I think it's best to let the principal know about this before Fluffy gets you into trouble." Albert apologized, "I don't want to see Fluffy hurting the students of Hogwarts. , and I don’t want you to get into trouble and be kicked out of school.”

He felt that after taking the elixir, his acting skills immediately exploded, and he would have no problem winning an Oscar.

"Mr. Anderson's judgment is right, we'd better find the three-headed dog quickly." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"What should we do?" Hagrid gave up his position at the door and asked uneasily, "Albert and I searched in the woods all morning, but we still couldn't find any trace of Lu Wei."

"We will find it." Dumbledore comforted, "Rowenna, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Sorry, I don't know much about three-headed dogs. However, we can go to an expert in this field." Professor Smith suggested, "Professor Kettlebo is an expert in the protection of magical creatures and may be able to provide us with some advice. "

"That's a good idea." Dumbledore nodded and agreed with Smith's suggestion.

The four of them entered the Forbidden Forest together and walked towards Professor Kettlebo's hut.

"Albus, why are you here?" Professor Kettlebo was feeding Flobber caterpillars to his little cutie, and looked at the four people with confusion on his face.

"Something happened." Dumbledore said about the three-headed dog.

"Three-headed dog?" Professor Kettlebo was very interested in it. "So, the black shadow I saw last time was it? I was still investigating what footprints it was before?"

"Professor Kettlebo, are you able to find it?" Hagrid asked quickly.

"Unfortunately, it's not easy to find it in the Forbidden Forest." Professor Kettlebo still gave them some suggestions. "Food is hard to find now. You can enter from this way."

"Food? It's the same as Albert's suggestion." Hagrid muttered in his mind. They had been searching all morning and couldn't find any useful clues.

"We should go." Dumbledore seemed to be thinking about how to lure the three-headed dog out. "I will ask the house elves to prepare some fresh meat."

"Principal, can't you use reverse tracking magic?" Albert asked tentatively.

"Unfortunately, no." Dumbledore would naturally track magic in reverse, but the problem was that he knew nothing about Lu Wei now, so it would be difficult to directly use magic to track him.

"Can we try using the Flying Curse? Summon Lu Wei directly." Albert continued to suggest that Dumbledore, with the blessing of the Elder Wand, might be able to succeed.

"Of course," Dumbledore suddenly stopped, "Why don't you give it a try?"

"I tried, sir, but it didn't work." Albert explained, "My magic power is not enough, and the spell may be resisted."

"This is not surprising at all. Large magical creatures are very resistant to spells." Professor Smith explained, "Moreover, we don't know where it is now. It may be a soldier if it is too far away."

"We can cast a spell together." Dumbledore suddenly said, "If the three-headed dog is not far from here, it should be successful."

"How to cast spells together?" Albert asked curiously.

"Recite Lu Wei Fei, count to three, and just recite together!" Professor Smith explained.

"As long as Lu Wei appears, I can subdue Lu Wei immediately." Hagrid promised, patting his chest.

"Then let's get started."

All three of them took out their wands, looked at each other, and started counting down.

"Come here Lu Wei!" they shouted in unison.

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