Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 292 Giant Pit

At night, in the Smith Manor shrouded in wind and snow, the study window was still lit. Gerber Smith was sitting at his desk, flipping through the envelope he received a while ago.

On the cabinet next to the desk, there are countless glass bottles filled with silvery memory fragments.

Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the study door.

The house elf opened the door and came in, bowed to the wizard at the desk and said, "Master, the visitor will be here in five minutes."

The entire manor was well hidden. Except for a few important people, no one in the Smith family even knew of the manor's existence, let alone its location.

"I know." Gerber Smith drank the cold black tea, stretched out his hand to support the table, stood up, and walked slowly towards the hall of the manor.

As soon as he arrived in the hall, he saw the flames under the marble fireplace suddenly turned into forest green flames, and Bud Brod bent over and walked out of the fireplace.

"What happened? You actually used the internal floo network?" Gerber Smith looked at Bud Broad and asked in confusion.

Today, the Floo Network is controlled by the Ministry of Magic's Floo Network Authority. It will be difficult to hide from the Ministry of Magic when using the Floo Network. However, there are still some places that are not monitored by the local Floo Network, such as Hogwarts' internal flights. Road network, such as the fireplace at Gerber Smith's secret estate.

"Has anyone else arrived yet?" Bud Brod dusted off the ashes on his black robe and looked around.

"No, you are the first." Gerber Smith vaguely guessed that there were not many reasons that could bring them together. At this moment, the flames started to burn in the fireplace again.

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"Good evening."

Tiberus Ogden came out of the fireplace and greeted the two.

Mog McDougal didn't keep them waiting too long, and soon walked out of the blazing fireplace.

"Everyone is here, let's talk about something important." Gerber Smith led them to a comfortable room somewhere in the manor. The house elf served tea respectfully, then quickly turned and left.

"About Rowena Smith." Bud Broad looked at Gerber Smith, frowned and asked, "How much does he know?"

The other three people all frowned. They were sure that the four people present would never reveal their affairs to others, and every Wild Smith would not reveal their secrets to others.

Bud Brod placed a letter on the table, picked up the wand and tapped it lightly. The envelope automatically opened and the contents inside began to be read. If Albert were here, he would find that this letter was written by him to Professor Brod, indicating that he had successfully mastered the more advanced uses of ancient magic words. It also included details of entering Ravenclaw's secret room. Condition. Of course, there is also speculation about Rowena Smith. "

"Rowenna definitely doesn't know too much. He probably only inferred from a few documents of the Smith family." Gerber Smith continued, "He is not an idiot. He must have guessed something, and he also got involved. It’s not surprising to know the surname Wildsmith in Vinclaw’s secret room. Moreover, I even suspect that Albert Anderson and Isobel McDoug must also know something.”

"The question now is, what does Rowena Smith want to do?" Bud Brod frowned and reminded, "Don't forget, he has always been worried about this matter, and don't forget about Blair. "

Blair McDougal is the father of Isobel and Katrina. When Blair was still very young, a magic experiment accident occurred and he died inexplicably.

As a former candidate, Brel has been eliminated, but he is still a member of their loose circle. At that time, they suspected whether Blair's death was related to Rowena.

All four of them were silent!

They all know why Bud Brod summoned them. Two qualified candidates are at Hogwarts. If Rowena Smith suddenly goes crazy and kills them all, then the new generation of Wild Smith heirs will That's it.

The selection of candidates is usually very secretive. However, Rowena was once a candidate and was willing to track it down. It was not difficult to find some clues.

Although the probability of him going crazy is very small, it still has to attract the attention of several people.

There was no way, who made Rowena Smith be too persistent on this matter, some of his characters were too bad, which was the main reason why Rowena was not chosen.

"In a few months, Rowena should take the initiative to leave Hogwarts. In the next period of time, I will keep an eye on them." Mog McDoug took the initiative to take over the matter.

"If something bad really happens, I will solve it." Gerber Smith's tone was very calm. Even if Rowena Smith was his grandson, he could not do anything that crossed the line.

For Wild Smith, only wizards who also inherit this surname can be considered true relatives.

"The Bronze Book, let Albert put it back after Rowena leaves Hogwarts." Tiberus Ogden said.

The party didn't last long and they dispersed.

Gerber Smith stood by the window, looking at the wind and snow outside, and murmured, "Rowena, what on earth do you want to do?"

In the Room of Requirement, Albert, who was wearing earplugs and earmuffs, was unaware of this. He was processing mandrake roots and preparing to completely complete Banshee's Wail.

That thing had completely changed its appearance since it had been stuffed in salt and marinated for a long time.

The mandrake roots dehydrated with salt become extremely ferocious. If I had to describe it, it would be a really miserable death.

Albert used the honesty detector to poke the dehydrated mandrake root, and sure enough, there was a strong reaction. There is no doubt that this thing is not dead, and it has really become a black magic prop.

The mouse next to him had already fallen into a coma when the mandrake roots were taken out of the salt, and it was not known whether he was dead.

Albert stuffed the mandrake roots into a bag made of swamp digging leather, which was expanded by the Invisible Stretching Charm. Then he put it into the silver container prepared in advance. Everything went very smoothly.

It wasn't until the Banshee's Howl was completely shut down that Albert slowly took off his earmuffs and unplugged his earplugs. He was sure that the container he made could effectively contain it, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If he failed, he would probably fall into a coma. When his roommate finds out that he has not gone back, he will come to the room to find him at his request. Albert even left on the parchment the steps on how to deal with himself after he passed out.

However, the last resort was of no use now, so he was thrown into the fireplace and burned by Albert.

Albert poked Banshee's Wail with the honesty detector, but there was no response from the poke. He didn't know if it was because of too much outer isolation.

Of course, Banshee's Wail is not essentially a qualified black magic item, so it is naturally impossible to have skills on the panel.

However, Albert was quite satisfied with this thing. All he needed to do next was to find an opportunity to test its power. He remembered that Fred and George seemed eager to try it, so he would lend it to them to play with first.

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