Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 296 Changes

In the next few days, Albert kept secretly observing Professor Smith.

Originally, he was planning to try to prepare the Buffy Awakening Agent, but he completely forgot about it. The practice of making the Patron Saint speak has not stopped, but there is no substantial result. The distracted spell has made the Patron Saint very weak. If he hadn't discovered that the skill and experience of the Patron Saint Curse was gradually increasing, Albert would have even suspected Abu Fu. I wonder if I'm kidding myself.

Perhaps, if one day I could summon the Patronus with distraction, I wouldn't need to worry about being affected by the dementors and causing the spell to fail.

"What's the matter? By the way, you've been making rapid progress recently."

The party at the Charms Club had just ended when Albert was stopped by Katrina. The two were walking side by side on the corridor. Seeing that Katrina didn't speak, Albert found a topic casually.

"I take time every week to learn magic skills from Professor Smith."

"Professor Smith was indeed very talented in teaching, but unfortunately, he resigned soon after."

After greeting the acquaintances passing by, Albert continued to ask: "By the way, when did your relationship become so good!"

"Don't you often go to Professor Smith for afternoon tea?" Katrina was a little dissatisfied with Albert's statement. It sounded like only you could go and I couldn't.

"Well, because we have a common topic!"

Albert went to have afternoon tea with the professor. They did have common topics in some aspects, and the two parties could chat for a long time, which was somewhat similar to the nature of academic exchanges.

Katrina understood what Albert meant, curled her lips, and suddenly asked, "Are you very busy recently? I heard from Isobel that it's been a long time since you took advantage of ancient magic texts to improve your classes."

"Well, I was distracted by something. After all, I only have one brain and my time is very limited every day. I always need enough time to rest."

These days, Albert has been practicing magic with his roommates in the Room of Requirement.

As for where the time comes from, naturally it can only be squeezed in, and other things have to be put aside.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Is your bottle of Baffy Brain Refreshing Potion effective?" Katrina hesitated for a moment and finally got to the point, "I heard that Baffy Brain Refreshing Potion can make the user smarter."

"Do you want the Buffy Brain Refresher?" Albert stopped, looked at Katrina up and down, and suddenly asked, "Have you signed up for the wizard card competition?"

"Sign up, I'll ask in advance. If Bafei's brain-awakening potion doesn't work, I'll..." Katrina went there just for the prize. She actually wanted to spend money to buy a bottle of potion from Albert, but she felt Albert would probably not sell it to him, and Katrina didn't have much pocket money, let alone Albert who always had a handful of galleons in his pocket.

"Yes, it's effective. However, it requires a certain concentration of Bafe's brain-refreshing agent. The bottle I had was diluted and has no permanent enhancement effect." Albert didn't want to hide it, but also reminded him, "If you want You need to be particularly careful when taking undiluted Baffy Awakening Potion, as it may turn you into an idiot if you are not careful."

"Have you taken it?" Katrina raised her eyebrows.


"Can you help me get the undiluted Buffy Awakening Potion?" Katrina's eyes lit up. If possible, she still hoped that she could become smarter. She heard that Albert might know a powerful demon. Master of Medicine.

"No, Baffy Brain Refresher is a contraband." Albert shook his head and said, "And it is difficult to prepare. Almost all of them on the black market are failed products, so it is necessary to reduce the harm through dilution."

"Wait a minute, you actually drank undiluted Baffy's Brain Refresher?" After Katrina reacted, she suddenly felt bad.

This also makes playing less enjoyable.

Now, she didn't want to talk to Albert.

"What's going on here?"

Albert looked at Katrina walking away, not understanding what she was thinking.

After separating from Katrina, Albert went directly to the Room of Requirement, where Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were already practicing their spells.

In fact, Albert had known that these three bastards had been secretly practicing the spells in "Practical Defense Magic and its Restraint against Dark Magic", but he didn't mind that there were no books that could be sold by the Ministry of Magic. What a dangerous spell.

When Albert entered, the three of them were practicing the soft leg spell. He saw that George had been hit by a spell and his legs were weak and he could not stand up.

"This spell is far less practical than the Full Body Binding Charm." Albert pulled out his wand to undo George's weak leg spell and commented simply.

"I think it works pretty well," George muttered.

"That's because you want to play a prank." Albert saw through their intentions at a glance and curled his lips, "If you want to trick someone, it's best to cast the spell silently without a wand. Then no one will know you did it. What."

"Wow, as expected of Albert." The three of them all showed exaggerated expressions and used the Soft Leg Curse on Albert, but the spells were all blocked by the Iron Armor Curse.

"If you have time, learn the spider dispersing spell first." Albert waved his wand, and a red light hit Lee Jordan, disarming the other party's wand.

"Damn it." George muttered a spell, and Albert quickly moved out of the way. When the wand web was pulled, he was hung upside down in the air.

"Okay, okay." Fred raised his wand with a winning look on his face.

"Practice the coma spell today." Albert pointed to the training puppet and said, "Also, don't use it on me, I don't want to be carried to the campus hospital by you."

"We already know how to use the Stunning Charm." Fred and George couldn't help but protest, "We want to learn the Disarming Charm even more."

"When you can cast spells quietly and quickly, then you will be able to use them." Albert said angrily, "Shouting out spells in front of others is equivalent to telling the other person what magic you are going to use. No. Do you feel stupid?"

"can you?"

"If you want to play a prank, at least let others not know that you used it." Albert said angrily.

He raised his wand and shook it, and Fred was knocked out by the obstacle spell and fell to the ground.


Fred couldn't help but complain as he rubbed his butt.

"Since you don't want to practice the coma spell, let's continue the previous confrontation practice!" Albert said, "The three of you can cooperate with each other and speed up the obstacle spell towards me."

"What's the use of this?" George muttered. He didn't understand why Albert wanted them to insist on practicing the obstacle spell.

"Stupid, don't you think the offense is getting smoother and smoother?" Albert said angrily, "Develop the feeling of casting spells, and when you confront others in the future, you will be able to launch attacks more quickly without You will be beaten until you can't breathe. This is a superb magic skill. If you don't want to learn it, forget it."

"Are you trying to fool us again?" The three of them were looking at Albert suspiciously, obviously not believing what he said.

Albert said angrily, "Don't you feel it yourself if it has any effect?"

"The spelling does go smoother," Fred muttered.

In fact, Albert was really fooling them.

However, the four of them have indeed grown rapidly in magic confrontation, surpassing most students.

If the four people before just used wands as tools, now they at least looked like they were holding weapons.

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