Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 302 Hagrid’s Troubles

"Quick, quick, Fred, Lee Jordan has been killed. I saw Albert. Double-team him from the side and behind. Don't let him escape again."

In the forest, George's shout came.

The three are chasing Albert and trying to defeat him with spells.

Practical training in the Forbidden Forest was Albert's idea.

If they are going to enter the Forbidden Forest to find Gryffindor's secret treasure, they need to know how to fight enemies in the forest. There are many trees in the Forbidden Forest. It is difficult to hit moving objects with spells. matter.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the four of them need to learn to deal with possible sneak attacks, and at the same time improve their physical strength to avoid exhausting themselves in the Forbidden Forest.

Last time, the Acromantula incident made Albert extremely cautious. He believed that those big spiders were malicious to all wizards who entered the Forbidden Forest. The next time they went deep into the Forbidden Forest, they might It will cause them a lot of trouble.


A red light flashed, and Albert, who had just rushed out from behind the tree, quickly retracted. A tree behind him was blown away by a spell and a large piece of bark was blown away.

"Stuck?" Albert muttered. Just now, he successfully used the disarming spell to eliminate Lee Jordan, but he was still blocked by the twins.

"Catch Albert, he'll be the one to treat us next time we go to the Three Broomsticks." Fred's face turned red and he shouted excitedly.

This was not the first time this happened, but the previous times, they had been defeated by Albert.

Later, everyone stipulated that the Illusion Body Curse and the Iron Armor Curse could not be used. In one-on-one situations, the shooting magic really depended on their accuracy.

This is like shooting a gun. Once the distance exceeds a hundred feet, the accuracy is no longer good. Whether you can hit the target purely depends on your feel. The current actual battle can actually be regarded as training the accuracy of magic spells and the ability to dodge spells.

Albert took a deep breath, rushed out, and matched the accuracy of the spell with the two of them.

"I expected you to do this." Fred and George said in unison.


They now have several ways to deal with Albert. Whether it is attracting attention or confronting him head-on, they are already experienced.

As for detours and escape, Albert had no chance.

"Expelliarmus." The spells of the three of them were all deflected, and earth splattered around them.

"Expelliarmus." Albert stopped and used the disarming spell on Fred. The spell successfully hit the target, and Fred's wand flew out of his hand.

Before he could duck behind a nearby tree, another disarming spell flew towards him.

Albert stretched out his hand, and the disarming spell was slapped away, causing burnt marks on the tree.

Seeing this scene, George was stunned on the spot, and was also knocked out by Albert's disarming spell.

"You actually cheated." George yelled at Albert angrily. When he came back to his senses, he realized what was going on. Albert actually used a protective bracelet. Otherwise, how could he have slapped the spell away? Fly?

"You didn't say that the use of protective bracelets is prohibited." Albert said confidently.

Just as Fred and George were talking, they heard a voice not far away.

"Whoever is there, come out, I see you."


Albert's heart suddenly flashed, and he hid behind a nearby tree, cast a disillusionment spell on himself, and prepared to sneak away.

"Where's Albert? That bastard actually escaped on his own!" Fred and George rushed towards their wands. When he picked up the wand and prepared to use the Disembodiment Curse on himself, Hagrid had already appeared in their sights. Inside, he stared at the two of them with an unkind expression.

"What are you doing in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Practice magic." The twins came up with ideas in a hurry. "Obstacle spells and stun spells, as you know, magic is not allowed in the castle, so we can only practice outside the forest."

"Practice magic?"

"Albert is here too. He sneaked away when he heard you coming." George reported directly, preparing to drag his roommate into the water with him.

"Albert, where are the others?" Hagrid looked around and asked with a frown.

"I guess I hid on purpose when I heard you coming." Fred gritted his teeth.

"Don't try to slip away." Hagrid warned. He looked around, frowned and shouted, "Albert, come out, it's time to go back."

However, there was no reaction, as if no one was around.

"He must have slipped away," said Fred and George angrily.

Well, don't let me see you wandering around in the Forbidden Forest. Maybe you should let Professor McGonagall teach you some lessons.

"There won't be a next time, Hagrid, we promise." The twins said in unison.

"I promise." Hagrid didn't believe the two people's lies at all.

When they returned to school, they found Albert and Lee Jordan feeding Fang by Hagrid's hut.

"You two bastards sneaked away."

"We are looking for you." Li Jordan blinked his innocent little eyes and said, "Albert said you were coming towards the Forbidden Forest, so we came over to take a look."

"Hmph, you two little bastards, come with me to see Professor McGonagall." Hagrid snorted softly and dragged Fred and George towards the castle.

"Hagrid, can't we discuss this?"

"Why don't you come and discuss it with me when you enter the Forbidden Forest?"

"They are so pitiful!" Lee Jordan gloated.

"Who told them to sneak away slowly?" Albert looked innocent. It is better for two people to be unlucky than three people!

"That's right." Lee Jordan laughed maliciously.

When they saw Fred and George for the first time, they were filled with resentment and ignored Albert. "He said to himself, Professor McGonagall asked us to copy the school rules."

"It's good. If you know the school rules, you can find loopholes in the future." Albert said carelessly, "Okay, don't be angry. I'll treat you to the Three Broomsticks next time."

"You actually know the school rules?" Lee Jordan asked curiously.

"Of course, I have seen it before." Albert began to gloat again, "There are quite a lot of them. It will probably take a long time to copy them."

"Thank you very much for the reminder." Fred gritted his teeth.

"Who did I just hear about copying the school rules?" Katrina came over, her eyes stayed on the twins for a moment, and then handed a letter to Albert.

"Love letter?" George teased.

"Obviously not." Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes, and Katrina next to him also glared at George fiercely, turned and walked away.

"I remember Percy had written that to a Muggle girl in the village before." George explained casually.

"I remember that girl's name seemed to be..."

"Thank you so much for talking so much. Also, I have never written a love letter to her, and we are not lovers. We are just ordinary pen pals." Percy appeared out of nowhere and said to Frey with a gloomy face. De and George said, "I heard that you got into trouble again and were detained by Professor McGonagall."

"We're getting ready to go to the library. We still have a lot of homework to finish. I'll see Percy later." The twins were about to run away. They didn't want to meet Percy at this time.

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"I just saw that Gryffindor's gems are missing a lot." Percy's eyes flashed with danger as he warned coldly, "Also, if I know that you are spreading rumors about me, …”

"No, we won't do anything that extreme."

"Ahem, we won't talk nonsense." Albert said and walked towards the library with Lee Jordan.

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