Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 311 Explosive acting skills

With the help of the Marauder's Map, Albert easily found Isobel's location. She was indeed doing her holiday homework in the library.

Albert went directly to the library to find someone, stood at the entrance and looked around, and finally found the red-haired girl in the corner, who was struggling with a paper.

He quietly walked over, raised his hand and tapped twice on the table, placed Smith's envelope in front of her, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Professor Smith's letter, stay alert."

Albert's movement was very light, but it still attracted the curious eyes of several people around him.

Isobel glanced at the envelope, then looked up at Albert's leaving back, silently chewing the meaning of that sentence in her heart.

"Could it be a love letter?" Isobel's female companion stared at the letter curiously, winked at her friend and said, "I heard Anderson is a genius."


Isobel opened the letter, read it quickly, stuffed it into her pocket, and packed up her things.

Another girl also came over, her eyes burning with the fire of gossip, and asked in a low voice, "Are you really dating?"

"I remember you seem to know each other, right?"

"And I often see you together."

"If he confesses to you, just accept it. I think you two are quite suitable."

"Talk too much." Isobel picked up her backpack and said to her two friends, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"If you don't want me, I will confess to him and chase him." Another girl joked.

However, Isobel was already far away and could not hear her teasing.

"People are moving away."

"I'm very serious."

Isobel did not go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office immediately. Instead, she went back to Ravenclaw's dormitory first, put away her schoolbag, and then went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office to find Professor Smith.

Isobel's situation was very similar to that of Albert. She was controlled by Smith's Imperius Curse as soon as she entered, and she handed over her wand easily.

Albert suddenly became depressed. He asked her to stay vigilant, but in the end she still followed in his footsteps. Was all his words about feelings in vain?

Or should I have made it clearer just now?

Smith looked happily at the two genius wizards from Hogwarts in front of him. The faint smile on his face made Albert inexplicably disgusted, and he had the urge to slap each other in the face with his fist.

What a hypocritical old man.

"Okay, let's go to the Forbidden Forest to find Gryffindor's secret treasure!" Rowena Smith said, "You go to the Forbidden Forest together and meet me at the outside. Remember to avoid Hagrid and others."

After receiving the order, Albert and Isobel headed directly towards the Forbidden Forest outside the castle.

Albert didn't dare to speak, worried that he would be exposed. He was a little suspicious of that bastard Smith using the Disembodiment Curse to follow them.

To be honest, he didn't believe that Smith was doing it for the damn Gryffindor secret treasure. If it was really for that thing, it would be impossible to use the Unforgivable Curse on them. You must know that it is enough to use the Unforgivable Curse on humans. Let him be imprisoned in Azkaban for the rest of his life.

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, the fact that Rowena Smith used the Imperius Curse on two people was enough to make her spend several years in Azkaban Prison.

Just as Albert was thinking about the problem, they had arrived at the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid was not in his hunting cabin, which saved them a lot of trouble.

While they were waiting for Rowena Smith to arrive, Albert's eyes happened to meet Isobel's, and the expression on his face suddenly froze.

Isobel's eyes were still clear, as if saying to him: Help me?

Hey, hey, hey! !

Albert blinked, looking at Isobel's eyes, he suddenly felt like his mind was being read.

"You are not controlled by the Imperius Curse?"

Albert expressed his curiosity in his mind.


Albert was immediately speechless. Everyone was an excellent actor, and they were all playing their roles conscientiously.

However, Rowena Smith did not give the two people time to continue to look at each other affectionately. The sound of footsteps sounded not far away. He lifted the illusion spell and appeared not far away, calling the two of them to continue walking towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest. , occasionally stopped to look at the treasure map, and really followed the instructions.

Are you really ready to find Gryffindor's secret treasure?

Albert and Isobel walked in front silently. He didn't know how far he had gone, but the three of them did go deeper into the forbidden forest, and the surrounding environment became more and more gloomy.

Isobel's body shook violently, pretending to be resisting the control of the Imperius Curse.

After a moment, she returned to normal, turned her head to look at Smith, and said coldly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, I just invite you to search for Gryffindor's secret treasure." Smith didn't pay much attention to Isobel, who had escaped from the Imperius Curse, and moved his eyes to Albert, "You should also have escaped from the control of the Imperius Curse. Bar!"

"I'm just a little curious, what exactly do you want to do, and why do you want to use the Imperius Curse to control us?" Albert asked again and again, expressing his doubts, "Even if you really want to find Gryffindor's secret treasure , there’s no need to do such a thing, right?”

"Because he wants our lives," Isobel sneered: "What did you do to Katrina?"

"Don't worry, I have erased part of her memory, and I will still be her respected Uncle Smith." A cheerful smile appeared on Smith's lips, "When will you return to normal?"

"We are about to enter the Forbidden Forest." Albert said without thinking.

Professor Smith looked Albert up and down and asked curiously, "Why didn't you run away?"

"I guess you are staring at us from behind!" Albert shook his head and said: "Besides, I also want to know why you do this and what makes you so crazy."

"If you don't mind, we can talk while walking." Rowena Smith raised her wand and pointed at the two of them: "Don't try to resist. You don't have any chance if you lose your wand."

"I want to know why you are doing this." Albert walked in front silently and asked, "I really can't think of any reason why you should do this."

"Of course there are reasons. You're so smart that you couldn't think of it. I'm really disappointed!"


"That's right." Smith admitted simply.

"Are you crazy?" Albert simply couldn't understand, and the sick smile on Rowena Smith's face made him feel sick.

"He is indeed crazy!" Isobel looked at Smith coldly, "He personally killed his best friend for that illusory thing, and now he wants to kill his daughter."

"No," Smith glared at Isobel angrily and said every word, "Brair died in an experimental accident."

"You used Legilimency on him, right, and also erased part of his memory." Isobel's tone was filled with bone-chilling indifference, "It was you who killed him."

"How could you possibly know..."

"You are a superb telepathic master and very good at Occlumency. Unfortunately, I am also a natural telepathic master. I got the answer from Uncle Mog. They suspected that my father's death was related to Although I don’t have any evidence about you, I do. You can’t always be cautious. I spent a lot of time to find the answer, and this time it further confirmed my guess.”

"Wonderful speculation." Smith smiled and clapped, "It was indeed an accident. I feel like I have been eliminated, but I just want to get the secret about Wild Smith, and I have put so much effort into it. With the effort, I wanted to ask them why I was eliminated."

"Isobel's father also failed, right?" Albert suddenly said.

"You are right, he knew nothing." Smith said, "I used a very strong forgetting spell on him. Unfortunately, he died a week later because of the failure of the experiment."

"It was because that damn Forgetting Curse caused harm to Dad." Isobel gritted his teeth and said, "That's why Dad died inexplicably due to an accident in the magic experiment."

"so what."

"How? Of course... kill you." Isobel took out a wand from his pocket and unleashed magic on Smith.

Albert was stunned, but he soon understood everything. He finally knew why Isobel had endured until now, just for this moment.

The Forbidden Forest is so big that even if someone disappears for no apparent reason, it would be difficult to find it, making it a suitable tomb.

Unfortunately, all three of them apparently thought so.

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