Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 335 The final boss

When Fred, George and Lee Jordan saw Albert flying out of the strange fog on a broomstick, their faces were filled with unconcealable astonishment.

Although the three of them couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, Albert flying out on a broom undoubtedly proved that this trick was very useful.

The three people surrounded Albert and asked about it.

Albert didn't hide anything, and directly told his roommates about his experiences and knowledge in the fog.

The three of them were all silent after hearing this, secretly saying that they were lucky. If they didn't wait for Albert to come out and ran into the fog with their eyes closed, they would all be in bad luck.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to enjoy the fun of breaking through this magical fog, or are you going to fly directly over on a broomstick?

"Ride the broom, don't waste time on the adventure!" Fred said righteously.

"I think so too." George immediately agreed.

"If you don't really give it a try, it would be really exciting to break through the level." Albert suggested with a smile.

"Why didn't Gryffindor consider the broomstick issue?" Lee Jordan changed the topic.

"Didn't you read "The Origins of Quidditch"?" Albert smiled and shook his head: "There is an introduction to broomsticks in the book."

"Ahem, I think we should go there first and talk about it first!" Li Jordan added: "I don't really want to use the silver arrow. How about we change it? That antique broom feels very unsafe!"

Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he didn't refuse to exchange brooms with Lee Jordan. It didn't matter which broom he used.

"It's your flying skills that are terrible, not the broomstick!" George muttered.

"You're the only one who talks too much!" Lee Jordan glared.

It turned out that Li Jordan's flying skills were really bad. He actually fell off the broom when he was flying upside down. In the end, Fred pulled him up and the four of them flew smoothly through the fog. district.

"Did you almost pee your pants out of fright?" George looked at the embarrassed Lee Jordan and couldn't help but chuckle. However, Albert glared at him and shut up obediently.

"Are you OK!"

"I just thought I was going to be stabbed to death by those stone cones." Lee Jordan muttered softly.

"Isn't this still dead?" Albert patted Lee Jordan's shoulder and comforted him. He would get used to it after playing it a few times. This upside-down corridor is really exciting.

"I don't want to do it again."

"Don't be stupid, you will do it again when you go back." Fred laughed maliciously.

"Okay, let's go!"

After turning a corner, Albert felt that everyone was walking down. They didn't encounter anything exciting on the way until they came to a vast room.

When I first entered the room, blue torches suddenly lit up on the surrounding walls. The room was very empty, and there was a very tall stone statue inside. When Albert and the others stepped into the room, the huge stone statue moved, a little. The feeling of déjà vu when entering the boss room in the game.

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"Hey, stop joking, are you trying to get us to defeat this big guy?" George couldn't help but exclaimed.

There was no way, every time the huge stone statue moved, the ground beneath its feet would tremble.

Albert's face didn't look good either. After all, if he was really hit by this big guy, it wouldn't be a joke.

"Don't be stunned!" Albert cursed secretly in his mind and pulled the stunned people back into the passage. Fortunately, the room was not closed, otherwise these dazed guys would probably be doomed.

"Why are you in such a daze? Do you want to die?" Albert scolded angrily.

"Forget about the upside-down corridor just now. This is no joke. If you are hit by that thing, you will really die." Fred said while looking at the huge stone statue that was motionless.

"Can we use the Disillusionment Charm, or ride a broomstick..."

"Quiet!" Albert shouted. He could see that the three of them didn't want to face the huge stone statue in the room.

"What is a good way?"

"This level is also a test for Gryffindor. You should see the door on the opposite side? I estimate that the door will open only after defeating the huge stone statue." Albert continued.

The three of them looked at each other and hesitated. They liked taking risks, but that didn't mean they wanted to die. If they were stepped on by the huge stone statue, they would probably turn into meat pies.

"I won't force it." Albert said calmly, "Anyway, I will definitely go in and see what treasures Gryffindor left behind."

"Fight it!" Fred gritted his teeth.


"What do you think we should do?"

As friends, the three of them would not let Albert face the huge stone statue by himself.

In the first level, all three of them used tricks to pass, but there was obviously no way around this level. If they couldn't pass the level set by Gryffindor on their own, how could they qualify to get the treasures inside? "

After Albert briefly explained the tactics, the four of them re-entered the room. The giant stone statue regained its ability to move, and the loud noise it made when walking gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Albert waved his wand and directly cast an explosive spell on the huge stone statue, first destroying the statue's mobility. This was a simple tactic formulated by the four of them. This big guy had no brains.

The explosive spell exploded on the legs of the huge stone statue, but the power of the spell failed to break its legs.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan used the obstacle spell together to stop the other leg of the huge stone statue. This directly caused the stone statue's body to lose its balance and fall heavily to the ground. With a bang, the whole room was filled with noise. Trembling with shock.

"Stone statues are just stone statues after all, they just look a little scary."

A few minutes later, Albert used the explosive spell to blow up the head and limbs of the stone statue. Finally, the thing could no longer move.

"It's just a bit big. I didn't expect it to be easy to deal with!" Fred looked at the fallen stone statue and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, this level is actually very difficult. The body of this huge stone statue is very strong, and it must have been enchanted." Albert analyzed, "My explosive spell is very powerful, and I can kill an Acromantula in one go. I just used the explosive spell many times to stop it completely."

"you mean……"

"Ordinary spells probably have no effect on it." Albert said to Fred: "If you don't believe it, you can try using cutting spells or crushing spells."

The three of them all tried the crushing spell on the huge stone statue, and the result was exactly what Albert said. This guy's body was very strong, and their crushing spell had no effect.

The three of them turned to Albert and said, "We also want to learn the explosive spell."

"Learn the basics first. This spell is a relatively difficult type." Albert did not refuse, but he also did not agree. He didn't want his roommates to be too ambitious, and this spell was a bit dangerous. If it was used casually on students, who knows what would happen. what happen.

"Let's go in and see what good things Gryffindor has left here." Albert took the lead and walked towards the door.

After the huge stone statue was knocked down by four people, the door opened automatically.

By the way, there is no way to enter that stone door without knocking down the huge stone statue guarding the door, unless you use powerful magic to blast the stone door open directly. However, this is obviously more difficult than defeating the guard.

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