Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 337 A few things before the holiday

That morning, Albert and the others quietly returned to Hogwarts Castle on their broomsticks.

Although none of them got any treasure, this interesting adventure will always become a precious memory for the four of them. Perhaps, this is the so-called Gryffindor treasure!

In fact, Albert did not gain nothing. After using the food in the giant Dai Winch's crucible, he obtained a special skill that cannot be upgraded: the heart of the brave.

It was only after he saw the change in the mission of Gryffindor's Secret Treasure that he noticed that he had this special skill. Although he didn't get Gryffindor's treasure, it wasn't a disadvantage to get such a special skill.

By the way, Heart of the Brave is indeed very Gryffindor. The skill effect is: when encountering difficulties, stay calm and face it bravely.

Albert was curious whether Fred, George, and Lee Jordan, who also used food from Giant Devinchi's cauldron, also acquired this skill.

Of course, the three of them have no skills.

Unlike Albert, Fred, George and Lee Jordan were disappointed not to be able to bring the Sword of Gryffindor back to school, as they obviously hoped to bring Gryffindor the glory of the House Cup.

Perhaps, this is a land rich in heroes.

After all, Gryffindor House's points were surpassed by Slytherin House. Many Gryffindor students felt very regretful. However, few people thought about earning points for Gryffindor House. College Cup points.

Even if you really take the sword away, one day, the Sword of Gryffindor will disappear quietly.

This enchanted silver sword belongs only to Gryffindor.

When a Gryffindor student really needs it, the sword reappears, falling out of the Gryffindor's pointed hat.

Therefore, Albert had never thought about the sword, and he was not prepared to tell his roommates about this speculation.

The final exam is completely over, and there are still a few days left before the school holiday. The students who have finished the exam walked out of the stuffy castle in twos and threes, playing and chatting on the grass.

Albert and his friends were no exception. They got some iced pumpkin juice from the kitchen, sat on the picnic cloth Albert had made, played wizard cards, and chatted about what they were going to do during the summer vacation.

"I miss my Tom a little bit." Albert stroked Aaliya's black cat and shared Tom's photo with everyone with a smile.

"It's so fat!"

Aaliya took the photo and couldn't help complaining, "I don't want Winnie to look like that."

Just now she was still depressed about how her cat could be easily abducted by Albert, but she saw him taking food out of his pocket and feeding it.

"Why don't you bring it to school?" Angelina, who had just lost a game, asked doubtfully, "Also, are you sure you have a cat?"

"It seems... lack of exercise." Shanna looked at the photo and said after a long time.

"Well, I tried to help it lose weight, but it didn't work." Albert said and looked in a certain direction. Many students were flocking to the castle. It seemed that something had happened.

"It seems like something happened. I'll go take a look." Li Jordan ran towards the castle. Several other people looked at each other, but no one followed, preparing to wait for Li Jordan to bring them news.

About fifteen minutes later, Lee Jordan came back with news.

"Kenneth Toler was found passed out in the toilet, like a ball of mud. It was done by a Slytherin student." Lee Jordan explained, "Do you still remember the Buffy Brain Refresher? It is said that it was The Slytherin student who drank the potion and was sent to the school hospital did it."

"Kenneth Toler brought it all upon himself." Albert shook his head, "He is too greedy."

"I wonder who sold the formula of Buffy's Brain Refresher to Kenneth Toller." Fred and George couldn't help but rolled their eyes at Albert.

"I've warned him a long time ago." Albert said calmly.

"I remember that your bottle of Bafei Awakening Potion seemed to be drunk. How was the effect?" Shanna asked curiously.

"We didn't drink it. Albert fooled everyone with a simple trick. At that time, what he gave us to drink was an intelligence-enhancing potion. The guy resold the bottle of potion that day and made several times the profit. Long." Fred directly dug into Albert's background.

"The bottle of Baffy's Brain Refreshing Potion is real. If that Ravenclaw boy knew about it, he would probably faint in the toilet."

"If you don't say it, no one will think you are mute." Albert said angrily.

Everyone couldn't help laughing and envied Albert's ability to make money. No wonder he had the money to hold a wizard card competition.

In the next few days, Albert spent a lot of time writing replies, and with Isobel's help, he finished the pile of letters.

After returning home, there wouldn't be that many owls to help send letters, and Albert didn't want to tire out Sheila.

At the year-end banquet, Slytherin House regained the House Cup. Fred, George and Lee Jordan were very unhappy. After the banquet, Dumbledore regretfully announced the disappearance of Rowena Smith. Of course, if the principal hadn't brought this up in advance, probably not many students would have paid attention to it.

Poor Rowena Smith is being forgotten, and even the Daily Prophet's bounty on him no longer attracts that much attention.

On the morning of leaving school, the test results were finally announced, and Albert naturally ranked first in the grade again. Fred, George and Lee Jordan all passed with high marks.

After receiving the notice that magic was not allowed outside the school, everyone grabbed their luggage and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

Albert, Fred, George and Lee Jordan occupied a separate cubicle and talked about the secret base while playing a few games of wizard cards.

"I haven't thought about it yet," Albert said honestly, "but I think that place will come in handy."

"Perhaps we could lure others to venture there," Fred suggested. "I kind of doubt anyone else would pass the Gryffindor test, though."

Fred and the three of them knew that a large part of the reason why they could pass the test came from Albert's help.

"Maybe he was eaten by the Acromantula before he found his position." George said angrily.

"We can make some treasure maps." Lee Jordan suggested, "and then hide it in a book that may be used..."

The four of them got together to discuss this possibility, and although many of the assumptions were difficult to put into action, they all had a great time talking.

Before getting off the car, Fred and George invited Albert to play at their house. Albert thought about it and finally agreed. He was indeed a little curious about what the Weasley family was like.

It just so happens that I am going to see Professor Brod this summer.

After leaving the station, Albert quickly found his family. Herb was waiting for him outside the car, and Daisy was waving to him from the passenger seat. When Albert walked over, he suddenly appeared at the car window. A big, squashed cat face.

"I'm eleven years old," Nia muttered, wagging Tom's tail.


Tom retrieved his tail with his paws, jumped onto Albert's lap, and licked the fur on it.

"Yeah." Albert noticed the look Daisy gave him and said helplessly, "If Nia can't go to Hogwarts, will she hate me for it?"

The girl pouted, not wanting to answer the question.

She wanted to go to Hogwarts to learn magic, but... there were various signs that she might not have that kind of magical talent.

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"Mom, Nia actually hates me." Albert said to Daisy who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"I don't have one." Nia said dissatisfied.

"That's good." Albert reached out and touched Nia's head and continued, "Actually, there are many restrictions in the magic world. I still need Nia's help with many things in the future."

"You hate it, don't touch the lady's head." The girl muttered dissatisfiedly, "I'm already eleven years old, don't always treat me like a child."

"You are just a child."

"You too, don't speak in an old-fashioned tone." Herb said, "How old are you now?"

"Yes, how old are you?" Nia immediately agreed, "Don't always talk to me in that tone."

"I am your brother."

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