Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 385 Communication Bookmark

A wisp of silver gas quickly spurted out from the end of Albert's wand, forming a silver ball of light in the void, making the faces in the dim room pale.

With a creak, the door was opened. The red-haired girl pushed the door open and walked in. Her eyes fell on the light ball floating in the air. She said gently: "I found that the private library can't be entered, so I guessed that you were probably there." Practice magic. By the way, was that the patron saint just now?"

"Yeah." Albert dismissed the patron saint, closed his eyes, and lights immediately lit up on the walls of the room.

"It is said that this is a difficult magic to master." Isobel sat on the chair next to her, looked at Albert with a smile and asked, "How are you learning?"

"I have initially mastered it." Albert stood opposite Isobel, looked at the girl in front of him and asked: "What is your patron saint?"

"How do you know that I have mastered the Patronus Charm?" Isobel took out the magic wand, waved it, and conjured two teacups out of thin air. Then she poured the milk tea in the thermos into the cups and pushed one of them to Albert. .


Albert took out a box from his leather bag, which contained sweets bought by Honeydukes. He looked up at Isobel's face with a slight smile, "With your ability and talent, you want to learn to protect The divine spell shouldn’t be difficult.”

"It's Snow Fox." Isobel said. "and yours?"

"Gryphon." Albert said helplessly.

"I think this patron saint suits you very well. Why don't you seem satisfied?" Isobel asked, taking a sip of milk tea.

Albert briefly talked about his concerns about Animagus.

"There is indeed such a saying. However, when the Animagus transforms, as long as someone is watching, it is basically not easy to have problems." Isobel admired Albert's ability. He was only in the third grade. He has already begun to think about Animagus.

"Actually, I think Snow Fox is quite suitable for me." Albert looked into Isobel's eyes and said, "At least, there is no trouble in this regard."

Isobel was just smiling and seemed very happy.

"However, Professor McGonagall promised to help me. At present, I still have no idea about the Animagus." Albert thought for a while and said, "'s not urgent now. I plan to complete the Animagus before graduation." As long as I take the first step to transform Magus, I believe I will succeed."

"I like your confidence, it's really charming." Isobel held her chin with one hand and cut some pastry with a fork with the other hand and put it in her mouth. "By the way, what were you trying just now?"

"Try an advanced use of the Patronus Charm." Albert thought for a while and said: "Try to hide the appearance of the Patronus, or... As far as I know, Principal Dumbledore created an advanced use of the Patronus, which can be used The patron saint delivers the message.”

Were you trying that just now? Isobel became a little interested, "Tell me about its principle!" "

Albert gave Isobel the information he had obtained from Aberforth, the intelligence he had collected, and the diary he had recorded during his training.

Seeing a notebook describing how to practice the Advanced Patronus Charm, Isobel suddenly understood where Albert's reputation as a genius came from.

It’s not just talent, it also requires hard work!

She spent five minutes carefully reading the notes given by Albert. She closed her eyes, thought about it carefully and said: "I think it may not be as difficult as you think. You will fail. It is most likely that you will fail at the beginning." You were misled, or in other words, Principal Dumbledore's younger brother did not understand the essence at all. What he taught you was only his understanding, and his thinking and yours are obviously two completely different things. Something, this is also the reason why you started in the wrong direction."

"Was it wrong from the beginning?"

Albert raised his eyebrows, but still listened patiently to Isobel's continued words.

"Yes, it is too difficult to do two things at once." Isobel told Albert about her idea: "After you summon the patron saint, you can implant what you want to say into the patron saint, and then Let the patron saint deliver the message."

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Albert immediately tried and concentrated on reflecting "Hello" into the patron saint. He waved lightly, and the patron saint landed on the table in front of the two of them and issued Albert's version of "Hello". .

It really worked!

Albert was very shocked, so what did that old man Aberforth teach him?

So far, Albert still cannot let his brain repeat the content to be transmitted while accumulating power?

"Maybe I should write him a letter. If that doesn't work, ask Professor McGonagall." Albert tapped his forehead with his finger. How could he forget about Professor McGonagall?

That person seems to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix and should also be able to use the advanced Patronus Charm.

Even if Professor McGonagall doesn't want to teach, isn't there still Professor Flitwick?


If Aberforth dared to deceive himself with some fake things, Albert also admitted it. He really didn't think about it at first, but he didn't mind causing some trouble for the other party.

It would be very hot to take his money for nothing.

"It seems that you succeeded." Isobel was also surprised. She just expressed her opinion, but she didn't expect that Albert succeeded all of a sudden.

"You are really a genius, dear Isobel, you know, I have been worried about this matter for a long time." Albert happily stepped forward and gave her a hug. Looking at her face, Albert leaned over and kissed her. Got her.

It took a long few minutes... maybe half an hour... or a few days before the two of them separated.

Albert's heartbeat, which was slightly accelerated, gradually calmed down, and he looked at Isobel and grinned,

"Sorry, couldn't help it."

In fact, Albert has wanted to do this for a long time. It was not the first time that the two of them were alone like this, or dating.

This time, it was more like letting nature take its course.

"Are we officially dating?" Isobel asked suddenly as her index finger lightly touched her lips.

"I thought we started dating a long time ago."

"makes sense."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"By the way, thank you for your birthday gift. This is for you." Albert took out a double-sided mirror from his leather bag and handed it to Isobel, "I originally planned to wait for your birthday to give it to you. But, it's yours. I’ll give you a birthday gift in advance!”

"you made it?"

Isobel took the brand new double-sided mirror and asked curiously. She knew that Albert was studying double-sided mirrors, but she didn't expect that he would produce them so quickly, which really surprised her.

"No, this is the finished product someone else gave me." Albert took out another box from his leather bag, "Currently, I can only make this thing."

With that said, he opened the box and took out a silver metal card slightly larger than the wizard card and handed it to Isobel. On it was a relief of a griffon and a line of words: Do not disturb the sleeping dragon.

"As long as you change the text behind the bookmark, it will be displayed here." Albert introduced the use of communication bookmarks.

"It seems that you used the advanced transformation spell well. Is this the prototype of the communication blueprint you proposed?" Isobel used her wand to erase the text above, so that this paragraph appeared behind the bookmark.

"Yes!" Albert said helplessly: "Unfortunately, I found that its practicality is far from as high as imagined. If you want to make this thing popular, there is still a long way to go."

The wizard can apparate and, if necessary, can communicate through the fireplace. However, Albert feels that after a few years of chaos in the magical world, this kind of thing should be very popular.

"Although this thing is not as practical as a double-sided mirror, students who are in love will like it." Isobel said with a smile, "I promise."

"I trust your judgment. In fact, I think so too." Albert said with a smile, "Of course, it would feel better to go on a secret date together."

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