Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 390 Are you dating?

The rain gradually became heavier, and the scenery in front of me became blurred in the rain curtain.

Albert took out his wand and transformed it into an umbrella, then silently raised it over Isobel's head. The red-haired girl turned her head, and the two caught each other's eyes and smiled.

Albert secretly reached out to grab those warm and tender little hands. At that moment, he could vaguely feel the owner of those hands trembling slightly, and slowly spread his hands and intertwined his fingers.

The two walked hand in hand into the rain.

Albert felt that he should say something. It was still a long journey from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade, and it was not a good idea to remain silent along the way.

"Do you know? I just started learning Summoning, actually just to be able to conjure an umbrella when it rains one day." Albert talked about his original purpose of learning Summoning. Now that I think about it carefully, I still feel that it is a little bit... It's funny, but it's undeniable that after learning it, you really don't have to carry an umbrella with you.

"To save trouble?"

Isobel covered her mouth and chuckled, but she also thought that what Albert said was reasonable. In fact, she learned magic spells for this reason in large part.

At this time, some whispers drowned out the sound of the rain, distracting the two of them.

Some students passed by the two of them, probably after noticing Albert and Isobel, they slowed down and chatted quietly next to them.

After all, if two geniuses from Hogwarts get together for a date, it will be something that everyone can discuss for a long time.

More and more students passing by slowed down and tried to eavesdrop on what Albert and Isobel were talking about, but these people were destined to be depressed. The conversation between Albert and Isobel did not avoid them at all, but also It's not necessary because other people just don't understand.

Yes, the two of them were talking in ancient magic script. To other people's ears, it was... like a ghost!

"I like the stunned expressions on their faces." Isobel said with a smile. "A lot of people want to hear our gossip. You know, most girls are quite talkative."

"I think they will know that we are dating soon." Albert didn't care much about this kind of thing. Of course, he also doesn't like to be the topic of gossip.

"I will tell them that I just found someone to practice the ancient magic script." Isobel's words were actually not a lie. They were indeed using ancient magic script to communicate.

"I don't think anyone will believe such a lame excuse." Albert raised the hand holding Isobel's hand and said gently: "We are just unlucky, so we are not assigned to the same grade."

To be honest, when a fifth-grade girl finds a boy who is two years younger than herself as her boyfriend, sometimes it is easy to attract criticism from thoughtful people.

There are actually many girls who are jealous of Isobel's talent, and Albert's aura is so strong that a lot of girls are attracted to him.

He is excellent, rich, handsome, famous, and has a peaceful personality. No matter how you look at it, he is the best choice for your boyfriend.

"A lot of girls are actually driven by vanity and curiosity." Albert said calmly, he didn't think he was a heartthrob.

"If they knew that you were judging them like this, they would probably be very sad!" Isobel laughed, but did not deny it. Because she was a natural telegrapher, she knew these things better than Albert.

This topic followed them all the way out of school.

Then, the topic of their chat turned to the first time they met.

"At that time, I was really surprised." Isobel said.

"You mean age?"

Isobel shook her head.

"Because I found the location of the classroom?"

It is said that students who join the Transfiguration Club for the first time need someone to guide them to the classroom.

Isobel shook her head.

"I dare say you must have used Legilimency on me at that time?" Albert raised his eyebrows.

"It's just a little curiosity." Isobel did not deny this. "Sometimes I can't help but do that, but it is not pleasant to read other people's thoughts. Most people are not what they seem. You will find that the people around you are not what they are. People lie. But I was happy at the time."

"What are you happy about?" Albert asked with a smile.

"This is my little personal secret." Isobel stopped, turned around and put her index finger on her lips.

"A little secret, well, everyone has their own little secret." Albert handed the umbrella to Isobel and took out the broomstick from the deformed lizard's leather bag.

"Let's go around on a broomstick!" Albert suggested. Due to the frequent rains in October, the road to Hogsmeade is muddy and difficult to navigate.

"Invisible Stretching Charm?"

"Well, before that, we need some disguise." When Albert took the wand and put away the umbrella, Isobel had already used his wand to conjure another umbrella.

Albert used the Disillusionment Curse on the two of them. He didn't want to be watched by others.

"This is the first time I've ridden a broom with someone else!" Isobel smiled as she sat across the broom, put her arm around Albert's waist, and raised the umbrella above their heads with the other hand.

"let's go."

Sweeping Six Stars flew leisurely towards Hogsmeade.

"Actually, I fly pretty well too."

"Then I'll let you carry me next time." Albert didn't ask why you didn't join the Quidditch team. Isobel's situation is probably similar to his. He likes flying, but doesn't want to train in Quidditch. Wasting time on.

"By the way, there's something..." Isobel leaned her head gently on Albert's back and said softly: "Katrina seems to like you a little bit?"

"Why do you think so?" Albert was silent for a moment and asked calmly.

"Probably...intuition. She probably didn't realize it herself. Just like most girls, she likes to worship you." Isobel's tone was very calm, with a hint of helplessness.

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"It seems that we are really similar!" Albert said with a smile, "I also have a sister, and I love her very much, but she has also been living in my shadow from the beginning. Fortunately, she is a hemp. melon."

"You don't want your sister to come to the wizarding world?"

"I don't want her to be involved in wizard disputes. I just hope she can marry the person she likes and live happily for the rest of her life." Albert said gently. He felt that Isobel's thoughts were probably similar to his own, and he hoped that his sister could find someone she liked and spend her life happily.

"I heard that you want to have two or three girlfriends?" Isobel said suddenly.

"That's a harsh reality."

"brutal reality?"

"Many girls date boys just for the novelty, and they will break up after a while."

Isobel did not refute, this phenomenon does exist, and it is very common.

"I am a greedy person. I hope to find a girlfriend with a compatible personality and spend the rest of my life together." Albert said gently.

"How dare you say that for the rest of your life?" Isobel actually didn't hate what Albert said. She closed her eyes and murmured, "But, who would know about such a thing?"

Riding a broomstick is far more comfortable and convenient than walking to Hogsmeade.

Albert stopped the broom before reaching Hogsmeade.

Isobel gracefully got off the broomstick, looked at Albert who had put away the six-sweep star again, and asked, "Where do you want to go?"

After lifting the illusion spell on the two of them, he smiled and said, "Mrs. Puddifu's Tea House?"

"You must have been to Hogsmeade."

"why would you say so?"

"Most boys don't pay much attention to the teahouse on the side road. Only couples who are looking for someone to date will consider it."

"Why can't it be someone to ask for information?" Albert asked with interest.

"You appear to be very familiar with Hogsmeade. You can't do this just by dictating it." Isobel put away her wand and gave Albert the right to hold the umbrella for the lady again.

"I did come here a few times with my friends. There are several secret passages over the school that lead to the outside." Albert pulled Isobel back to the road, and soon they arrived at the entrance of the village.

The streets of Hogsmeade were relatively deserted, and no pedestrians stopped to chat. Everyone was in a hurry, heading straight to where they were going.

The two walked along the street and finally turned into the side road opposite the Pig Head Bar, where there was a small pink teahouse.

"Mrs. Puddifu's Teahouse." Albert read the name on the sign softly.

The owner here has undoubtedly passed the romantic period, and even Albert, who thinks he is not very romantic, feels this way.

However, Mrs. Puddieffe's Teahouse is still one of the most popular date spots for couples at Hogwarts.

"Penello suggested that I bring you here." Isobel said softly. Albert followed her gaze and saw the red-haired Percy Weasley, the Gryffindor. The prefect was chatting with a girl with long curly hair.

That girl is probably the Penello that Isobel mentioned!

However, the two people over there were so engrossed in chatting that they didn't notice them.

They were the only customers in the room, and there were plenty of seats to choose from. The two of them sat down next to the foggy window, some distance away from Percy's table.

"What do you two want?" The fat Mrs. Puddieff came over.

"Two cups of milk tea, please." Isobel said.

"If this place is renovated, I think many couples will be willing to come and visit." Albert looked around and muttered softly. The shop was really small and the decoration was not that good, which made him wonder if that was the taste of most wizards.

He couldn't help but suspect that if there were no couples from Hogwarts to visit, this shop would have closed down.

Isobel didn't pay attention to Albert's complaints. She supported her chin with one hand, tilted her head and asked in ancient magic script, "I'm curious, why did you refuse last time?"

Albert sat next to Isobel, kissed her, thought for a while and said, "Last time, I felt it was a little too early."

Although asking Isobel's birthday at that time did have some other meaning, at that time Albert thought it was too early, but he didn't expect Isobel to guess it right away.

"Many people are trying to do whatever they want to do with us." He said helplessly: "At the beginning, I had a vague feeling like this. In fact, I still really hate others arranging my life."

"Well, you discovered it as expected!" Isobel ignored Mrs. Pudif's stunned look and continued, "Actually, I'm quite annoying too."

"Geniuses always have their own pride."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Yes, geniuses have their own pride. They will only accept what they think and choose. What is imposed by others will make them disgusted and disgusted.

"After all, they are also smart people, with far more experience and sophistication than us. I admit that they may really follow their wishes, but it doesn't matter." Albert looked into Isobel's eyes and asked with a smile: "What about you? To be honest, it was weird that you would have thought that way last year."

"Why do you think that?"

"In my impression, most girls are relatively reserved, and some even like to test others with a bunch of trivial things."

"Reserved?" Isobel gently stirred the milk tea with a spoon and said with a smile, "Reserved will only let the possible love slip away, and the human heart cannot stand the test. Those who think like that are self-righteous fools. You should grab what you want quickly, lest it be snatched away or slip away.”

"It makes sense." Albert nodded and said with a smile, "It seems that I am also a hot commodity."

"Of course, you probably don't know that you are already the dream lover of most of the girls at Hogwarts." Isobel squinted her eyes and chuckled, "There is a good example in front of you. "

"Dumbledore?" Albert thought he had guessed correctly.

"So I made the first move." Isobel deliberately acted proudly.

Isobel has a maturity that far exceeds her age, and getting along with her makes Albert very comfortable. After all, he has been looking for a girlfriend for his whole life.

"I don't think you're telling the truth." Albert said. This intuition comes from Legilimency. Since he has this ability, he can vaguely feel whether the other person is lying.

"Your Legilimency is more powerful than I thought." Isobel raised a finger and whispered, "This is my secret!"

"Okay! Women are beautiful because of their mystery, and secrets make women more feminine." Albert reached out and grabbed Isobel's hand, switched to English and said it again, because Isobel didn't seem to understand.

"Women are beautiful because of their mystery, and secrets make women more feminine." Isobel repeated this sentence softly, seeming to like it very much.

"You don't mind letting me taste the secret!" Albert moved his face closer.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan arrived late. When they searched the entire Hogsmeade and finally found Albert, they found that he was having a weird conversation with a girl who looked very similar to Katrina. Chatting in the same language and looking very happy.

As for the scene of the two kissing, they did not see it.

What should I say?

After the two chatted for a long time, the topic gradually turned to the exchange of ancient magic texts.

Percy left with his girlfriend after the rain subsided, otherwise he would probably have been the target of ridicule when the twins appeared.

There were still a few couples in the teahouse, but they were talking in a gibberish language, which looked weird no matter how you looked at them.

"Aren't they dating?"

"How would I know."

"Wait for me outside."

After paying the money, Albert looked at the three people pretending to drink tea next to him and asked with a smile, "You don't want to disturb us, do you?"

The three of them shook their heads, saying that they would not do that.

After warning his roommates, Albert left with Isobel.

They went to the Wenrenju Quill Shop together to buy quills and parchment. Albert also bought two thick notebooks. He kept writing and never had enough notebooks.

Before leaving, Albert also bought a shorthand quill.

"This thing is not as useful as you think." Isobel did not forget to remind her when leaving the Wenrenju Quill Shop. "It will always use unrealistic sentences and automatically record your words."

"I know, I hope to crack its principle and recreate a shorthand quill." Albert made no secret of his purpose.

One day I will crack the shorthand quill pen, upgrade it and improve it, and it will become my own.

"If you get it out, remember to give me one." Isobel said casually.

Next, they went to Fengya Wizard Clothing Store together and picked out a fine bronze plaid scarf. The feeling of the bronze gradually becoming lighter looked really good.

When they walked out of the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store with their wrapped scarves, they happened to meet Katrina and her female companion walking towards them.

"You..." Katrina looked at the two people in front of her in surprise and asked innocently: "Are you dating?"

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