Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 394 The Story of Quirinus Quirrell (3)

In the morning, Quirrell was awakened by the sound of rain outside the window. He suddenly stood up from the bed. A severe pain spread throughout his body, making him unable to help but grit his teeth.

Last night, Quirrell's master, the famous Dark Lord, was dissatisfied with his efficiency and used black magic to punish him.

Voldemort was not a kind master, and the negative effects of the Cruciatus Curse made Quirrell still feel sore all over.

He covered his face with his hand to hide the pain on his face. It was not that he was inefficient, but that this kind of thing simply couldn't be done quickly.

The professors who can be invited by Dumbledore to set up levels for the Sorcerer's Stone all have their own abilities. Even if he can subdue one or two and ask for information about the mechanism that protects the Sorcerer's Stone, he will inevitably expose himself, let alone steal it. Now that he has the magic stone, whether he can escape from the school is a question.

Moreover, the professors were all told by Dumbledore not to reveal to anyone the mechanisms used to protect the Philosopher's Stone. They did not know what the mechanisms of other professors except themselves were.

Of course Quirrell is no exception, and he doesn't dare to ask other professors blatantly. He can only inadvertently lead the topic in this direction through daily communication. For example, today I saw so and so sneaking into the restricted corridor on the fourth floor, and almost Was bitten by the three-headed dog.

However, more than a month later, Quirrell has still found nothing. His master is losing patience. Last night was a warning. If Quirrell cannot complete the task, Voldemort will do it himself when he has accumulated enough strength. By then, his life will be It will burn out as quickly as blooming fireworks.

Quirrell struggled to get up from the bed and poured himself a potion to suppress the pain. He came to the mirror and looked at the pale young man in the mirror.

Quirrell turned sideways. On the back of Quirrell's head, there was a terrifying face. It was Voldemort. Its eyes were closed tightly, and underneath were two slender nostrils. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought that this face was... The face has no nose.

This was the terrible punishment Voldemort gave Quirrell after his last failure. He possessed Quirrell's body and used his life as nourishment to slowly regain his strength.

However, considering the difficulty of Quirrell's task, Voldemort has been in a semi-dormant state, slowly accumulating strength and avoiding excessive consumption of Quirrell's life.

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However, the moment Quirrell was possessed by Voldemort, his life entered a countdown. If he failed to obtain the Philosopher's Stone, he would die soon, so Voldemort was not worried that Quirrell would not try his best to help him steal magic. Stone, but Quirrell's slow progress made the Dark Lord very dissatisfied.

"I will succeed, I will definitely get the Sorcerer's Stone." Quirrell murmured to the mirror. He took a big scarf from the shelf next to him, hid the face on the back of his head, and did not forget to give the scarf Use magic to prevent someone from pulling off the big scarf on his head when he is not paying attention.

Quirrell had not forgotten that not long ago, Peeves, who was famous for being naughty and mischievous in school, was eyeing the big scarf on his head and even tried to pull it off to see if there was garlic in it. Luckily, he reacted in time, otherwise God knows what would have happened.

Ever since that incident, Quirrell has been very cautious and even enchanted his scarf to prevent Peeves or other students from forcefully pulling it off his head.

After packing up everything and cheering himself up, Quirrell went to the auditorium for dinner as usual. When passing by the fourth floor, Quirrell vaguely saw a familiar figure walking towards him. He couldn't help but quicken his pace and turn around. He took a few turns to throw the opponent away.

Albert Anderson.

A talented wizard from Hogwarts.

However, this student who was liked by most professors was one of the few people Quirrell least wanted to see at Hogwarts.

He simply couldn't understand why the other party had so many tricky questions. All the students in Hogwarts put together might not have as many questions as Albert.

In every third-year Gryffindor class, the Hogwarts genius would always ask him questions. Even in class, if he met him halfway after class, he would still be asked questions. Those tricky questions were not Good answer, Quirrell felt like he might be driven crazy by the other party at any time.

For this reason, Quirrell now chooses to walk around Albert to avoid being bumped into by him again. However, even though he has done this, Quirrell finds that he can still meet him often, just like Albert. Know your exact location.

Quirrell once consulted other professors at Hogwarts about this, and everyone said that Albert had a very good relationship with the previous two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors.

It is also normal to frequently ask questions from the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Especially when Quirrell knew that his predecessor and predecessor would often invite Albert over for afternoon tea, the expression on his face completely froze, and he had to hold back not to curse directly.

Damn genius, damn Albert.

Did you invite the other party to tea in the afternoon?


If possible, he would definitely not mind asking the other party to taste the Cruciatus Curse.

Quirrell thought viciously.

Just as I was dining in the restaurant, I casually chatted with Professor Flitwick next to me, and my eyes involuntarily turned to the Gryffindor table, where Harry Potter was dining.

The famous Harry Potter.

Perhaps, if we can find an opportunity to kill him, we will definitely be rewarded by the Dark Lord!

Quirrell knew that Harry Potter was interested in the restricted corridor on the fourth floor and might have allowed him to be bitten to death by the dog. Well, that's not a bad idea.

Or let him fall from a height and die while playing Quidditch.

While Quirrell was thinking about how to kill Potter, a large number of owls poured into the hall with letters and packages. Among them, a white owl flew towards the teacher's chair and threw a small package in front of Quirrell.

Quirrell didn't expect to receive the owl mail at all.

After all, he hasn't ordered anything by mail lately.

Who sent it?

Quirrell's eyes fell on the sender:

Harry Potter?

At this moment, his mind was a little confused, and he instinctively looked at Harry Potter's position.

Quirrell couldn't understand why the famous savior would send him something.

However, Quirrell did not open the package immediately. Instead, he put it away and waited until he returned to his office after finishing his morning class before taking the time to open the package.

There was a letter inside the package, plus a strange bottle.

Quirrell opened the letter first, which told him what was in the bottle.

However, Quirrell couldn't understand, what does this thing have to do with the treasure in the treasure map?

What is the Vampire Dispel Amulet?

Quirrell regretted it the moment he opened the bottle, the horrible smell filling the room and making him want to vomit.

Instinct allowed him to seal the bottle again immediately.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Quirrell's mind. Was he being teased by the savior Potter?

No, that shouldn't be the case.

Could it be that the sender of the letter was not Harry Potter at all, but just sent the letter to himself in the name of Harry Potter?

Quirrell suddenly remembered something.

Not long ago, a pair of red-haired twins tried to recommend him a vampire amulet that smelled like garlic?

Could it be... are they?

Did they send themselves this thing in the name of Harry Potter just to tease themselves?

Quirrell's cheeks twisted at the thought.

However, he quickly calmed down because the possibility of this was not high.

Unless, the red-haired twins want to frame Harry Potter?

But why do they do this?

No, that shouldn't be the case.

After all, there was a Weasley boy who was friends with Harry Potter, so they shouldn't be doing this at all.

There is only one possibility now.

Is this really a gift Harry Potter sent to himself?

But why did Harry Potter do this?

Quirrell thought carefully about Harry Potter's motives, then looked at the contents on the parchment, and suddenly understood.

It turned out that the amulet was for him to ward off vampires.

Last time, Quirrell mentioned in front of the whole class that he was afraid of being troubled by vampires.

Although he figured out the reason, he didn't know why he wasn't grateful at all to the savior who sent him the amulet, and even wanted to kill Harry Potter.

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