Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 410 Be a good person

People are forgetful creatures.

When Flint realized that no one was targeting him specifically anymore, he finally felt relieved that he had to be on guard against sneak attacks and sap attacks all day long. The large sum of galleons he lost in the gambling last time was almost an unpayable debt for him. Unless Flint was willing to take money from his own family, he would not be able to repay this debt at all.

Flint had absolutely no intention of asking his family to take the money to repay other students who had won their bets.

He thought that he and several of his friends had all been fooled!

That bet was a conspiracy against them from the very beginning.

How could they have offered those completely unreasonable odds if not for Kenneth Toller's provocation?

These remarks were actually made for others to hear. At that time, everyone was completely mad and very confident in themselves. They wanted to make a fortune through this, so they gave such odds.

Of course, Flint would never admit this.

He has never forgotten the humiliation he suffered, and he has no intention of letting it go. He is even ready to take revenge on other bastards who caused trouble for him.

The Weasley brothers who led someone to rob him of galleons, Truman who stole his pants during a sneak attack, and two senior students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff who always led a team to sneak attack on him.

The one who made Flint angry the most was Kenneth Toller. How could he fall for his provocation in the first place? The Slytherin Quidditch captain thoroughly carried forward the fine tradition that it was everyone else's fault and thought he would This end was entirely due to Kenneth Toller, who was ready to find an opportunity to take off his pants and hang the bastard in the school foyer for everyone to see.

However, Albert Anderson, the mastermind behind all this, was completely ignored by Flint's instinct.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that Flint would ignore Albert. As the person who was owed the most money, he basically never caused any trouble for them. Moreover, not many people would want to provoke Albert. In the past, Various cases prove that anyone who messes with Albert will not end well.

That guy is not only smart and incredibly powerful, he is also extremely cunning and cunning. He is a very difficult guy to mess with.

Flint didn't know that the guy he could ignore was discussing with his friends how to deal with these Slytherin students who had unpaid debts.

Because Flint and his partners refused to pay back the money until death, Fred, George and even all the students who were owed money were very angry. However, this matter is just a private bet after all, and it is not easy to bring it to the table.

This kind of private gambling is not good at all. Sometimes others want to default on their debts, but they have no good solution.

However, those Slytherin bastards were totally mistaken if they thought they could get away with it in such a shameless way.

At the suggestion of Albert, the big creditor, the debt collection team headed by Fred and George had prepared to loot every galleon in the pockets of these bastards during their trip to Hogsmeade in December.

Since the other party is unwilling to repay the galleons, he has no choice but to collect it himself.

As for other things, they are all secondary. Recovering the galleons owed to them by the other party is the most important thing, and it is also the core purpose of their debt collection team.

Albert believed that those guys would definitely bring money with them when they went to Hogsmeade. Otherwise, what would they use for shopping? In order for this debt collection operation to proceed smoothly, everyone will temporarily give up harassing Flint so that they can relax their vigilance and safely take money to visit Hogsmeade.

Hermione, who was eavesdropping, had no idea that Albert was actually discussing with others to rob the Galleons from the pockets of Hogwarts students.

"Miss Granger, what's the matter?" Albert asked, turning to look at Hermione, who had been standing beside him since just now and was staring at them in amazement.

"How..." Hermione was shocked speechless by Albert.

"Of course there is no need to be polite when dealing with evil people." Albert said calmly.

"This is called evil people getting their own way." George said seriously.

"When you treat evil people, you should be more evil than the other person. Only then will they be afraid, will they give in, and will they admit their mistakes." Li Qiaodan nodded in agreement, "Only then will they change their ways and become good people."

"In order to make them change their ways and become good people, we don't mind acting as bad guys." Fred raised his hand and clapped with his two companions. Several of them were already deeply influenced by Albert.

After looking away from the three teasing companions, Albert looked at Hermione and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"That's right, I found this piece of parchment in the "Hogwarts: A History" in the library." After Hermione regained consciousness, she took out a piece of parchment from her pocket, looking forward to it. Asked: "Do you recognize the words above?"

"It's French." Albert glanced at the words on the old parchment and replied calmly. Of course he knew what this was.

"Can you translate for me? They say you are good at various languages." Hermione looked at Albert expectantly and handed over the parchment.

"That's no problem, but I'm very busy now, so you may have to wait for a while." Albert agreed, took out his wand, tapped the parchment, and made a copy for himself. He raised his head and glanced at the expressionless Fred, George and Li Jordan, and put the parchment away.

These three guys are suppressing their laughter at this moment to prevent others from seeing their flaws.

There is no doubt that what Hermione Granger found was the treasure that Albert made last year. Well, yes, this parchment contains the formula for the Philosopher's Stone.

However, this one is now in French.

When Harry Potter discovers that the treasure in the restricted corridor on the fourth floor is the Philosopher's Stone, and he actually has the formula for the Philosopher's Stone in his hand, he doesn't know how happy he will be.

Albert decided to put off the matter until after the Christmas holidays.

By the way, you should also give Quirrell a copy to make Professor Quirrell happy. Maybe after he gets the formula, he will try to create a magic stone himself.

After Hermione left, Fred sighed in a low voice, "I didn't expect that the things we hid would be found so quickly."

"It's fun to be found."

Albert said nonchalantly that when he created those treasure maps, he actually thought it was a kind of bad taste of Albert himself to let the students who later discovered the treasure maps go hunting for treasures, just like the one that recorded the magic stone formula. Like parchment.

Just to tease you.

As for the students who were accidentally deceived, I can only say that they are strong-willed but not intelligent enough.

On the other side, after seeing Hermione back, Harry couldn't help but ask: "Will Anderson help?"

"He said it was in French and he was willing to help us translate it, but he is very busy now and may need to wait until after the Christmas vacation before he can give me the translated content." Hermione replied.

"Didn't he say what this thing recorded?" Harry asked again.

"I didn't say that." Hermione shook her head.

"I hope it won't be another deceptive thing." Ron on the side couldn't help but muttered. Ever since he was deceived by the treasure map last time, Ron didn't like this thing very much.

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