Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 430 Rumors stop at fists

February 14th is actually a Friday, which is quite a pity for some Hogwarts students. If it could be postponed for a day, they could take their girlfriends to Hogsmeade to spend time together. Festival.

This will undoubtedly help enhance the relationship between the two parties, but unfortunately, this day cannot be delayed after all.

"Wood is simply a devil. He is actually going to have Quidditch training today. I really don't know why his girlfriend didn't break up with him."

George, who had just gotten up and had breakfast, was complaining in his seat about Quidditch training. It had been raining recently, and Quidditch training on a rainy day was undoubtedly a painful ordeal.

"You don't have to curse him. I heard that Wood broke up with his girlfriend a long time ago." Lee Jordan, who was sitting next to them, raised his hand to cover a yawn and said in a joking tone.

"Don't spread rumors everywhere. If Wood comes to beat you later, don't blame us for not helping you." Albert said with a smile as he spread a thick layer of blueberry jam on the bread.

"No, that's what I said because George wanted to hear it." Lee Jordan smiled and didn't pay much attention to what Albert said.

"It's really too much to have to practice extra tomorrow!" Fred was also complaining about this. His homework was obviously piled up, but Wood was actually ready to cause trouble for them.

"Wood wants to see Gryffindor win the championship more than anyone else," Angelina said with emotion, "He works harder than anyone else.

"By the way, has Wood really fallen out of love?" Aaliya just sat across from Albert and happened to hear Lee Jordan's words, so she couldn't help but asked curiously.

The captain's love history can really arouse the curiosity of girls.

"Don't take the rumors spread by Lee Jordan seriously." Albert explained to the girls after wiping away the pieces of bread in his hands.

"But... I heard that Wood was really dumped by his girlfriend." Angelina muttered in a low voice, "Not long ago."

"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade together tomorrow?" Zannah invited Albert.

At this moment, a group of owls flew into the hall and delivered the letters and packages to the little wizard. Albert also received two letters. Just when he was about to open the envelopes and read the contents, Kenneth Toller appeared without warning. He put his hand on Albert's shoulder and said to him: "Have you read the letter?"

"Just about to read it." Albert said, shaking the half-opened envelope.

"It's agreed over there. She wants to meet you in Hogsmeade." Kenneth Toller said without hesitation, "It's at Mrs. Puddieff's teahouse. Well, she will probably invite Mrs. Puddieff to make this deal." witness."

"I hope she won't do some boring tricks." Albert thought for a while and said: "If she really trades in good faith, I will be happy to accept this transaction. If she is unwilling and has other thoughts, I would It’s better to abandon the deal so as not to leave a bad impression on both parties.”

"I understand what you mean, and I will definitely make it clear to her." Kenneth Toller nodded. He really wanted to facilitate this deal. After all, there was an intermediary fee to be earned, but he also understood that Albert would not So confusing.

If Mrs. Primpine really thought that because Albert was underage, he could be easily fooled, then she would be totally wrong. It would be best not to let this insincere transaction happen.

Of course, Albert is not worried that he will be deceived. With his mastery of Legilimency, it is already difficult for him to be deceived by others. Moreover, he will take Isobel with him when the time comes, so he does not worry about being deceived at all.

He just hates those self-righteous adults who treat him like a fool.

Albert opened the letter and saw that Mrs. Primpine's letter was telling him about this matter, and the time and place for the meeting had been scheduled.

"What are you whispering about?" Shanna couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and asked. These two guys were mysterious and seemed to be discussing something very secret.

"Kenneth Toller said that someone wants to ask me out tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't go to Hogsmeade with you." Albert politely declined Shanna's invitation.

"That's a shame." Shanna said with some disappointment.

In the afternoon, Albert talked to three roommates about tomorrow's transaction.

"How about I go with you then." Lee Jordan suggested. Fred and George would definitely not be able to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow, but he would really like to go with Albert to see it.

"I've found someone better."

"Sure enough, I'm looking for a girlfriend!" Li Jordan quickly realized what this sentence meant, waved his hands in disgust and complained: "Really, when you have a girlfriend, you forget about your friends. "

“Who is Albert’s girlfriend!”

The twins have always been curious about this matter. In fact, they had suspected that Albert had a girlfriend a long time ago, but they had never caught Albert dating someone else, even with the help of the Marauder's Map. .

"Some things should not be said carelessly. I saw Wood looking for you at noon." Albert patted Lee Jordan on the shoulder and reminded him kindly.

"What does Wood want from me?" Lee Jordan asked confused.

"Probably because you spread the news that Wood was dumped by his girlfriend." Fred also patted Lee Jordan's shoulder on the other side, with an expression that said you were asking for blessings.

"Wood was really dumped?" Lee Jordan stared at Fred with his mouth wide open in disbelief and Merlin's beard. He could have sworn that he was just talking casually in the morning.

"Are you trying to scare me?"

"Oh, I finally found you!"

A hand suddenly stretched out from behind Li Qiaodan and put it on his shoulder.

When Lee Jordan heard a familiar voice coming from behind, he turned back stiffly and saw Wood standing behind him.

"Wood, what do you want from me?" Lee Jordan asked dryly.

"I have something I want to talk to him about." Wood put his hand on the shoulder of the landlord, Lee Jordan, and showed an apologetic smile to Albert and the others, and then led him away under Lee Jordan's desperate eyes.

When Albert saw Lee Jordan again, he found a dark circle on the right side of his eye. Apparently, Wood couldn't help punching Lee Jordan in the end.

"You should get rid of that nagging mouth." Albert suppressed a smile, handed Lee Jordan a jar of anti-swelling ointment, and asked him to apply it around his eyes.

"He brought it upon himself!" Fred laughed gleefully.

"Yes, it's your own fault," George agreed.

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