Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 436 Celebration

Apart from Snape, Digory, who had just landed, also had an ugly expression on his face. He had never thought that the Hufflepuff team would lose this Quidditch match so simply.

Their efforts during this period were all in vain the moment Harry Potter caught the Golden Snitch.

In this game, the Hufflepuff team completely became a stepping stone for Harry Potter, and they might even become the laughing stock of the entire Hogwarts. He left sadly amid cheers.

Unlike the Hufflepuffs, the Gryffindors returned to the common room feeling victorious.

After Wood saw Fred and George bringing back a pile of cakes and desserts from the kitchen, he took the initiative to hold a celebration and took out his snacks to share with everyone.

Not only Wood, but also some students contributed some of their own snacks in order to better organize this celebration. Of course, Albert was no exception and took the butterbeer he bought a while ago to share with everyone.

Since the butterbeer in the oak barrel was limited, Albert could only cast a refilling spell on the barrel from time to time to ensure that all students in the common room could drink a cup of butterbeer.

Fred was nearby using a copying spell to help get a bunch of cups, George was pouring wine into the cups, and Lee Jordan was distributing cups of butterbeer to other students.

The common room soon became lively, with everyone eating food and drinking butterbeer, scolding Snape for being partial, or chatting playfully about their victory over Hufflepuff. Then, they discovered that the famous Harry Potter... didn't come to the celebration?

"Does any of you know where Harry is?"

When Wood took the wine glass from Lee Jordan, he asked Fred and George about Harry.

"I don't know, I haven't seen Harry since just now." Fred also didn't know where Harry was, and the celebration was not as lively as expected after losing the protagonist.

"You can ask Harry's friends." Albert motioned to Wood to ask Ron and Hermione.

After all, Harry's friends should know where Harry went better than they do.

After Wood walked away, Kenneth Toler jumped out. The guy was regretting how he couldn't make a lot of money with this opportunity!

"I'm going to make a bet myself and bet with everyone on whether Harry can easily win the third game and win the final Quidditch trophy for Gryffindor. Do you want to make a bet with me?" Kenny Si Toller looked at Albert expectantly and invited him sincerely.

Indeed, Harry Potter's victory in the third Quidditch match was indeed very possible in the eyes of many Gryffindor students, but Albert knew that Harry won the first Quidditch match. Odd Trophy in third grade.

This year's failure should be related to the Sorcerer's Stone. Harry seemed to be in a coma for several days, and then directly missed the last Quidditch match.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in gambling."

After hearing Kenneth Toller's proposal, Albert shook his head and refused.

"I see you are very happy when you win money from your bets." Kenneth Toler curled his lips, and couldn't help but label Albert as hypocritical.

"Happy, no no, I just support the Gryffindor team a little bit." Albert explained casually, "However, I think the probability of the Ravenclaw team winning against the Slytherin team next is not high.

"Everyone knows that it is difficult for Ravenclaw to defeat Slytherin." Lee Jordan took a sip of butterbeer and couldn't help but complain, "After all, Slytherin always wants to win without losing face. "

"In order to win, Snape has personally left the field."

At this point, Fred's face suddenly showed a pleasant smile, "You didn't notice the expression on Snape's face just now when he saw the Gryffindor team winning, as if someone had put turd eggs in it. On his face."

"I saw it too, but it's a pity that I couldn't take a photo of that scene." George agreed.

"It's a pity, otherwise this would probably become Snape's dark history."

"I think he has enough history."

Several people gathered together and couldn't help but giggle.

After Kenneth Toller left, George suddenly asked Albert: "You don't think Gryffindor can beat Ravenclaw, do you?"

"Don't set a flag like crazy before Gryffindor wins the championship. That's not a good idea." Albert looked at George speechlessly. He had never seen someone set a flag for himself so crazily.

This is a deadly rhythm!


The three of them obviously didn't understand what Albert meant, but Albert stopped explaining. He only said that before winning the Quidditch trophy, don't be too proud or complacent, otherwise you may lose the game. .

"I think Albert is hinting that we might lose the next game? And Gryffindor is likely to lose the Quidditch trophy because of this?" Lee Jordan asked Weasley next to him after Albert left. said the brother.

"I think Wood should be asked to strengthen the protection of Harry to prevent him from being able to play in the next game." The three of them remembered that Albert's words were very accurate, and they felt that what Lee Jordan said was very reasonable.

If the Slytherin students want to win, they should let both sides lose one game each, and the trophy will be decided based on the final total score.

If Harry can't play.

Alas, that’s not right!

Even if Harry really couldn't play, Gryffindor actually still had a powerful alternate Seeker.

Thinking of this, Fred was suddenly stunned. Albert himself was also a Seeker. Although his record may not be as great as Harry's, he had also captured the Golden Snitch and brought Quidditch to Gryffindor. Trophy deeds.

"I think we may be worrying too much. Although Albert has not had much Quidditch training, he is still quite reliable as a substitute." Fred said to his two roommates.

Albert didn't know what the three roommates were chatting about. He was looking for seniors to refill the oak barrel. After all, a small cup of butter beer was not enough.

Just after finishing chatting with a few girls, he saw Hermione and Ron walking towards him in a hurry. The two told Albert about Harry's disappearance. They were a little worried that someone in Slytherin College would do it deliberately. Trouble with Harry.

Albert didn't want to help the two find Harry, but casually comforted them: "Don't worry, this is Hogwarts, and Slytherin students will not do such things blatantly."

Albert didn't know where Harry was, but as the savior, how could anything happen to Harry?

"How does butterbeer taste?"

Albert casually changed the subject and asked Hermione how she felt about drinking butterbeer.

"It feels a little strange, tastes pretty good." Hermione said to Albert after carefully considering her words: "This is my first time drinking butterbeer."

Albert chatted with them for a few more words, and when he turned to leave, he found Harry panting at the entrance of the common room.

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"Harry, where have you been?" Hermione asked sharply.

"Don't worry about that for now," Harry said breathlessly, "Find a place where no one is around and I'll tell you what I just saw."

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