Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 513 Unbreakable Vow

It’s really hard to imagine that the other party is just a fifteen-year-old boy!

In less than half a day, Kathleen recognized Albert's intelligence and talent, and was amazed that Albert won the international wizard chess championship.

Perhaps, this is the real genius!

Kathleen sat in the brightly lit sunroom, looking up at the night outside, and carelessly smoothed Laila's hair with a comb.

Just now, Nicholas came over and told her that tonight, under the witness of the two of them, he would continue the ancient "contract" with the young man from England.

As for the content of the "contract", Catherine had already been informed when she became Nicholas' heir.

"What were you doing outside just now?"

Looking at the young man who was carrying an oil lamp and following Caesar back from outside, Kathleen couldn't help but ask.

The other person seemed to be using something to talk to someone else just now.

"Nothing!" Albert changed the topic casually, "I hope you can lend me the textbooks from Ilvermorny School of Magic. I want to know what the professors at Ilvermorny School of Magic have taught you. "

"That's no problem." Kathleen nodded and asked the house elves to deliver the books. Her eyes couldn't help but turn to Albert's pocket. "That was an item made by No-Majs. I remember it was called: " "Mobile phone," grandpa seemed to call that thing.

"Oh, you actually know."

Albert did not deny this. Because the double-sided mirror was sent back, he could only use No-Maj's mobile phone to contact his family. This was a preliminary plan he had prepared for himself.

However, international phone calls are expensive.

"Grandpa Nicholas is very interested in No-Maj technology, and he also bought that thing." Kathleen said quietly: "He also cast magic on many No-Maj items, but the things are not here."

"Although No-Majs can't use magic, they are really amazing in some aspects, and their technology is advancing very quickly." Albert looked at Kathleen and said calmly, "Many things in the magic world give me a It’s not good to have the illusion of staying in the last century.”

"Your grandfather is a great man. Many wizards are prejudiced against No-Majs and cannot deal with the issues between the two parties."

"Grandpa Nicholas will be very happy to hear your compliments." Kathleen corrected with a smile, "However, wizards are actually not as backward as you think. Magic can do many things that No-Majs can never do. "

"Of course I know this. But you probably don't realize that magic magnetic fields can interfere with No-Maj's electronic products, so why can't No-Maj's create counter-magic machines through reverse thinking?" Albert began to talk nonsense, "In the past , No-Majs may not be able to do it, and they can’t do it now, but what about in the future?”

"No-Majs only need to make a magic detection radar to easily find the hidden wizard, and make some machines that can cause the wizard's magic to fail, and then they can easily catch the wizard."

Katherine opened her mouth, but did not immediately retort.

Albert continued, "The wizarding world is improving, but No-Majs are progressing much faster than wizards."

Katherine frowned slightly when she heard this, and she knew that what Albert said was probably right.

If the magic magnetic field is too strong, it will interfere with electricity and electronic products, so why can't it be the other way around?

"So what do you think we should do, Mr. Anderson?" Nicholas walked in with a smile.

Although he didn't think as deeply as Albert, he also knew that if No-Maj's technology continued, sooner or later he would conflict with wizards.

Time depends on the strength of No-Maj.

Nicholas understands the changes in No-Maj society far better than any other wizard in America.

"I don't know, maybe there was no solution from the beginning." Albert shook his head. "Maybe, if the wizard is strong enough and kind enough, he might be able to build a world where magic and technology coexist, but the possibility is very high. Low."


"The history of mankind is the history of war." Albert said softly.

"When No-Maj technology is powerful enough to limit magic, most wizards will probably become real rats and experimental subjects."

"Why not the other way around?" Catherine frowned and retorted, "Do you think wizards will lose this so-called war?"

"The other way around?" Albert shook his head and said: "A long time ago, when No-Majs were still very backward, in the eyes of wizards, they were, well, probably what you call the other way around. Many wizards enslaved No-Majs and made them Instead of farming for themselves and earning wealth for themselves, some wizards will even rob No-Majs of their wealth."

Katherine's brows furrowed deeper. She didn't like what Albert said, but her instinct told her that Albert's words might be right.

"Don't tell me that the United States Ministry of Magic paid the No-Majs at that time." Albert took a sip of tea and said lightly, "Gellert Grindelwald probably realized the problem, but he didn't. There are so few wizards and No-Majs are not lambs, just think of what's going on around Las Vegas, Nevada."

Katherine naturally knew about this matter. There were detailed records of this matter in their magical history. The No-Majs invented a terrible weapon called the "nuclear bomb".

"Actually, wizards' magic technology has become increasingly backward. The sign of a magic civilization is actually the ability to manufacture magic items on an assembly line. Obviously, the current magic world does not meet this simplest requirement." Albert noticed the look on Kathleen's face changes, comforted: "However, you don't need to worry, wizards and No-Majs will live in peace for a long time, until one side breaks the balance and causes war, or finally moves towards peace."

In fact, this is what Albert thought of when Nicholas talked about the magic magnetic field.

He never speculated on this matter with the greatest malice.

Of course that won't happen now, but what about in the future?

It's really hard to say. Human science and technology is developing very fast. In two or three hundred years, science and technology will definitely grow by leaps and bounds. Sooner or later, conflicts will break out between the two sides.

Of course, Albert didn't care, because he had turned into ashes by then. As King Louis XV of France said: Even if the floods surge after my death.

"I believe that humans and wizards will eventually move towards peace." Nicholas smiled and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, you all come with me!"

With that said, Nicholas took the two of them to the basement, and the house elf took the four of them to a more private study.

Arrangements have been made there, with layers of shielding spells, protection spells and hiding spells forming a magical barrier structure that can block out any reconnaissance and prying eyes. It is said that even traces of Albert's body will be blocked.

"Okay, let's get started!" Nicholas motioned for both of them to stand over, "You need to get closer."

Katherine stepped forward and stood in front of Albert.

The two reached out at the same time and held each other's arms.

Nicholas pulled out his wand and touched the tip of it to their joined hands.

"Albert, as the heir of Wild Smith, are you willing to hand over the agency rights of American Floo fans to Caitlin?"

Albert glanced at the parchment handed over by Sera, nodded and said, "I do."

A thin, dazzling tongue of fire spurted out from the wand, like a red and hot metal wire, wrapped around their clasped hands.

"Kathleen, are you willing to abide by the agent's obligations and hand over half of the profits from Floo powder to the Wildsmith family."

"I do."

The second tongue of fire spurted out from the wand and intertwined with the first, forming a thin, glowing red chain, bringing the two closer together.

"Albert, are you willing to promise not to interfere with Kathleen's right to operate Floo powder on the American continent as long as the interests of both parties are not harmed."

"I do."

As soon as he finished speaking, a third tongue of fire spurted out from the wand, intertwined with the previous two, and wrapped tightly around the two hands they held.

"Catherine, are you willing to pledge with your own life that you will never leak the formula of Floo powder in any way except to the heirs who you can absolutely trust?"

"I do."

The last tongue of fire spurted out from the wand and intertwined with the previous three, as if tightly wrapped around the two hands they held, making the two inseparable.

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"Okay, the contract is established."

Nicholas put away his wand and reminded again, "Remember, an unbreakable oath must never be broken."

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