Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 521 Whose trick?

"As expected of Albert."

When George saw the headlines in today's Daily Prophet, he shook the forked potatoes off his hands in shock.

"By the way, how on earth did he convince that woman Rita Skeeter."

The Daily Prophet's front page published an exclusive interview with the world's youngest wizard chess champion.

This interview swept away all the original scandals about Albert.

"I guess I didn't use Galleons to deal with that woman."

Fred, who had just put his head close, expressed his speculation, "Based on Albert's habits, he probably caught something against Rita Skeeter and threatened her to correct his mistakes."

"I think so too," George agreed.

Of course they knew that Albert had enough galleons to deal with Rita Skeeter, but Albert was not a person who liked to suffer the consequences of his own losses. Just look at what happened to the Slytherin students who wanted to cause trouble for him. Yes, the possibility of spending Galleons to settle it is very low.

The most likely possibility is to directly take advantage of Rita Skeeter, hold her head down, and let her solve the problem by herself.

I have to say that after being roommates for several years, the twins still understand Albert's character very well.

"What's the reason?" Percy asked curiously. He also knew very well what kind of person Rita Skeeter was.

"How do we know? Ask him yourself." George thought for a while and said.

"However, I think if you ask Albert, he will probably tell you that he paid to settle Rita Skeeter."

If Albert doesn't want to tell, he can find countless truths to answer your questions.

"I'm back."

At this time, Mr. Weasley dragged his tired body into the house. He had been working overtime for several days in a row recently. He even ransacked seven houses last night and found a lot of contraband.

"Dad, you're back." Percy stood up, took Mr. Weasley's briefcase, and placed it where he usually kept it.

"It's a shame that the Ministry of Magic is in such a mess right now," muttered Mr. Weasley.

"What's going on?" Ron couldn't help asking.

"It's not Rita Skeeter's exclusive interview that is considered to have the potential to cause international disputes." Mr. Weasley took the lead, raised his finger and pointed at the newspaper that George was reading and said: "You see the one at the back? Just a few, interviews about Albert Anderson’s American tour.”

Several people turned to the third page and soon understood why it was said that it might cause international disputes.

"I think Albert didn't lie. In fact, he rarely lied and deceived others." As soon as George finished speaking, he felt a little uneasy inside.

Albert really didn't lie much?

He is just good at misleading others with truthful words, so most of the things in the newspaper are 80% true.

Not lying.

Well, no problem.

"Now, many wizards in the British wizarding community have no good impressions of MACUSA, and have even begun to discuss the United States' policies that are different from other countries." Mr. Weasley took a bite of sausage and muttered, "If it hadn't been written in the newspaper The use of owls is not allowed in the American wizarding community, and I even suspect that a bunch of people sent letters to Mr. Carter."

"They can use the international mail channel." George said without thinking.

"Yes Yes."

Mr. Weasley muttered, "Some people in the United States are protesting against the British sending a large number of letters and packages containing dark magic or dangerous items to that side."

"That's great. I think Mr. Carter will be pleasantly surprised."

"This is not a good idea, it will cause international disputes." Mr. Weasley looked at his gloating sons and sighed helplessly.

"Dad, I think what Albert said is true." Fred said seriously: "The United States is probably like that."

"That's right." Fred nodded in agreement, "The last time he wrote a letter, he also told us that he would not go to the United States again, and also warned us that it is best to stay away from wizards who are not familiar with the laws there. , it is easy to commit a felony and be imprisoned.”

"We have never seen Albert express his hatred of something so unabashedly." Fred and George said in unison.

Mr. Weasley choked. In fact, many wizards really didn't know what was going on in the United States, but the Daily Prophet highlighted one name: "Rappaport's Law."

Mr. Weasley felt that Rita Skeeter was planning to use this to cause trouble.

For example, the newspaper described that the staff of Magical Congress of the United States deliberately made things difficult for others out of jealousy, and even deliberately smeared the champion of the International Wizarding Chess Competition in the Ghost Daily because he defeated the most promising player in the United States to win the Wizarding Chess Championship.

American reporters deliberately distorted the facts and created scandals because Abbott refused to be interviewed.

Rita Skeeter even wrote this at the end of the interview:

The author sheds a cold sweat for our young international wizard chess champion. If it weren’t for his cautious character, he might have accidentally violated the laws of the Magical Congress of the United States and would need to spend the second half of this year in a prison in the United States. time.

The author sincerely hopes that MACUSA will consider Mr. Anderson’s proposal and print a guide to entry into the Magical Society of the United States to reduce the number of wizards entering the United States who inadvertently violate the laws of MACUSA.

Look, are these what people say?

No matter how you look at it, it sounds like MACUSA is deliberately luring wizards who go to the United States to violate the laws set by MACUSA?

However, as soon as this newspaper was published, wizards expressed sympathy for their young champion's plight in the United States.

Albert received many letters of comfort, and many people even sent him candies and other small gifts.

However, these things were sealed by Albert's forbidden box.

Just as they were talking about the newspaper news, Ron's inappropriate voice suddenly sounded, "Dad, I think Harry may have encountered some trouble. I have sent him 12 letters, but he has never sent them to me. reply."

"If Harry doesn't reply in the past few days, I will pick him up personally. As you know, I have been quite busy in the past few days!" Mr. Weasley said after hearing this.

Although he felt that this kind of thing was a bit rash, he felt that Harry's guardian would not refuse if he went over to invite him personally.

However, things changed much faster than Mr. Weasley expected!

Before leaving get off work that night, Mr. Weasley heard from a colleague that the famous Harry Potter had violated the Statute of Secrecy, used magic in front of Muggles, and had been warned by the Ministry of Magic.

However, Mr. Weasley had been ransacking his house very hard recently, and it also required approval from the Ministry of Magic. The process was relatively slow, and he regretted not asking an acquaintance to help him connect to the Floo network.

Unbeknownst to Mr. Weasley, after learning of this, Ron and his twin brothers were also discussing Harry's affairs.

"I think Harry must be in some big trouble, otherwise it would be impossible to use magic in front of Muggles. He must know that it is forbidden." Ron became more and more uneasy after learning the news.

"Perhaps, we can pick him up in person to come to our house as a guest." Fred said suddenly. He took out the all-purpose knife that Albert sent them, with a note on it: just in case.

"We can't use magic." Ron reminded.

"You can use dad's car." George said without thinking: "I think Albert is hinting to us that Harry may be locked up, so he thinks we will use the lock picking tool of this knife."

Recommend an app that is comparable to the old version of the book-chasing tool, and can be used to read all the source books!

"Pick the lock?"

Ron was a little confused.

"That's a Muggle trick, a trick we learned from Albert. There are many doors in Hogwarts that cannot be opened with the Alajo Opening Spell, but they can all be opened with Muggle tricks." Fred explained.

Based on his understanding of Albert, the other party gave them a multi-purpose knife with such a message. It was probably Albert who knew through prophecy that they would save Harry Potter.

Of course, when Ron heard this, he felt that Fred and George were just making excuses for themselves, but he agreed to use the flying car.

The car was modified by Mr. Weasley to make it invisible. No one would notice the car flying in the sky at night.

"But how are we going to drive the car away quietly?" Ron muttered.

"Don't worry, I have a solution!" Fred said with a smile, "You go and help me keep an eye on mom while George and I go get the car keys."

Late at night, Fred used the flying spell to get the car keys. The three of them secretly went downstairs to the garage, got into the modified Ford, activated the invisible button, and let the car drive out of the garage. , flying towards the sky.

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