Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 543 Brave Lockhart

"The situation is very bad." George sat next to Wood with a tired face. "The Slytherin team's new broomstick, Nimbus 2001, is too fast. Our flying broomsticks can't catch up at all."

"Sometimes, the Slytherin players are so fast that they are just seven blurry light green shadows." Fred added.

Since the Slytherin team got new broomsticks, Fred and George have been secretly spying on the Slytherin team and reporting the latest information to Wood and the players.

Wood's face looked very ugly. Faced with the advantages of the new broom, they had no choice at all.

The Malfoy family is rich enough to give Nimbus 2001 to the Slytherin players. They are still using the old models of Comet and Sideswipe brooms, which are simply incomparable in terms of speed.

"That kid from the Malfoy family just relied on money to get into the team." Angelina said with unconcealed disgust on her face, "His skills are far inferior to Harry. Harry, you must be on the court." Defeat him."

"I will defeat him." Harry clenched his fists and said firmly, "I will definitely do it."

"Don't worry, Nimbus 2001 is really fast, but we can definitely defeat them through tactics." Wood took a deep breath and comforted, "Terence Higgs is an excellent seeker, far from Malfoy. It was half-assed, so it was a good thing for us that he was replaced.”

In the end, everyone still couldn't find any better way. Slytherin's Nimbus 2001 broom was simply a nightmare for players from other houses.

Before the game even started, the Slytherin team followed the style of their house and used their financial advantage to give themselves an early advantage.

"Do you think we can win the Quidditch Championship this year?"

After the discussion, George asked Albert, who was watching "Walking with Trolls" with a depressed look.

"Draco Malfoy's behavior is very Slytherin, and he does not violate the rules of Quidditch." Albert said slowly: "To a certain extent, it is completely reasonable for them to do that. If it were replaced by I'd do the same. In fact, I'm sure you'd like to do the same, if the situation allowed."

"You mean we have no chance of victory." Fred became even more depressed. They suffered a lot of losses in this area, and sometimes having no money was really a big problem.

"Of course there is hope."

"What hope?"

"As long as you can defeat the Slytherin team and defeat the teams of other houses, you will be able to win the Quidditch championship this year." Albert said those speechless words.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Fred and George couldn't help but complain.

"Okay, everyone, be happy, the show will start soon." Lee Jordan, who stuffed the last piece of bread on the plate, put his head over, winked at the Weasley twins and said with a smile.

"A good show, can't it be that one?" George thought for a moment and guessed what Lee Jordan meant by a good thing.

"When are you?"

The surprise on Fred's face soon turned into disbelief, "Damn it, you didn't wait for us to go together?"

"This is not a problem." Albert looked at the angry twins speechlessly, "What are so many people doing?"

"Do you think he will be like me at that time, curling up in bed and not getting up?" Lee Jordan raised his head and looked at the professor's seat, but did not see Lockhart coming to eat.

Albert didn't know much about it, as his knowledge of love potions was very limited.

"I just met Professor Lockhart. He looks a little strange." Zannah sat down and followed Arya to talk about the strange things they encountered on the road.


Before Shanna could answer, there was a commotion outside the hall, and many students ran outside, wanting to join in the fun.

The foyer was quickly filled with people. Students having dinner poured out of the auditorium to see what was going on. Many people crowded on the marble stairs, and onlookers formed a large circle.

"Age doesn't matter. Wait, don't leave, let's have a nice chat."

Albert heard these words when he squeezed past, and he saw Lockhart affectionately holding a girl's hand, begging humbly, not wanting her to leave.

The girl with a look of astonishment, panic and a bit of impatience on her face was in sharp contrast to the stunned students watching next to her.

"It seems different from you?"

Whether it was Fred, George or Albert, they all turned to look at Lee Jordan. The effect of Lockhart taking the love potion was completely different from that of Lee Jordan.

"Maybe it's because the amount of love potion is relatively small." Albert finally came to the conclusion that Lockhart was indeed relatively normal compared to Lee Jordan.

"Professor, what happened to you?"

Facing Lockhart's advances, Queenie Greengrass had to look at her female companion for help, but no one could help her.

"Oh my God, Professor Lockhart, what on earth are you doing?"

Professor McGonagall appeared in the foyer and squeezed into the crowd of onlookers. When she saw the bloody confession going on, her serious face could not help but express surprise and astonishment.

"Lockhart was under psychedelic magic, or someone gave him a love potion." Professor Snape appeared next to Professor McGonagall, looking at Lockhart with interest, and his eyes fell on the Slytherin. The girl frowned and asked, "Miss Greengrass, what did you do to Professor Lockhart?"

"Professor, I didn't do anything." Queenie Greengrass said with a cry in her voice, "I really don't know what happened."

"Don't bully her." Lockhart's face turned red, and he turned around and waved his fist at Snape.

Snape was caught off guard and was punched in the head by Lockhart, almost knocking him to the ground. All the students present were stunned.

This scene from the drama department is really interesting.

In particular, many Gryffindor students screamed with excitement.

"Lockhart, you..." Professor McGonagall was also stunned by Lockhart's actions. She really didn't understand why Lockhart would punch Snape, but there was no doubt that there must be something wrong with it. question.

Snape received a punch, and his face was almost crooked with anger. His body shook twice. After he regained his balance, he took out his wand and stopped Lockhart, who was about to pounce, in place. He fell back, causing There was a loud noise.

"I suddenly discovered that love can make people so brave." Albert looked at Lockhart lying on the ground and muttered softly.

This can definitely be regarded as Snape’s dark history, it’s so interesting.

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