Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 612 Prejudgment of your prediction

Since returning to school, Albert has had an inexplicable sense of urgency. He feels that if he doesn't seize the time, he might not be able to complete all the things he wants to do in the next few months.

Tom's juicing plan was put on the agenda again.

Even if the young Tom in the diary is just the remnant soul that was separated from him before he became an adult, and is not as powerful and experienced as the old Voldemort, Albert still needs to be more vigilant, otherwise he may accidentally overturn.

After drinking the compound potion and disguising himself as Lockhart again, Albert was prepared like last time before trying to contact Tom in the diary.

[I finally found you Tom, I thought I was going to lose you. 】

After the ink on the paper disappeared quickly, but no new words appeared again, Albert knew that Tom Riddle was wary of him, but he didn't care, and let the quill quickly write a line in the diary. :

[Are you okay, Tom. 】

Albert pretended to be Ginny Weasley and pretended to have found the diary again. He had no hope of hiding it from Tom, just to anger him, otherwise he doubted whether Tom Riddle would just pretend to be dead.

【Where did you find me. 】

The diary finally reacted, and a short text leaked out.

[I don’t know who threw you in the toilet of the girls’ washroom on the second floor. 】

Albert narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the mirror in front of him, waiting for the words on the paper to change again.

【fraud! you liar! 】

Tom Riddle easily saw through Albert's trick. The words seeping out of the paper seemed to contain his anger, trying to engulf the person outside the diary.

Unfortunately, since his separation from Ginny Weasley, what little strength Tom had drawn from the poor girl had gradually disappeared.

[Merry Christmas, Tom! 】

Albert replied happily.

He suspected that Tom couldn't understand the current time, and even had no concept of time at all when he was still huddled in his diary.

[As expected, it’s you! 】

Tom Riddle had decided that he would kill Gilderoy Lockhart if he had the chance.

Unfortunately, Tom didn't know that the guy in front of him who angered him was actually a fake, and his anger made him ignore a lot of things.

[Don't be angry, it was just a joke. 】

While thinking about the possibility of Tom pretending to be angry to deceive him, Albert wrote in his diary:

[I think you must be bored now! 】

[What on earth do you want, damn guy! 】

[I have said it from the beginning, I am just curious about what you are. 】

No other words appeared in the diary immediately, and Tom remembered that there seemed to be a similar conversation before. It was not similar, I should say exactly the same.

Tom had to suppress his inner anger, calm down completely, and figure out how to deal with the guy in front of him. Ordinary methods might not work. Judging from his status as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Lockhart is obviously very wary of the dark arts, and is very careful when touching the diary, and will not even reach out to touch it.

However, Tom also found Lockhart's weakness.

Lockhart is indeed wary, but he is also a proud guy who only admits what he thinks, so no matter what Tom says, he will not believe it and is wary, so he must follow his wishes.

Everyone has their weaknesses. As long as he targets the weaknesses, he will soon be able to take control of the situation and control this self-righteous guy.

[See you another day, I hope you are willing to tell me then. 】

【etc! Oh, damn, okay, I’ll tell you the secret of this diary]

Tom began to pretend to compromise. He knew exactly what information Albert wanted to get. As long as he followed the other party's ideas, he believed that he would soon arouse the other party's curiosity.

However, Tom did not know that his so-called plan was actually within Albert's expectations.

Yes, it was all as expected by Albert. Ordinary methods would definitely not make Tom honestly hand over what Albert wanted. The best way was to make Tom hand over the things voluntarily.

When Tom throws out the bait and tries to catch him, he eats the bait himself.

Tom might also have guessed the outcome. Both parties were actually waiting to see whether one party would take the bait or whether the other party would eat up all the bait.

Albert took the initiative and the advantage was on his side.

【secret? 】

Albert raised his lips in pleasure. He knew this was Tom's trick, so he calmly waited for the other party to throw out the bait he wanted, and then used the net to catch all the bait. [Yes, the secret of this diary. 】

The words oozing out of the paper seemed to have magical power, arousing Albert's curiosity.

As if to prevent Albert from continuing to ask questions, a paragraph of text reappeared in the diary:

[This is a diary with self-awareness. It is similar to the existence of the Sorting Hat. It is actually made according to the manufacturing principle of the Sorting Hat. It just uses black magic. So you guessed it right, this is a black magic item. . 】

"As expected of Tom!" Albert muttered in his mind. He can't even blink when he lies, (well, he can't blink)

If you don’t know the truth, you might be deceived by the other party.

【You are lying to me! 】

【I did not lie to you】

[You take control of the Weasley family's unlucky child. 】

[That's because Ginny Weasley isn't strong enough to use the diary well. After all, the diary is a dark magic item, and only powerful wizards can use it. 】

New words continue to appear on the paper:

[No need to guess, I am the product of Tom Riddle's experiment. To a certain extent, you can think of me as his clone, used to record his important knowledge. 】

The real lie is to lie with the truth. However, Tom obviously did not realize that his opponent was a wall hanging.

After Tom took the initiative to mention this, Albert showed a big smile and began to ask Tom to prove that he had not deceived him.

Then, Tom Riddle taught Albert the Fire Spell without trying it at all, giving his experience to Albert.

[You guys really have no good intentions! Do you think I don't know what the Fire Spell is? 】

Albert sneered. This guy must have wanted him to lose control and be burned to death by Li Huo while practicing Li Huo, right?

Well, this possibility is not low.

There are a lot of wizards in history who were burned to death for playing with fire.

[I know you are a very powerful wizard. As long as you practice with my experience, it is not difficult to master the Fire Curse]

Under the diary, some experiences of Voldemort's practice of sharp fire appeared again. I have to say that this guy is really powerful. He was able to master the sharp fire at that time.

All right!

At that time, Tom's research on the Fire Curse was still very limited, and it was hard to say whether those so-called insights could be put to use.

Albert was not in a hurry, and quickly copied down the text on the Li Fire Curse, and continued to write in his diary:

[You are lying, you deceived me...]

Half an hour later, Albert successfully obtained a bunch of messy spells from Tom. He knew that some of these spells might be fake, but he didn't care. He recorded them all and prepared to find someone to test the effects of these spells another day.

As for Tom's little thoughts, Albert didn't care. As the saying goes, it only takes three examples. If it comes one more time, it's over. Let Tom rack his brains!

Oh, I almost forgot, he has no brain now.

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