Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 624 Blank Diary

When Harry bent down and picked up Riddle's diary from the ground, Tom Riddle, who was hiding in the diary, immediately noticed that something was wrong.

After all, Gilderoy Lockhart never touched a Horcrux with his hands, and the feeling was very different from someone writing in a diary with a quill.

With Gilderoy Lockhart's level of caution, Tom didn't think that guy would be careless enough to let someone else take the diary away from his hands.

Could this be another trap that guy prepared for himself?

It's no wonder that Tom would have such an illusion. Lockhart deliberately pretended to be Ginny Weasley to tease him last time. God knows what new tricks he will play this time?


It must be a new conspiracy prepared by that bastard!

Those who didn't know it thought that Tom was suffering from persecutory delusions.

Harry, who was holding the diary, didn't know that the diary in his hand had so many strange thoughts just now. He was trying to wipe away the water stains on the diary with a rag.

After noticing that Ron beside him was hesitant to speak, Harry finally couldn't help but asked: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing?" Ron finally said nothing.

"If you really have something to say, just say it, don't hold it in your heart!"

After Harry wiped away the water stains on the notebook, he slowly tore open the damp pages, only to find that the notebook was completely blank, with no trace of writing.

After Ron hesitated again and again, he finally couldn't help but remind him: "Harry, do you know that in the magical world, some books are very dangerous."

"Are you saying this diary is dangerous?" Harry looked up at Ron and comforted him with a smile, "You should have seen by now that this diary is not dangerous at all."

"No, the dangerous thing is your behavior." Ron looked at the blank diary and recalled: "My dad once told me that there was an unlucky Muggle who accidentally bought a book that leaked from the magical world. , but when I was flipping through the book, my eyes were blinded by the book.”

Harry raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously not believing this.

"There is another thing that is famous in the wizarding world. Anyone who has read "The Wizard's Sonnets" will only be able to speak in five-line limericks in this life, and..."

"Okay, I understand." Harry interrupted with a smile, "I will pay attention to it in the future, but how can I tell which books may be dangerous?"

While talking, Harry found the only written page in the book, which was on the first page of the diary. The writing had become blurry.

"Tom Riddle."

Harry read it out softly. Ron, who was about to stand up and walk away, stopped when he heard the name and frowned deeply.

"Do you know this person?" Harry noticed Ron's strangeness and couldn't help but ask.


Ron leaned his head over, looked at the only place where writing was written in the diary and said, "Tom Riddle won the Special Contribution to the School Award fifty years ago."

"How did you know?" Harry was curious about how Ron knew this information.

"Remember the last time I went to Filch's for solitary confinement? At that time, he asked me to clean the items in the prize room." After Ron recalled this incident, he said angrily, "That day, I hiccupped I got slugs on it and it took me a while to wipe it off. If you have a similar experience, you will remember his name."

"Tom actually didn't write a word. This is very abnormal." Harry ignored Ron's complaint and said to himself: "You should have noticed that there are no signs of being torn on the diary, which is usually the case when buying a diary. Write something on it.”

"Something's not normal. Maybe it was a Christmas gift that Riddle received, and he happened to not like the gift, so he threw it aside and didn't use it again."

"If Riddle didn't care, the diary wouldn't still exist after fifty years. This is not parchment." Harry felt that the matter was not that simple. "Besides, Riddle must be a Muggle wizard."

"Why do you say that."

Ron felt that he couldn't keep up with Harry's thoughts.

"Only Muggle wizards buy diaries on Muggle streets." Harry turned the diary to the back cover and showed Ron Vauxhall Road, London, printed on it.

Ron had to admit that what Harry said made sense. Wizards usually didn't go shopping on Muggle streets. In fact, his father still didn't understand the Muggle monetary system, let alone other wizards.

"There's something else I care about." At this moment, Harry seemed to be possessed by Hermione, muttering to himself about his doubts, "Why would someone want to throw it away? This is very unusual, isn't it? I always feel that What secrets are hidden in this diary?"

After Hermione returned from the library, Harry showed her Tom Riddle's diary and told her how he found it.

"Your suspicion is right. There may be some secret hidden in this diary." Hermione took the diary, looked at the date carefully and said, "A diary from fifty years ago suddenly appeared. Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"What's such a coincidence?" Ron's face was full of confusion and confusion, "Do you still expect that this diary contains the secret to opening the secret room?"

"I remember you told me that Malfoy said that the Chamber of Secrets was opened fifty years ago." Hermione ignored Ron's words and continued her analysis, "Tom Riddle won the Hogwart at that time. Ci’s special contribution award, don’t you think this is a coincidence?”

"What special contribution award?"

"It should be said that it is a special contribution award to the school." Ron explained: "I remember that Albert also received such an award. It seems that he received this award for saving Fred and George."

Harry was a little confused and obviously didn't understand what Ron said.

"It seems that in the first grade, Fred and George entered the Forbidden Forest and ran into trouble. In the end, Albert discovered that they were missing and broke into the Forbidden Forest single-handedly in the middle of the night to bring them out."

"Do you think Riddle will win the award for catching the heir of Slytherin?" Hermione reached into her schoolbag and took out a bright red eraser, "This is the visible eraser. I'm in Diagon Alley. Got it.”

Hermione noticed that both Harry and Ron were looking at her, so she explained, "You should know that if someone writes a diary and doesn't want others to know the contents, they usually use invisible ink or invisible magic to make the writing on it Hidden."

After saying that, Hermione rubbed hard on the page, but nothing appeared.

Undeterred, Hermione took out her wand and tapped the diary three times, saying, "Reveal yourself urgently!"

Still no response.

"It seems that this diary cannot tell us everything it knows." Ron felt that Harry and Hermione were wasting their efforts. This was just an ordinary diary.

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