Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 637 Harry has nothing to say

This was the first time Harry entered Albert's dormitory. He opened his eyes and curiously looked at the genius dormitory at Hogwarts, and was surprised to find that it was no different from his own dormitory.

If there was any difference, it was probably the cat climbing frame on the wall. He had seen something similar at Mrs. Figg's house next door to the Dursleys.

I almost forgot, Albert has a very fat cat, I think his name is... Tom.

Yes, Tom, the same name as Riddle.

A "creak" sound came from behind. Harry turned his head following the sound and saw that Albert had just closed the dormitory door with his backhand.

There was a sudden silence in the dormitory, and Harry felt his heart beat a little faster.

"You want to ask me about Hagrid?" Albert asked straight to the point.

"Hagrid asked me to come to you before he was taken away by the Minister of Magic." Harry admitted honestly.

"If you want to ask whether Hagrid is the heir of Slytherin, my answer is: no." Albert probably understood why Hagrid asked Harry to come to him. He hoped that he could explain it clearly to Harry. He didn't want to Let Harry misunderstand himself.

"Fifty years ago, Hagrid was indeed expelled from Hogwarts school because of an attack, but the attack that year had nothing to do with Hagrid."

Seeing that Harry seemed to want to say something, Albert raised his hand to interrupt, signaling the other party to listen to him.

"Hagrid was expelled from the school more because a student died in the attack that year, and someone needed to be held accountable. At that time, Hagrid unfortunately had a big spider in the cupboard, and he was caught by Riddle We let the big spider run away when we were kidnapped, so it’s normal for him to take the blame, and we can only blame him for seeking his own death.”

After hearing what Albert said, Harry couldn't help but open his mouth, not knowing what to say. He never thought that the reason why Hagrid was expelled from school fifty years ago was actually for this reason.

After learning from Albert that Hagrid was innocent, Harry couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, Harry was very worried that Hagrid was the real culprit of the attack. When the time came, he really didn't know how to face Hagrid.

However, Harry was still a little confused. Just when he raised his head to ask, he caught Albert's gaze and moved his head involuntarily. Looking into Albert's eyes reminded Harry of when he faced Snape, and the feeling of being seen through made Harry very uncomfortable.

"You don't suspect that Hagrid is the murderer, do you?" Albert looked into Harry's eyes and answered all the questions he wanted to ask: "Is it because the attacks stopped after Hagrid was driven away? "

Harry nodded stupidly.

"Actually, the answer is very simple." Albert sat on the edge of his bed and motioned for Harry to sit down and talk. "You should have seen in Riddle's memory that the school was in danger of closing due to the attack. The perpetrator of the attack did not want the school to close because of this, so..."


"So if you find someone to memorize all the crimes, and then stop the attack, this matter will naturally go away." Albert told Harry the cruel truth, "The Ministry of Magic is now using the same trick to take away the sea." Ge, just wants to take the blame for Hagrid, hoping to use this to quell the attack again."

"They clearly knew Hagrid was innocent, how could they do this." Harry was stunned for a moment after hearing Albert's words, and his brain was quickly replaced by anger.

"Of course they can. If sacrificing an insignificant person can calm this matter, who will care?" Albert stared into Harry's eyes and asked, "If Malfoy is locked up, then Would you like to let the attacks go away?”

If Malfoy is imprisoned, the attack can be suppressed. Of course Harry is willing. As for the truth, sometimes the truth may not be important, but Harry cannot tell it.

"You don't have to try to make excuses." Albert waved his hand to interrupt Harry who was hesitating to speak, and continued: "So, Hagrid, who has a criminal record, is locked up again."

"Same as fifty years ago, they can't catch the real culprit, and this consequence may lead to the closure of Hogwarts School again." Albert showed a strange smile, "The Ministry of Magic will also be blamed. , so the Minister of Magic needs someone to take the blame, otherwise he will also be unlucky."


"This is politics Harry, politics is the dirtiest thing in the world, bar none." The smile on Albert's face was a little oozing, making Harry feel inexplicably uneasy, "If one day you stand in front of the Minister of Magic The opposite of that, and you’ll see what I mean, and trust me, that day isn’t too far away.”

Harry was speechless, what is this?

"Is this... a prophecy?"

"You can think so." Albert did not deny it and continued, "However, you don't have to worry about Hagrid. He will not take the blame this time."

"Really?" Harry couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to believe Albert's words and could only believe it.

"Whether it's Colin, Nearly Headless Nick, or Hermione all saw the basilisk, if you notice the expressions on their faces, it shouldn't be difficult to deduce this." Albert looked at Harry's confused look. With his expression on his face, he could only explain: "When the students who were attacked wake up, the matter of the basilisk will no longer be hidden."

Harry nodded.

"There is no way Hagrid has the ability to control a basilisk. I think Hermione should have told you that the only one who can control a basilisk is... a Parseltongue."


Before Harry finished speaking, Albert spoke out again. He was so suffocated now that Albert kept finishing his words, leaving him speechless.

"How are you sure the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is the Basilisk?" Harry asked loudly. In fact, he also believed that the monster in the secret room was a basilisk. However, Harry felt that if he didn't say anything, he might go crazy.

"How are you sure it's a basilisk?"

"Yes." Harry nodded.

"Hagrid's pet spider in the cupboard is a kind of monster called Acromantula. They still live in the Forbidden Forest. They are so big and scary. Maybe you have heard from Ron that Fred and George were almost eaten by those Acromantulas." Albert's tone paused, "Sorry, the topic went off track. Hagrid once asked about the spider he raised named Aragog, hidden in the school. What is the monster? Well, you don’t have to doubt that the Acromantula can speak human language. Aragog refused to tell Hagrid what the monster in the castle was, just like everyone was unwilling to mention the name of the mysterious man. It only Reveal that monster is the spider’s natural enemy.”

"Spider's natural enemy?" Harry heard Hermione mention this.

"I looked through the information in the library and found out that the monster the Acromantula is afraid of is the basilisk." Albert glanced at Harry and said to himself, "You probably don't know that the spider's eyes cannot If you close it completely, once you encounter the basilisk, you will be killed directly by the basilisk's gaze."

Harry felt like he had learned a lot again today.

"Hermione once told me that you hear sounds that no one else hears, and you turned out to be a Parseltongue, so that sound was the hiss of a basilisk."

Harry nodded in agreement.

"Everyone knows that the symbol of Slytherin is the snake, and Parseltongue is one of the marks of Slytherin. If the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is still alive after a thousand years, then only the Basilisk fits the bill. Although this Dark creatures are not common.”

Harry had nothing to say. Albert's evidence proved very well that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was a basilisk. In fact, he also believed that the monster was a basilisk.

"Have you already..."

"You want to ask me who the prisoner is?"

Harry continued to nod.

He found that he nodded a little too frequently today.

"I can only tell you that this matter has something to do with the Malfoy family." Albert glanced at the wooden door and continued: "Hermione once told me that there was a house elf that caused you a lot of trouble. It also looked like You revealed that the most horrific things are going to happen at Hogwarts."

"It's Dobby!"

Harry couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he was finally able to speak.

"Lucius Malfoy drove Dumbledore away from school at this time." Albert speculated maliciously, "This matter must be related to him, otherwise he would not waste so much effort to do so. ."

"Besides, house elves can only be found in ancient large manors or castles. The Malfoy family is very rich, so it's not surprising to have house elves serving them."

"Malfoy is not the murderer, have we asked him?" Harry said dryly.

"I didn't say he was the murderer." Albert shook his head and said, "Lucius Malfoy wouldn't let his son do that kind of stupid thing. He should have mastered some method that can open the secret room and will do it." What happened to trigger the current attack? As for what method? I have some guesses, but I don’t plan to tell you, because even if I tell you, you won’t believe it.”

"How do you know I won't believe it?" Harry said stubbornly.

"Oh well!"

Albert read directly and listened with earplugs closed, filling the ears of the people eavesdropping outside the door with an indiscernible buzzing sound to prevent Ginny from hearing the next words, causing her to give Riddle's diary directly to threw.

"Riddle's diary, didn't you find that diary very unusual?" Albert reminded, "I know you have obtained it and saw what happened fifty years ago, I can tell you, It is difficult for ordinary wizards to do that, especially using a diary. When the diary was stolen, I suspected that the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets was in Gryffindor House."

"This is impossible!" Harry was shocked and speechless. He couldn't understand how Albert came to such a conclusion.

"It was Tom Riddle who caught Hagrid back then." Albert reminded, "You should know that Tom also didn't want the school to be closed, so he used Hagrid as a scapegoat. As long as the murderer is caught, the school will No need to be shut down.”

Harry quickly recalled what he saw in Riddle's memory, and had to admit that Albert's words made sense.

"Have you found the location of the Chamber of Secrets?" Harry asked.

"I can probably guess where the secret room is. However, you need Parseltongue to open the secret room." Albert said mysteriously, "If you are curious, you can ask the student who was killed by the Basilisk. We can find the entrance to the secret room."

Harry was confused and didn't understand where Albert wanted him to find someone, and wasn't the person dead?

"She came back as a ghost." Albert reminded. "Have you ever suspected that I was the murderer?"

"You are indeed suspicious. After all, you are the only Parseltongue in the school, but I don't think it is. If so, Dumbledore will probably find out immediately. After all, you are his savior." Albert shook his head Said: "Okay, our conversation is over, remember to keep it a secret for me!"

"Who do you suspect?" Harry asked, "Do you already know who is the murderer of the attack?"

"There's no point even if I tell you, because you won't believe it, just like you don't believe what I just said." Albert shrugged: "Go find it yourself, maybe my guess is wrong."

After saying that, Albert walked to the door and opened it suddenly.

Just hearing an ouch, a group of people fell to the ground.

Harry gaped at the group of people who had fallen to the ground.

"Have you heard enough?"

"Haha, we just..." Fred was racking his brains for an excuse.

"…A little curious," George added.

"I didn't expect you to investigate so many things without saying a word, and you weren't even willing to tell us." Li Jordan tried to divert Albert's attention.

"Did you already know who did it? Why didn't you tell Professor McGonagall?" Ron asked in confusion.

"Young man, you are too naive." Albert reached out and patted Ron on the shoulder and said, "There is no evidence, it is called slander and slander, and even if I say it, you may not be willing to believe it."

"How do you know we don't believe it?" Ron retorted.

"If Harry told the Minister of Magic that the mysterious man was still alive, how do you think he would react?" Albert thought for a while and asked.

"He should believe this, Professor Dumbledore also knows..."

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

Albert interrupted Harry by making three typos in a row, "Unless the Minister of Magic leads a group of people to see with their own eyes that the mysterious man is still alive, everyone will just think you are crazy and will be happy to believe that you are a lunatic. You It won’t take long to find out that the Daily Prophet is also reporting that there’s something wrong with your head.”

Looking at Harry who was stunned, Albert patted him on the shoulder and said: "So, if I tell Professor McGonagall who is the real culprit of the attack, do you think Professor McGonagall will believe me, or do you think I am just I was frightened and stimulated by the attack, and my brain started to get confused."

Fred and George couldn't help but laugh.

"Everything must be based on evidence, otherwise no one will be able to convince anyone!" Albert shrugged: "So, I will not accuse anyone in public of being the real culprit of the so-called attack. That will only make others think that I am an idiot. A mad dog that bites people."

Harry fell silent.

Do professors really believe what they say?

It's hard.

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