Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 646 Ai Shen Stick

"Why do we have to sit here and do our holiday homework now?"

At noon the next day, Fred finally couldn't stand it anymore. He threw the quill in his hand on the table, put his hand to support his chin, turned his head and looked out the window of the library, and complained softly: "That bastard Albert sneaked away by himself." ”

"His holiday homework should be almost finished." Lee Jordan said without raising his head. "If you finish your holiday homework, you can also run out and walk around."

"You should complain to Professor Dumbledore and ask him why he didn't cancel the exams for several other courses as well." George put the quill on the table and said to Fred and Lee Jordan, "We There’s no need to stay in the library doing holiday homework in such nice weather.”

"I know that's impossible." Fred looked away from the window, looked at the Harry trio who were whispering diagonally across the street, and asked curiously: "Have you come up with any good ideas? "

"I have some clues, but this kind of thing can only be done once." Hermione raised her head, looked around, and lowered her voice: "If the plan fails, the other party will definitely be more vigilant, and it will be more difficult to succeed later."

"Tell me what you plan to do?" Lee Jordan also stopped his quill and looked up at Hermione. He had always been interested in causing trouble.

Fred and George were both curious as to how Hermione planned to make old Malfoy lose his house elf.

"Send him some clothing, such as a pair of smelly socks." Harry took over Hermione's words, using "him" instead of Lucius Malfoy.

Since being educated by Albert repeatedly, Harry has gradually developed a sense of confidentiality.

"If he opens the package and sees a smelly sock inside, he will probably be so angry that he throws the package away. As long as the house elf is present and accepts the package, it is equivalent to obtaining the 'clothes' in the package."

"It's worth trying." Fred thought for a while and reminded: "However, the wizard family usually pays great attention to not letting the house elves come into contact with the clothes. You'd better get the house elf to cooperate with your actions, and don't let them The other party knew that there were socks in the package, so he would definitely let the house elf handle the disgusting package full of garbage, get the package, take out the socks inside, and the poor house elf would be free."

"I don't think your methods are reliable." George muttered.

"Then what do you think is more reliable?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, let Albert speak and curse that guy to lose his own house elf." George and Fred looked at each other and said in unison: "Believe me, there is nothing more vicious than Albert's 'curse'. "

Harry, Ron and Hermione were all speechless. This was not the first time they heard Fred and George teasing Albert's mouth.

There was no way, a lot of things who told him to say happened.

The latest victim is the unfortunate Lockhart. Fred, George and Lee Jordan even wondered if Lockhart was so unlucky because of Albert's mouth.

"Where are the Albertans?" Hermione asked.

"I'm probably going on a date. Do you have anything to do with him?" Fred turned to look at Hermione and winked mischievously. He felt that Hermione was very likely to become his admirer after being "rescued" by Albert.

"I heard that he said Professor Lockhart was..." Hermione hesitated. To be honest, she had a hard time accepting the truth that Professor Lockhart was a liar.

"Oh, that liar!" George had already concluded that Lockhart was a liar.

"Oh, the truth is often so cruel." Fred spread his hands helplessly and said: "I heard from Albert that the stories Lockhart wrote were not his experiences, but stolen the results of others, and they were very bad. He used a forgetting spell on the other party to make him forget these things so that he could take those deeds as his own."

"It's hard to believe," Hermione muttered.

"I don't think Albert needs to discredit a professor!" Ron supported Albert on this matter. "I think you should also know how bad Lockhart was in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. That’s right.”

"We even suspected that Professor Dumbledore might also know those things. When the principal heard Albert talking about it, he was very calm and didn't even want to give Lockhart a quibble. You know, Professor McGonagall's expression was quite serious at that time. Wonderful."

In everyone's description, Lockhart turned out to be an extremely despicable liar writer.

"His current fate is entirely his own fault!" Harry muttered. After hearing what Albert said about Lockhart's actions, he no longer had any sympathy for Lockhart.

"I heard that Lockhart has become a poor guy who can't even talk or walk and needs to be taken care of every day. He can only spend the rest of his life in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies." Lee Jordan seemed very satisfied with Lockhart. Special's fate, he also saw Madam Pomfrey personally send Lockhart away this morning.

Hermione was not stupid, and of course she knew that most students and professors in the school did not like Lockhart.

Last night, when Professor Dumbledore announced that Lockhart could no longer serve as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, even the professors in the seats were smiling, knowing how unpopular he was in the school.

"What a pathetic guy." Fred said with a hint of schadenfreude in his tone.

"I also know there's going to be another poor guy in the school soon!" George said mysteriously.

"Who?" Ron, who had been immersed in copying his homework, couldn't help asking.

"Kenneth Toller!" Fred and George both laughed maliciously.

"Is that the guy who sells amulets?" Harry had some impression of Kenneth Toller, a black market profiteer. He spent more than ten galleons to buy the amulet from the other party.

Last time, he used this to trick Malfoy at the Duel Club.

"Kenneth has always wanted to make a fortune by selling amulets. Now that the attack is over, I dare say he will have to throw away all the amulets he got from outside." George knew that Kenneth Toler made money by selling amulets. Made a small fortune.

"He also wanted to ask Albert to make a batch." Li Jordan thought of something and couldn't help laughing. "I dare say that Albert had guessed the result from then on, so he didn't agree. When we cooperated with him, that guy was not vigilant at all and deserved to lose money."

"No, no, he was too greedy, and he also met the evil-minded Albert. He deserved to be tricked." Fred, George and Lee Jordan all had no feelings for Kenneth Toller. What a favorable impression. They also didn't admit that Albert had done anything wrong in not telling Kenneth the truth.

Albert, who was unanimously considered by everyone to be a bad person, was currently receiving reproachful looks from the opposite side. Isobel was very dissatisfied with Albert's risking his life.

"I never like to take risks." Albert said seriously: "I don't do anything unprepared."

"There is a saying that plans can never keep up with changes." Isobel swatted away Albert's secretly stretched out hand and continued to lecture sternly, "That was a basilisk. You almost died. Do you know?" When I heard you were attacked, my heart stopped for a few beats."

"Let me hear if your heartbeat has really stopped," Albert leaned his head against Isobel's chest. "If it stops, I can help you perform a cardiac resuscitation massage."

"Stop it!" Isobel pushed Albert's head aside and complained: "Gryffindor students are always keen on taking risks, no matter what form of adventure they are."

"Okay, don't be angry, let's go over there and have a look!" Albert saw several girls coming this way, and he pointed to a flower bed with flowers in the courtyard and said.

Isobel saw the girls whispering and already guessed the reason.

"I really don't know why girls are so curious." Albert joked to himself, "Could it be that my charm is really that great?"

"You have never been so popular as you are now. Don't forget, you also have the title of International Wizard Chess Champion and have published a lot of articles in magazines." Isobel did not object, got up and followed Albert away. The girls walked towards the flower bed, "Besides, you're not ugly either."

"I prefer you to say I'm handsome."

"Handsome?" Isobel stopped and stared at Albert for a long time, then reached out to hold his face and looked at him carefully, and then said seriously, "Perhaps, butter boy is more appropriate to describe him."

"Only guys who are jealous of me will think that I am a butter boy, and no matter where they are, girls also prefer butter boys." Albert didn't care about this title at all, "Maybe, they should see my heroic side , compared to most of the rough boys in the school, I can obviously bring a sense of security to everyone. At least, most people who know me think that I am very reliable. Well, why do you think of me like this? "

"It's rare to see you narcissistic!" Isobel burst out laughing.

"I'm just telling the truth." Albert retorted dissatisfied: "Only young girls care about appearance. When they grow up, they value fame, money and power more. That's where the real charm lies. As for talent, as far as I know , among the Muggle wizards throughout the ages, the number of cases where they became Ministers of Magic can be counted on one finger."

"Girls are not as miserable as you think!" Isobel raised her eyebrows slightly, obviously dissatisfied with such a biased statement.

"No, I'm just a more realistic person." Albert no longer struggled with this aspect: "I know very well where my advantages are."

"Famous and talented?"

"An outstanding young man who is rich, famous, talented, and handsome will definitely be popular among girls." Albert was not embarrassed at all. "As for power, I don't think I am boasting. No one can compare with me." I competed for the positions of prefect and student body president.”

"Last night, Mr. Broad hinted that I would become an alternate member of the Wizengamot when I become an adult. Well, I have followed Professor Dumbledore's old path, and I have an advantage over the principal."

Although there is no precedent for a Muggle wizard to become a member of the Wizengamot, this cannot be difficult for the Wildsmith family.

When Albert reaches adulthood, his achievements will be more than these. Even if some members of the Wizengamot object, they will still have to hold their noses and admit his status. Who wants to have a bunch of people behind him?

This is one of the hidden benefits of being an heir.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for any outstanding Muggle wizard to become a member of the Wizengamot.

Although Albert didn't care about that position, in his opinion, the British wizarding world was just that big of a deal, and he had no interest in participating.

"According to you, I got a big deal out of it?" After hearing this, Isobel felt a little funny.

"It's good to know!" Albert proudly held the girl's hand and walked to a remote corner, letting the lush flowers cover them from the eyes of other girls.

Isobel couldn't help but rolled her eyes and joked: "The sequelae of drinking too much Felixir?"

"The Elixir of Fortune is indeed a good thing." Albert sighed softly, "Unfortunately, it is too difficult to brew."

"Don't you still have some?" Isobel said angrily, "You can't drink too much of that stuff."

"Sometimes, a few minutes of luck can save your life." Albert said meaningfully. He had thought about making the Fuling Elixir into "cod liver oil" and taking one when needed would bring him half an hour of luck. , then there will be no need to worry about the toxicity of the Fuling Elixir.

"The last few years may not be peaceful." Noting Isobel's confusion, Albert explained softly.

"Great prophet, did you predict something else?" Isobel picked a flower from the flower bed and asked casually.

"Chaos and war. This thing is just a sign." Albert said mysteriously, "It has something to do with the mysterious man and Harry Potter. I remember telling you about this before."

Sometimes, Albert feels that he has more and more potential to be a magician.

"Oh, that means it has nothing to do with you." Isobel poked Albert's chest with her finger and reminded: "Harry Potter is the savior, you are not."

"I know I'm not, but no one can stay out of it." Albert said with a smile, "Unrest is a disaster for everyone, but it is also an opportunity. I will be prepared in advance."

"It's always mysterious." Isobel muttered. She didn't like the so-called turmoil, but she didn't deny the information Albert revealed.

This guy is always mysterious, like a closed book that makes people want to open it and take a peek at the contents.

There is no denying that the sense of mystery is really attractive.

"That's what prophecies are like. People who peek into fate will always make themselves look mysterious." Albert blinked and said, "In your words, it's just pretentious."

"I think you were lying to me just now." Isobel said, staring into Albert's eyes.

"No, I told the truth." Albert assured without blinking.

"A skilled liar can also deceive people with the truth." Isobel almost said that Albert was a liar, especially since he liked to deceive people in some aspects.

"I have never lied to you!" Albert almost took out his heart and showed it to Isobel.

"Someone told me you go around flirting with women."


"A guy who wanted to find three or two girlfriends now has more than that."

"How can you clear someone's innocence like this?" Albert said pretending to be angry, "Besides, I have never provoked Katrina."

Although that is the dream of most men, Albert is very self-aware. It is more practical to choose a tree than a forest.

At this time, an owl landed in front of them, breaking the atmosphere created by the two.

Albert took the note and read the contents.

Hagrid invited him to tea, apparently to thank Albert for his help.

"Want to go together?"

"No." Isobel shook his head and said, "I think you must have something to say, so see you tonight!"

"Next semester, you will graduate from school." Albert suddenly said.

"What's wrong?"

"Maybe I should buy a house in Hogsmeade."

"Do you have a lot of galleons?"

"Don't forget, I am a soothsayer. I can easily make a lot of money by making a simple prediction." Albert added: "Of course, if we can find the right disappearing cabinet, we can always stay in Hogsmeade. If we meet each other in the village, you don’t have to worry about me being snatched away by others.”

Isobel couldn't help rolling her eyes and asked, "Will you be snatched away by others?"


"Then why should I worry."

It made sense, and Albert found that he couldn't refute it, but he knew that Isobel would agree.

After separating from Isobel, Albert went to Hagrid's hut alone.

"Didn't your girlfriend come with you?" Hagrid asked a little surprised when he found Albert alone.

"Did you see it?" Albert asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"You are much better than Harry's father when it comes to chasing girlfriends." Hagrid sighed. "He spent a lot of effort chasing Lily."

"What kind of person is he?" Albert asked, "I mean Harry's father."

"Very smart and very fond of causing trouble, but James is a good person," Hagrid recalled. "Lily is also a good person."

"It seems you met an acquaintance in Azkaban Prison?" Albert, of course, knew who Hagrid met in Azkaban, and asked, "How was that place?"

"It's bad, it's terrible. Thank you for letting me come out of that hellish place so early. I never want to see those Azkaban guards again." Speaking of Azkaban, Hagrid couldn't help but I shivered, as if remembering something bad.

"No, believe me, you will see them again soon." Albert thought for a while and said.

"This is not good news." Hagrid muttered, "What did you predict again?"

"I didn't predict anything." Albert said calmly: "However, since Harry Potter came to Hogwarts to go to school, the school has been uneasy, and I have no doubt that something will happen next semester. "

"It's better if nothing happens."

Hagrid poured Albert a cup of tea and said gratefully, "I heard from Dumbledore that you revealed all the secrets and were attacked by a basilisk."

"Harry avenged me." Albert glanced at the "Daily Prophet" spread out on the table and asked, "Are you looking for an article that the Ministry of Magic can help you clarify?"

"Yeah, I spent the whole morning looking for it, and then I went to the corner of the third page." Hagrid muttered, "To be honest, the Ministry of Magic doesn't have any sincerity in doing this."

"This is normal Hagrid." Albert took a sip of tea and sneered: "Do you still expect the Minister of Magic to apologize to you? Even if Fudge made a mistake, he wouldn't be able to do that before there was public outrage. , otherwise it would undermine his authority."

"You hate Fudge," Hagrid asked carefully.

"No, it should be said that I hate all politicians." Albert said without hesitation, "As for Fudge, with that guy's character, he will probably be kicked out of office in the end."

Hagrid just smiled reluctantly. He could see that Albert disliked Fudge very much, so he changed the subject, "By the way, Dumbledore has agreed that I will take over Professor Kettlebo's position as the professor of Care of Magical Creatures. ”

"I don't recommend that you use the "Monster Book of Monsters" as a textbook. Believe me, many students will not like that thing."


"Because that book can bite people." Albert reminded: "No one wants to be bitten while reading a book, and we are not as rough-skinned and fleshy as you."

Hagrid was a little disappointed, this was obviously different from what he expected.

"Hagrid, there are some things you need to remember." Albert gave Hagrid some reminders. "The students are not you, and their enthusiasm for this subject is far less than yours. Most magical animals are too dangerous for them. You'd better not get them in class or you're bound to get into trouble."

Albert glanced at the task panel and was satisfied with the task that was triggered again.

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