Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 656 Thank you so much

As June approaches, the days at Hogwarts become increasingly muggy.

The weather was sunny and cloudless, and everyone just wanted to go for a walk outside, sit on the grass for a picnic, drink a large glass of ice-cold pumpkin juice, and play wizard cards with friends. Or go to the lake and play with the giant squid lying in the warm shallow water basking in the sun.

However, as the final exam approached, everyone was forced to give up their good time outdoors and had to stay in the castle all day, forcing themselves to review the exam content.

Even Fred and George are studying hard, fearing that if they fail in the final exam, this summer will be difficult.

As a result, Albert, who never had to worry about final exams, became the envy and complaint of the three of them.

After entering the second week of June, the three of them had no time to complain because the final exams officially started.

This final exam was a disaster for most Hogwarts students.

In fact, many students believe that with so much going on this year, there may not be any more final exams.

At least, there will be no more exams except for fifth and seventh graders.

Unexpectedly, the attack incident was solved by Harry Potter during the Easter holiday, and the exams were still going on.

As a result, some unprepared students struggled.

In the transformation exam, it was directly reflected.

Turn guinea fowl into ferrets.

To be honest, the content of the Transfiguration exam is actually not difficult. Professor McGonagall has taught everyone how to turn a guinea fowl into a guinea pig in class more than once, and the final exam is slightly more difficult than this.

However, all the candidates who came out of the classroom sighed.

Most of the students' ferrets can't even move, and even retain some of the distinctive characteristics of guinea fowl. The few guinea fowls used for the exam were simply in trouble and had to endure the torture caused by the students' various transformation spells.

"It's so difficult."

"I failed in the exam."

After finishing the Transfiguration exam, Fred couldn't help complaining: "My ferret still has obvious combs on it. Professor McGonagall is very unhappy. I wouldn't be surprised if she asked me to retake the exam."

"George still has chicken feathers on that butt."

Li Jordan thought he did pretty well in the exam, and he was still in the mood to tease his two good friends.

"Shut up, your ferret can't move."

"At least, it's still a ferret."

"You can brag about it after you are completely successful. By the way, where is the Albert man?" George changed the subject depressingly, "I saw him just now, but why did he disappear all of a sudden?"

"That guy is always mysterious. He must be hiding something from us." Fred lowered his voice and said, "I don't know what method he used. He never missed a class."

"We'd better not go into it any further. It will only bring us trouble. I don't want someone to cast a forgetting spell on me one day." Lee Jordan stopped Fred and George from digging into the inside story. "Let's go. We'll have more in the afternoon. We have to prepare for the History of Magic exam."

On the way to the hall, I saw Albert talking to an O.W.LS examiner.

The three of them waited for a while, and after the old examiner left, they walked up to say hello to Albert.

"Have you started asking about the O.W.LS exam content?" Lee Jordan asked jokingly.

"No, we were just talking about some academic issues." Albert didn't lie. He was talking to Professor Marchban about the humanoid restoration spell.

In fact, Albert wanted to talk to the principal, but Dumbledore didn't seem to put much thought into transfiguration research.

He suspected that the principal had begun to investigate Tom's past and collect more useful intelligence.

"If we can get a lot of money next year, we'll give up the O.W.LS exams." Fred muttered under his breath.

"I think your family may not be happy." Albert couldn't help but frown and reminded, "They definitely hope that you can get good grades and have multiple options in the future."

"Mom hopes that we can enter the Ministry of Magic, but it is simply a prison for us." George knew his family's thoughts very well. He also did not want to work in the Ministry of Magic. The boring office work was simply the most terrifying thing for the two of them. torture.

"Working in the Ministry of Magic can bring you a stable salary." Lee Jordan understood the thoughts of Fred and George's mother: "Actually, my family also hopes that I can work in the Ministry of Magic."

"A stable income is very important for less wealthy wizarding families, unless you are all rich and don't have to worry about life." Albert recalled: "I have been to the United States. In that country, Wizards who have just left school will be proud to be employees of the Ministry of Magic."

"It's a country without dreams," Fred complained.

"This is the cruel reality that you need to face as an adult. The American wizarding world monitors wizards very strictly. If you are not careful, you will go to jail." Albert tried to make the three of them understand the cruel reality.

"America must be a pretty bad country."

"Anyway, I don't want to step into that country again."

"We have never thought about working in the Ministry of Magic, but we need to find a reason to convince our families. This is not an easy task." Fred glanced sideways at Percy who was checking the test papers, curled his lips and asked, "Do you have any better way?"

"You just lack galleons." Albert followed the twins' gazes, his eyes fell on Percy, and said lightly: "Now is an era of money. As long as you can earn enough galleons, you Your family will shut up, or at least they won’t be dissatisfied with the future you choose.”

"What you say is always so impressive." George did not think that he would not be able to make money in the future, or in other words, he never thought that Albert could not make money, and they were opening a store in cooperation with Albert. Next, you can definitely make money.

At least, he felt that he and Fred must have lived a freer and happier life than the rest of the family.

Percy apparently eavesdropped on the conversation of several people, and in the evening, he took the initiative to find Albert.

"I don't know what you plan to do in the future, and I'm not worried about Fred and George's future!" Percy looked into Albert's eyes and said seriously: "But Fred and George are in a very bad state of mind right now... …You should know very well that the main task of students is to study, and to get a good score in the final exam will give them a higher starting point after graduation.”

"It seems that you still care about them." Albert was a little surprised how Percy ended up falling out with his family.

Are your family members blocking your way up?

So you just kicked him away?

"After all, they are all my brothers." Percy forced a smile.

"I know what you mean, but Fred and George are not you. Entering the Ministry of Magic may not be a good thing for them, and..." Albert's eyes couldn't help but glance to a corner, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction at the corner of his mouth. Smiling with good intentions: "Besides, I think the Ministry of Magic will definitely collapse in the future."

"Do you think?"

Percy stared at Albert dumbfounded, wondering if the other man was crazy.

What does it mean that the Ministry of Magic will definitely collapse?

"Yes, I think." Before Albert turned away, he turned back to Percy and said, "I'll give you a piece of advice. Before something happens, there's no need to rush up. Your opportunity hasn't come yet. .By the way, congratulations in advance on becoming the president of the student union."

"What is this?" Percy felt confused for a while, frowning and looking at Albert's leaving back, thinking about the meaning of the other person's words.

Did he foresee something?

No, it's probably unlikely.

Or is he actually trying to scare me?

"The Ministry of Magic will surely collapse?"

To Percy, this statement was simply baffling.

How could the Ministry of Magic collapse?

"There's no need to rush up until something happens." Percy murmured and repeated, "Before something happens?


Does it refer to the collapse of the Ministry of Magic?

Percy thought of Albert's various astonishing reasonings during Easter.

There was no need for him to fool himself.

Those words sounded like prophecy and advice.

Could it be that the Ministry of Magic really will collapse?

Percy suddenly doubted life.

"You are actually hiding here and whispering."

As soon as Albert turned the corner, Fred, George and Lee Jordan appeared out of thin air.

"Have you not been hiding nearby and eavesdropping?" Albert knew that the three of them had been using the Disguise Spell to hide nearby and eavesdrop on his conversation with Percy.

"That idiot Percy probably won't believe what you say!" Fred wasn't embarrassed either. He knew Albert's ability, and it wasn't surprising at all to see through the Disillusionment Curse on them. After all, they could do it in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets. Find the guy hiding the secret room.

As for Albert saying that the Ministry of Magic will collapse, this will probably come true.

Speaking of which, the Ministry of Magic has been so unlucky for eight lifetimes that it unexpectedly received a prophecy of its downfall.

I really want to thank you!

"What if Percy tells mom about us?" George frowned, "You know, that's not a good thing."

"Let's just tell Percy about having a girlfriend," Fred suggested.

"I think your family will probably be very happy." Albert couldn't help but interject, "After all, the number of girls is limited. If you don't take action first, you will have to be single if you can't find a suitable marriage partner."

The three of them suddenly felt that what Albert said made sense.

"Is this why you found a girlfriend?" George joked with interest.

There is no doubt that Albert has already picked up the best girl in the school.

At least, that's how it looks in the eyes of most boys.

"I think as long as your test scores are better, your family will not object." Li Jordan expressed his opinion. Although his results are not top-notch, his results are obviously satisfactory to his family.

"Then, when you open a shop and earn a lot of galleons, your family will not object to you doing these things." Albert continued, "So, start reviewing your lessons hard now!"

"No, we think we should work hard now... wait!" Fred and George were dragged to the library to review the content of the next exam.

Facts have proved that even if it is just temporary, it is still useful. Albert helped the three of them quickly go over the key points of the next exam and let them make up for the missed knowledge, which directly improved their scores a lot.

"I think if you help us review in advance, our scores will at least improve a lot." George said excitedly after finishing the curse written test. They basically got the key points that Albert reviewed for them, and the results were really great.

Fortunately, the exam took two full weeks, otherwise it would be difficult for Albert to help the three of them with tutoring to improve their scores.

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