Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 671 The Anderson family’s troubles

While the British wizarding world was making a fuss about Sirius Black's escape from prison, the British Muggle world was also boiling over something.

A lawyer named Herb Anderson actually took away the lottery jackpot.

Countless people are envious and jealous because of this.

However, the Anderson family is worrying about winning the lottery.

Winning the jackpot is naturally a good thing.

But this may not be a good thing for Herb.

The number was given to him by his son Albert, who said before going to France:

In a few years, the UK will no longer be safe, so the family will need to leave the UK for a while, and the money from the lottery will be their moving expenses.

No one in the family was excited about it.

After winning the lottery, a lot of questions come one after another.

Daisy found that her relatives whom she had not been in contact with usually started to take the initiative to contact her, and there were not a few people who came to visit her.

Fortunately, her brother Charlie's business is also booming, otherwise there is no telling what would have happened.

In fact, even Charlie came to them to discuss this use of money, which he believed should be invested more effectively.

The Andersons rejected Charlie on the grounds that they had to discuss it with Albert before investing.

Charlie was a little regretful, but he couldn't refute it, because his success was related to Albert's suggestion, and he didn't dare to say anything bad.

Before leaving, let Daisy take him with her to make money together.

Herb was looking at the latest information, also frowning, and said to his wife: "I just asked someone to investigate the overseas colony that Albert mentioned. That land will be on July 1, 1997." Returning it to the other party on the same day was an agreement made by Mrs. Thatcher with the other party in September 1982."

"Are we really going to leave England?" Daisy looked at her husband in disbelief.

To be honest, she felt uneasy living in a strange place, and she didn't want to give up her life as a lawyer. If she gave up her current life because of this windfall, God knows what the future would be like. If she didn't become rich overnight, Done properly, the results will certainly not be too good.

"No, I think Albert's opinion should be respected." Herb sighed softly and reminded, "Do you think we really have other choices? With Albert's character, he has already predicted that danger is coming. He will never allow us to stay in the UK, and will eventually use magic to 'persuade' us and then pack us away."

Daisy was silent.

The couple still know their son's character quite well, and geniuses are always particularly stubborn when it comes to certain things they determine. Coupled with Albert's ability, this kind of thing is entirely possible.

"Perhaps, we should tell him the good news." Herb was the first to break the silence. He went back to the dormitory to get the two-way mirror that Albert had left for them to communicate with, and began to call Albert's name into the mirror.

After a long time, a figure was reflected in the double-sided mirror, and Albert's face appeared in front of them.

"Did you win the lottery?" Albert asked.

"how do you know?"

As soon as Daisy said it, she was stunned. How did Albert know? She probably guessed. After all, their son was so smart and had predicted that he would win the jackpot.

"How much?"

"You don't know?" Nia asked in surprise.

"How much?" Albert asked.

"10 million pounds." Herb said with a smile: "After deducting taxes, you can still get a lot of money."

"It's probably about 6 million pounds more!" Albert made a slight estimate and couldn't help complaining, "But the tax is really heavy."

Herb ignored his son's complaints and asked, "You got this money, what are you going to do with it?"

"Invest in the colonies." Albert said without hesitation. "After the colonies are returned, that place will begin its final capital spree, and house prices should fall by half."

"Are you planning to buy a house?"

"Yes." Albert knew what Herb was thinking and explained, "The colony itself relies on a large country with a population of 1 billion, and there is no caste problem in the subcontinent, which means that population will become the basis for the country's take-off. It is also destined to take off.”

"The capital and the largest cities along the coast are good investment targets. You can recruit a group of people and set up a company to invest there."

Herb opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Can it take off?

If it is true as Albert said, then now is indeed a good opportunity to make money.

"I heard that the judges there seem to be tenured for life. You can go there in advance and get yourself a judge position. Now you can make preparations first, understand the situation there, learn the language there, and wait for the opportunity to make money. ." After Albert finished speaking, he thought for a moment and added: "By the way, remember to leave some money for me."

Albert rambled on a lot, and Herb finally took a pen and slowly recorded his instructions. As a lawyer, Herb certainly had his own subjective opinions, but now, he felt that he should refer to his son's opinions first.

He had to admit that being able to predict was amazing!

"You can ask Charlie." Daisy still helped her cheap relatives to help them. As for whether they were willing to participate or not, that was not her concern.

"Reduce the work of the law firm. Let's collect intelligence first and make preparations. We will go there to investigate when we have time another day. It's best to contact them."

Herb has recovered from the shock of winning the big prize and made a series of judgments with a clear mind. He also knows that Albert's words are not painful. If he really wants to implement them and make profits from them, someone needs to run for it. Work hard.

"It would be nice to have a lifelong judge."

As long as you have money, everything is possible. This is the world of capital. What's more, he is also a lawyer and is very familiar with it.

"What should I do?" Nia became even more depressed.

"Come with us there then." Herb said without hesitation: "When you leave the UK, your studies here will be almost complete. As for university, you can go there when the time comes, and you need to learn management knowledge."

"Albert is so annoying!"

Nia doesn't like her arranged life, although she also understands the importance of money.


At that time, the opening of Albert's money bag was held in her hand.

"Who were you just talking to?"

Isobel, who had just taken a shower, was standing outside the door wearing a nightgown, holding two cups of hot cocoa, and handed one of them to Albert.

"My family, they told me I won the lottery."

"Won a prize?"

"The Muggle lottery jackpot." Albert said with a smile: "You can get about 6 million pounds."

"Six million pounds?" Isobel carefully recalled the exchange rate between Muggle pounds and galleons: "If all were converted into galleons, it would be about: 1.2 million galleons."

As she spoke, the girl couldn't help but open her mouth.

"Money addict." Albert smiled and tapped Isobel's forehead, reminding him, "This money is difficult to convert into galleons."

"I suddenly felt that the Daily Prophet's Galleons Award was a joke." Isobel sighed.

"It's normal. There are more Muggles than wizards. Naturally, the wealth created cannot be compared to that of wizards. The meaning of wealth is not just a pile of gold coins." Albert looked at Isobel, who was still in a daze, and stretched out his arms to hug me. The other party explained with a smile.

"What do you need so much money for?" Isobel reminded, "If the Ministry of Magic knew that you... you had stolen such a large amount of money from the Muggle world."

"Stealing, no, no, that's not stealing. It's normal for Muggles in the Muggle world to win the lottery." Albert reminded with a smile, "The Ministry of Magic can't trouble me because the money doesn't belong to me, at least I don't They will intervene without leaving any evidence, and most wizards don't understand Muggle things at all, and they don't even know it exists."

"Innocent if not discovered?"

Isobel thought of Albert’s crooked reasoning.

"There are no conscienceless capitalists now." Albert curled his lips and said, "Besides, my method is completely legal, so you can't slander me."

Isobel couldn't help rolling her eyes, not wanting to continue this topic, and then, she felt like she was being picked up.

"We should celebrate winning the jackpot."

"Don't do this." Isobel said shyly, "You will disturb others, and I am already very tired today."

"This room is actually magic. It can isolate the sound and will not disturb the Flamel couple's rest." Albert smiled and closed the door and lowered the curtains.

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