Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 676 Engagement

"Does this... count as an engagement?"

Isobel lay quietly on the bed, slowly raised her left hand, spread her fingers in front of her eyes, and stared at the silver ring on her ring finger, still feeling unreal.

A simple engagement ceremony.

Family and friends of both parties were not present.

The Nicols were the only witnesses to the engagement, and they held a very small party in the hall of Flamel's house.

It feels incredible when I think about it now.

"What are you thinking about?" Albert opened the door, looked at the girl lying on the bed and looked at the ring in a daze, and asked with a smile.

"It's nothing, I just think it's incredible. If mom knew that I was secretly engaged to you, she would be very angry." Isobel retracted her arm and sighed softly, still worrying about how to solve this matter.

"Don't worry, Mrs. McDougal won't be angry." Albert comforted softly.

"How do you know?" Isobel couldn't help rolling her eyes at Albert. She was a born master of telepathy and had a better grasp of people's hearts than others. How could she not know what her mother was thinking? I have nothing against the two of them, but if I knew that my daughter was secretly engaged to someone else without notifying her, I would definitely be very angry!

"Actually, Mrs. McDoug already knows about this."

Under Isobel's stunned eyes, Albert told Isobel the operation of Daisy and Herb.

Shortly after Albert left for France, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson asked Sheila to send a letter to Mrs. McDougal, inviting her to come to their home to discuss their engagement and marriage.

"You didn't tell me!"

Isobel bared her teeth and threw Albert onto the bed, "Do you know, I have been worried about how to explain our engagement to my mother."

"Isn't this a surprise for you?" Albert blinked innocently, "They think it's appropriate for Mr. and Mrs. LeMay to host the engagement ceremony."

"Your family seems a little anxious!" Isobel asked a little confused.

"They knew about my prophecy and wanted us to leave the UK after getting married and go abroad to escape the coming storm." Albert explained.

"Did you tell them?"

Isobel was very surprised by what the Andersons did.

You must know that their son is still a child and is still several years away from adulthood. How afraid are they that their son will not be able to marry a wife?


Albert looked sideways at Isobel's little face and said with a smile: "They probably think that after getting married, I will have concerns, put my family first, and will not take risks easily, so they urge me like this." Marry you as soon as possible, and then after I graduate from school, my whole family will leave England, a place of right and wrong."

"You didn't tell them that you didn't plan to leave the UK." Isobel asked with a slight eyebrow raised.

"Yes. But they also have their own ideas, don't they?"

Albert was very aware of his family's little thoughts and didn't pay too much attention to it. He was not an impulsive person and wanted to survive more than anyone else.

After all, a good life has just begun. Who wouldn’t want to risk their own lives for excitement?

"Well, now that we are engaged, we are not allowed to mess around with women." Isobel suddenly remembered something, poked Albert's chest with her finger and reminded: "Those two or three girlfriends of yours I’m afraid my wish will come true.”

"It sounds like I'm always messing around with women." Albert protested dissatisfied. He was a very dedicated man. Whenever he was messing around with women, it was purely a slander against him.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to get engaged to Isobel so early?

"Miss Kathleen from the United States seems to be interested in you. Miss Kathleen is a great beauty!" Isobel picked up her fingers and began to help Albert count, "There are others I met a while ago. Miss Louise, don’t think I can’t see that the girl with Veela blood has been fascinated by your handsomeness, talent and fame.”

"We are just ordinary pen pals." Albert reminded silently.

"That's just your wishful thinking." Isobel snorted disdainfully and continued, "And my poor idiot sister Katrina, she has always had a crush on you. I dare say that as long as you use some sweet words, I’ll definitely get her soon.”

"If you dare to have any wrong thoughts about Katrina!" Isobel's eyes suddenly became sharp as she talked about her sister.

"Ahem, you are overthinking. Katrina is your sister, and she is not as beautiful as you." Albert was very helpless. He and Louise were really just ordinary pen pals. They had met each other as many times as you can count on your fingers. Count them. The relationship with Kathleen was just a cooperative relationship, and he had never thought of going to the United States again.

As for Katrina, after Albert met Isobel, he had no idea. Although sisters...ahem, it was impossible to even think about it. He was not someone who liked to seek death.

"Humph! There has never been a so-called pure relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend in this world. As long as they are familiar with each other and get along for a long time, there will always be some changes." Isobel saw this kind of thing quite thoroughly, "And your Gran Fendo's female friend seems to be named Hermione Granger. I dare say that when she gets older..."

Albert stared at his fiancée in stunned silence. Although he didn't want to admit it, the last words Isobel said made so much sense.

"According to what you say, should we get engaged later?" Albert said in a joking tone: "In this way, maybe there is a chance to get two or three girlfriends before getting married!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Albert's face was held by two hands and rubbed continuously.

"That's such a pity, we are already engaged." The girl reminded with a smile, "I'm afraid your wish will be dashed."

Isobel also felt that it was good to get engaged early. After all, Albert will be at Hogwarts for another two years, and God knows what will happen during this time.

As Albert began to show off his talents and achieve success, coupled with his gentle and peaceful temperament and his pockets full of Galleons, he looked like a sweet cake, making countless girls admire him. I want to rush forward and take a bite.

However, Isobel obviously had no intention of sharing this sweet cake with anyone.

After their lips parted, Albert suddenly said: "By the way, the letter from the school has been sent. I am now a prefect, so I no longer need to secretly use the prefect's bathroom."

"When will we return to England?" Isobel changed the subject.

"In two days, we have to tell Mr. Nico about this in advance, and then go to Diagon Alley to make up for the things we need for this semester." Albert has no intention of staying at Nico's house until When the summer vacation is over, you always need to take time to go back and spend time with your family.

After all, when he graduates from school, such time will become less, and Isobel is obviously not worried about her family.

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