Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 684 Dumbledore has something to say

The train finally arrived at Hogsmeade station.

As soon as the students got off the train, they were immediately hit by the cold rain outside and shivered from the cold.

What the hell!

It's not even this cold in December.

As soon as Albert got off the train, he felt a cold air rushing towards him, and he breathed out a big breath of hot breath.

However, Albert had already prepared himself. He had already put on a thick cloak and a raincoat. He raised his wand to hold the umbrella to block the cold rain falling from above his head.

It's all the Dementors' fault!

It must be the activities of those guys that caused such a large amount of cold air. Otherwise, how could the platform freeze in this weather?

What the hell!

Are all wizards in such good health?

Being caught in the rain like this, you didn’t catch a collective cold?

"First graders come here!"

At one end of the platform, Hagrid was holding a lantern, waving to the panicked new students, preparing to take them on a traditional journey across the lake.

The remaining students huddled together shivering and crowded towards the carriage procession on the street under the rain. They could not wait to board the carriage and go to the warm Hogwarts Castle.

Albert found Fred, George and Lee Jordan easily. All three of them had mastered the trick of using wands to conjure umbrellas. They were waiting for him by the platform, and they were particularly conspicuous in the trembling crowd.

"Oh my gosh, you're so prepared."

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan all stared at the armed Albert with their mouths open.

"I have long guessed that the dementors would make the weather in Hogwarts look like this." Albert raised his finger and pointed to the sky above everyone's heads, motioning the three of them to look up.

Dementors were dimly visible in the rain, monitoring the train platform from above.

"Azkaban prison must be scary!" George muttered under his breath.

"Follow up, don't fall behind."

Everyone walked through the rough and muddy paths and finally found the carriage team on the streets of Hogsmeade. The students hurriedly ran to the carriages they selected and quickly got into the carriages, as if they wanted to keep out the rain and cold air outside.

After the four people got on the car, they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Even if they held an umbrella, some of their robes were soaked by the rain, not to mention those unlucky ones who were completely soaked. They were probably huddled in the corner of the car shivering!

"It's really annoying!"

Fred sniffed the musty and straw smell in the air and couldn't help but shudder.

Albert took out his wand and evaporated the wet rainwater on the robes of the three of them. He reminded: "You'd better take the time to learn this. Some magics are very useful and can be used to invent similar magic props in the future. I I think most students will be willing to spend some money to buy this thing, and it always rains when the school starts."

"You're right, other unlucky guys who got wet in the rain will definitely buy it." Fred and George both felt that there should be sales for this thing, and sales means there is money to be made.

The carriage drove towards the castle. When passing the gate of Hogwarts School, Albert saw two tall, cloaked dementors standing guard on both sides of the gate.

There was an inexplicable chill coming towards the car.

Fred, George and Li Jordan seemed unaware and were pointing at the dementors outside the carriage. Perhaps Albert was sitting next to them, giving them full courage.

The carriage drove down the long sloping driveway and finally stopped in front of the castle.

The four people got off the carriage one after another, held up umbrellas and joined the crowd hurriedly heading towards the stone steps.

After walking through the huge oak door, the chill in the air was dispelled by the torches on the wall.

Albert followed the crowd to the hall and glanced at the candles suspended in mid-air. These magical candles were enchanted so that no wax would drip from their heads, otherwise it would probably be a different scene.

Albert found a seat and sat down. When he looked up at the teacher's seat, he discovered something interesting. Their Potions professor, Snape, had been staring at the newly appointed Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, with twisted anger and hatred appearing on his thin, sallow face.

"Look at the teacher's desk." Albert said softly, "Our potions professor seems to know the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor..."

"That's not just because the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's position was snatched away." Fred looked a little gloating. Snape's displeasure was their source of happiness.

"I suspect they have a grudge." George added in a low voice.

"Perhaps, Snape was robbed of his girlfriend by the other party." Li Jordan speculated maliciously, "Otherwise, there would not be such unforgettable hatred."

"Can Snape find a girlfriend?" Fred and George expressed doubts.

"Don't forget, Snape received Valentine's Day chocolates." Albert reminded the three of them kindly.

These words immediately shut up the three of them. They were afraid that Snape would find out if they laughed out loud.

"Ahem, where did you say Professor McGonagall went?" Fred looked at Professor Flitwick who walked into the auditorium holding an ancient hat and a three-legged stool, and quickly changed the subject.

"Probably... sent Harry to the school hospital." George speculated. He noticed that there was an empty seat next to Ron, and Harry Potter was not in the Great Hall now.

"Quiet, the sorting ceremony is about to begin."

Albert quietly looked at the sorting hat on the three-legged stool and recalled his memories of the sorting.


Nothing bad.

Albert actually didn't care about the sorting. He was a little hungry and regretted not having some snacks just now.

Most of the students in the hall probably have little patience for the sorting ceremony and wish they could just skip this damn ceremony and start enjoying the feast.

it is finally over.

After the sorting ceremony, Albert also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard a whisper behind him. He turned around with everyone and found that they were all looking at Harry and discussing the famous Harry Potter. Fainting in front of something strange.

However, everyone soon ran out of time to discuss Harry Potter.

At the teachers' table, the principal stood up and spoke.


Dumbledore spread his arms as usual and said, "Welcome to Hogwarts in the new school year! Welcome our old students - before you get carried away with your delicious meal, I have something very serious to say to all of you. say clearly."

All the whispers disappeared, and the auditorium suddenly became quiet.

Dumbledore rarely talked nonsense before a banquet. Now he spoke, obviously to say something very important.

"The dementors from Azkaban will be performing official duties for the Ministry of Magic at Hogwarts." Dumbledore cleared his throat and warned sternly: "During their stay here, no one will be allowed to leave without their permission." You are not allowed to leave the school without permission."

"Don't play tricks with dementors, and don't try to deceive them with disguises, even invisibility cloaks. They don't understand what requests or excuses are." When Dumbledore said this, he still looked at Harry. Lee glanced over and continued: "I hope that the prefects, as well as our newly appointed President of the Boy's Student Union and President of the Girl's Student Union, will ensure that no student will conflict with the dementors."

"Please don't give the dementors an excuse to hurt you, okay?"

When Dumbledore mentioned the President of the Student Union, Percy couldn't help but puff up his chest, as if he wanted people to see the badge of the President of the Student Union on his chest.

"I feel like Dumbledore is talking about you." George touched Albert's ribs with his elbow and said with a smile, "He looked over here just now."

"You are too worried." Albert said calmly.

"Someone used the patronus to smear the dementors in the face when they disagreed."

"I think if you encountered Dementors in Hogsmeade, you might do the same thing." Lee Jordan had this look on his face, "Just summon the Patronus to drive them away."

"Don't be stupid. I dare say that this year the school will send professors to Hogsmeade Village to keep an eye on it and not let anything happen there." Albert did not hide his disgust towards Dementors. He believed that no one would Love those monsters.

"...Two new teachers have joined our team." Dumbledore continued: "The first is Professor Lupin, who agreed to fill the vacancy in the Defense Against the Dark Arts course."

"Speaking of which, there are still people who dare to apply for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

"Maybe he needs this decent job. Professor Luping doesn't look very rich." Albert analyzed calmly, "If his teaching level is good but he can't find a job, some things will be difficult. It’s very doubtful.”

"Nothing to doubt."


"Identity? Do you think there is something wrong with Professor Lupine? Is he really Sirius Black in disguise?"

"Probably not, otherwise Dumbledore would definitely find something was wrong."

"... Rubeus Hagrid has come to fill the vacancy, and he has agreed to serve as a teacher in addition to his role as gamekeeper."

"Don't be too happy. Hagrid may know a lot about magical animals, but he is definitely not a qualified professor." Albert looked at the three people who were applauding and poured cold water on them.

"That biting book sure looks shaky!" muttered Fred.

"Just think of all the cute little ones Hagrid had, who knows what would happen in his classroom."

"Three-headed dog."

"Fire dragon."


"Oh my God, this is really not a good idea," Fred muttered under his breath, "He's not really going to get an Acromantula into class, is he?"

He hates those big spiders.

"Probably not."

It's unlikely that someone really brought Acromantula into class.

"Fortunately, after this year we won't have to take Care of Magical Creatures lessons anymore."

"...Now let's start eating!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the golden plates and goblets in front of them were suddenly filled with food and drinks, and the table even groaned under the load.

When Albert was cutting a piece of steak, Nick, who almost frowned, came over and said to Albert with a smile, "You have indeed become a prefect."


"Professor McGonagall asked me to tell you the password: it's a lucky star."

"That's the benefit of being a prefect," Lee Jordan joked.

"Shut up and eat your potatoes."

After everyone had eaten and drank, the sound in the auditorium gradually became noisy. Dumbledore said a few more words and asked everyone to go back to rest.

"See you later." After Albert said goodbye to Fred, George and Li Jordan, he walked to the end of the Gryffindor table and shouted towards the table, "First-year students, please go this way!"

This time, Albert and Zannah did not take the wrong path. After walking out of the restaurant, they climbed the marble stairs and honestly followed the path Percy took them to.

Albert led the freshmen through the door hidden behind the sliding panels and hanging curtains, then climbed many stairs with heavy steps, and finally came to the portrait of the Fat Lady at the end of the corridor.


"The lucky stars are shining brightly."

"This is the Gryffindor common room." Albert introduced the new students, "You will live here in the future."

"Girls, I'll leave it to you." He said to Shanna.

"Okay." Shanna said to behind her, "Girls, follow up."

Albert led the boys to their dormitories. If Percy hadn't mentioned it to him on the train, he wouldn't have known where the freshmen's dormitories were.

After finally finishing his work, Albert dragged his tired steps back to the dormitory.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a fat cat squatting on the table staring at him, his resentful eyes seemed to say: I'm hungry.

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