Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 690 Rainy Night

Ever since they planned to trouble Malfoy, the Weasley twins made several plans for him overnight, but sometimes the plans couldn't keep up with the changes.

Malfoy had been hiding in the school hospital, pretending to be sick, and temporarily escaped the disaster.

As long as the three of them had any sense, they would not break into the school hospital to cause trouble for Malfoy. They could only wait quietly for Malfoy to be discharged.

It was not until Thursday afternoon that Malfoy finally left the school hospital.

Before the twins had time to attack Malfoy, another thing attracted their attention: in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the Boggart transformed into Snape, and Neville put on his grandmother's clothes.

The news spread quickly on campus like it had grown legs. After hearing about it, many people regretted not being able to see it with their own eyes.

However, Albert still had a way. He found Neville, easily obtained the memory from him, and played it back in the crystal ball.

When several people in the room saw Snape in the crystal ball, transformed into a man with a stuffed hat on his head, green clothes on his body, and a large red handbag, they laughed so hard that they couldn't stand upright.

"It's a pity, it's such a pity. We should really show everyone what Snape looks like." George wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand and climbed up from the ground with an armchair.

"No, I don't dare to look directly at Snape now." Lee Jordan was really shocked by Neville's coquettish behavior. He was now a little worried that when he saw Snape, he would think of that look and... I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"If you take a photo, it will definitely sell for a high price." Fred said with malice.

"If you don't want to be targeted by Snape, don't do that." Albert was comforting Tom, who was frightened by his roommate's laughter. Looking at the people who were slumped in chairs with laughter, he reminded: "No matter what Whether it's Legilimency or Veritaserum, Snape can easily catch you."

"Why not us?" George asked.

"Because I won't do that kind of stupid thing, and I have to go to his place on the weekend." Albert said angrily, "I won't be stupid enough to offend him at this time. Wouldn't that be causing trouble for myself?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you still have to go to Snape's place for detention."

"It's tutoring." Albert corrected, intending to store this memory permanently as Snape's dark history.

"What are you laughing at?"

There was a knock on the door of the room, and Wood opened the door and walked in, informing Fred and George that Quidditch training would start tomorrow.

"Aren't you going to re-select Quidditch players now?" Albert asked

"No, they're all acquaintances anyway. It's easy to use, and there's no need to waste time getting used to it again." Wood knew what Albert meant, but he didn't care. He continued: "By the way, there's one more thing. I'll do it next year." After graduation, who do you think is suitable to take over this position?"

"You mean the new Quidditch captain?" Lee Jordan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How about we decide who will be the captain by guessing?"

Fred and George laughed and prepared to guess the game.

"No, you can't."

"Why," Fred and George protested in unison.

"Because you don't have enough sense of responsibility." Wood said angrily, "Guys with no sense of responsibility are not suitable to be captains. I don't want the Gryffindor Quidditch team to be messed up by you after graduation."

"You are slandering." The twins protested dissatisfied.

"Shut up, I'm just asking for your opinion. In the end, Professor McGonagall has to make the decision." Wood waved his hand and reminded him before leaving, "Remember not to be late tomorrow."

Fred and George looked at Wood's leaving back with resentful eyes and complained softly: "Then why are you asking us this?"

"Who do you think will be the next Quidditch captain?" Lee Jordan felt that Albert could guess who Wood's successor would be.

"Angelina is more enthusiastic about the team, while Aria is relatively calm. If I were Professor McGonagall, I would choose Angelina as the captain. It would be more appropriate for a student who is passionate about Quidditch to be the captain." Bert analyzed briefly.

"I once heard Angelina say that she might join the team and continue playing after graduation." Fred suddenly said.

"Alia is going to be upset," Lee Jordan muttered under his breath.

"Tch, hypocritical. Aren't you chasing Angelina?" The three of them booed at Lee Jordan at the same time.

"She has never agreed to date me." Li Jordan looked a little lonely, "Maybe she already has someone she likes."

"I know who it is." Fred suddenly said.

"Who? Tell me, who does Angelina like?" Lee Jordan urged with heavy breathing.

"Albert." George winked mischievously and teased, "Most girls like Albert."

"I have a girlfriend." Albert said angrily.

"Why can't you ride on two boats?" George retorted, "I don't think it's weird that you ride on several boats."

"Shut up yourself, or should I shut up for you." Albert looked at George with an unkind look, as if he was considering how to shut his mouth.

"Ahem, he's not good at chasing girls, so don't blame it on Albert." Fred said with a smile: "Haven't you seen "Twelve Ways to Win the Witch"? I remember We gave you one last time."

"You talk as if you have a girlfriend." Lee Jordan said contemptuously, "Only Albert here can laugh at me. As for you two guys, you don't even have the courage to confess to the person you like, and you have the nerve to treat me. In Gryffindor House?"

"We just don't want to find a girlfriend yet. That will only slow down our store opening and research progress." Fred said lazily.

"So, except for you, no one in the dormitory really needs to worry about not being able to find a girlfriend." George gave Lee Jordan a fatal blow without politeness.

"You've almost inflated yourselves." Lee Jordan said sarcastically, "Do you think you are Albert or Digory's little boy?"

"Digory hasn't found a girlfriend yet." Albert reminded.

"How do you know?" the three asked in unison.

"We have kept in touch through letters." Albert said matter-of-factly.

Night fell quietly, and heavy rain enveloped the entire Hogwarts castle. The playfulness in the room was gradually drowned out by the sound of rain outside the window.

In the rain, the dementors were still patrolling Hogwarts dutifully to prevent Black from invading the Hogwarts school.

But, how long can such loyalty last?

In the wilderness some distance away from Hogwarts Castle, the Ministry of Magic has set up a temporary camp here, and the "supplies" provided to the dementors will be brought here.

However, most Muggle prisoners cannot tolerate the dementors' suction and will soon go crazy or die. They can no longer provide adequate food for the dementors.

The worst thing is that the Ministry of Magic cannot provide endless "supplies" to the Dementors. Especially after the Dementors begin to reproduce, the amount of "supplies" provided by the Ministry of Magic to the Dementors begins to be insufficient.

After all, there is no limit to the number of Muggles on death row, and they can never satisfy the dementors' appetites.

As a result, Hogsmeade suffered.

In order to prevent Black from hiding in this village, Dementors frequently visit densely populated areas, and many residents are already considering whether to move away temporarily.

The Pig's Head Bar was completely deserted during this period.

Although the people who cared about this place were wizards operating in the gray area, the Aurors' patrols and the Dementors' search for Black effectively made all those people disappear.

However, no one noticed that a black dog was slowly pacing under the rain curtain with a dead mouse in its mouth. It easily passed through the tight defenses of the Dementors and quietly slipped into the passage under the Whomping Willow.

In the darkness, the black dog let go of the mouse in his mouth and chewed the mouse. After eating it completely, the black dog's body began to expand until it completely returned to its human form.

Probably no one thought that Black, whom the Ministry of Magic had been searching for to no avail, would turn into a black dog and wander around under their noses.

Blake slowly walked to the entrance of the cave, found a dry place to sit down, and looked at the Hogwarts Castle under the rain, mumbling something unknown.

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