Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 803 Whose fault is it?

Monday's potion written test was simpler than Albert expected. Most of the questions in the test paper asked candidates to describe certain potion ingredients or certain potions.

For example: Describe the properties of moonstone and its uses in medicine.

The potions practical exam in the afternoon was even easier because their dear Professor Snape was not wandering around the exam room, and no one was watching them brewing the potion like a ghost. In other words, no one will deliberately create psychological pressure for them.

Most of the students were more relaxed than usual when brewing the potion, and even Fred and George no longer looked like they were facing an enemy.

Albert dared to say that after this potions exam is over, there will definitely be many students who will think that their previous potions results were not satisfactory, and most of them were due to Snape.

When the invigilator, Professor Marchban, said: "Please leave your crucible, the exam is over." Albert quickly glanced at the label on the thin-necked bottle containing the vitality tonic, and left with the other students. examination room.

"It should be no problem to pass the exam this time." Fred excitedly announced the good news to his three roommates. Both he and George had specially practiced making vitality tonics, so the practical exam in the afternoon did not cause them much trouble. If their scores in the written exam in the morning were better, they might have a chance to get "good".

"Thanks to Albert."

George suspected that Albert was secretly helping them pass the O.W.LS potions exam. Otherwise, with his and Fred's potion skills, it would be a bit difficult to pass the potions exam.

He still has this bit of self-knowledge.

"Finally free!" Li Jordan stretched out lazily and suggested with a smile, "Let's go back and have a drink to celebrate in advance."

"There are four exams left!" Angelina raised her eyebrows.

"Forget about divination, history of magic, astronomy, and protecting magical creatures, who really cares about those things?" Lee Jordan didn't care about the remaining exams, and he also expressed the sentiments of many candidates.

The divination class is completely rubbish in the eyes of many students. There may be a few students who like divination, but the only student who can really do divination is Albert. So what if he gets excellent in the O.W.LS exam?

History of Magic is hated by almost all students. This has something to do with their History of Magic professor Cuthbert Binns. This ghost professor's classes always make people drowsy.

So far, in the British magical world in the past hundred years, there has been a relatively famous historian, Bathilda Bagshot, who is the author of "A History of Magic."

Astronomy is a relatively important subject, and has been available since the first grade. However, in everyone’s mind, this subject is no different, because it has no sense of existence, let alone the use of learning it, and it is not considered by the students at all. Really paid attention to it.

Ever since Hagrid took over Care of Magical Creatures, this class has not been very popular. Many people doubt whether they can learn useful knowledge from the Care of Magical Creatures class, and it is very dangerous to deal with that group of magical creatures. Professor Kettlebo is the best example.

"Professors' minimum requirements for advanced classes must be good. You can't just take one or two advanced classes and start dawdling next semester." Shanna reminded, "Be careful that Professor McGonagall will directly ask you to repeat the grade and retake the exam."

"No." Fred shrugged, "Actually, I think it's enough for sixth and seventh grade students to take two or three elective courses, so that we have enough time to prepare for graduation."

Fred and George didn't agree with this. They were not in a hurry to drop out of school and open a store now. They planned to follow Albert's suggestion and first build a reputation as a magic joke shop in school. At the same time, they would learn from Albert and accumulate experience in making more interesting things. props.

They have seen Albert's so-called "semi-finished products", and most of the boxes are good things.

As long as it is slightly improved, it will definitely sell well.

Of course, everyone is more concerned about tomorrow's Care of Magical Creatures practical exam, and no one really cares about the nonsense said by Fred and others.

The next day's Care of Magical Creatures practical test was held on the grass on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, where three tents had been set up. Everyone was told to remain silent while waiting and enter the tents in order to take the Care of Magical Creatures practical test.

Albert was naturally the first group of students to take part in the practical exam. When he opened the tent curtain and walked in, he saw that the tent was divided into three areas. Professor Marchban was sitting behind a long table in the middle of the tent. , pointed to a nest of hedgehogs on the ground on the right and said: "There is a hedgehog in that group of hedgehogs. You need to accurately identify which one is the hedgehog."

Albert glanced at the pile of sundries next to him. They were all things that might be useful. He quickly found milk from a bottle, conjured a milk bottle out of thin air, and put on dragon skin gloves for himself. Finally, start feeding the hedgehogs.

Albert soon discovered that one of the hedgehogs had all its spines standing up.

"It's just a prick," Albert said to Professor Marchban.

The thorn is a very suspicious animal. When they think someone is trying to poison them, their magical thorns will stand up.

"Very good." After Professor Marchban made the bottle disappear, he pointed to the tree in the tent and continued to describe to Albert the test questions he needed to complete.

"There are some Bowtruckles there, and you need to show me how to touch the Bowtruckle correctly, and you also need to take a leaf from the tree and give it to me."

Albert walked to the tree, looked at the somewhat nervous Bowtruckle on the tree, and recalled the information about this creature in his mind:

If you want to remove leaves or wood from the trees guarded by the Bowtruckle, you need to give them some earthworm or fairy eggs in exchange.

When Albert was looking for milk just now, he noticed a rhinoceros on the table. He quickly took some earthworms from the table, first gave some to the bowtruckles on the tree to lower their vigilance, then pointed to the leaves on the tree, and then shook the earthworms in his hand to express that he wanted to Trade a rogue for a leaf.

In fact, the Care of Magical Creatures class not only tests everyone’s understanding of basic theories, but also tests their patience and love for magical creatures.

If you don't have enough patience to deal with these little guys, you may end up messing up things.

"Very good." Professor Marchban looked at the leaf in his hand, pointed to the circled position and said, "You also need to show me how to feed and clean the fire crabs."

The so-called fire crab is actually a magical creature that looks like a turtle and has jewelry of different colors on its shell.

Fire crabs are valuable, and when they die, their shells can be crafted into high-quality cauldrons. Of course, most wizards don't have the patience to wait for them to die, so they kill them directly. Therefore, they are protected by the Ministry of Magic and have a special protected area by the beach. In addition, fire crabs can also be sold to other wizards as pets. , but Albert doubted that ordinary wizards would simply buy this thing.

Albert felt that this thing should be called a fire turtle. It was probably called a fire crab because its legs were like a crab and it could only walk sideways. When this creature thinks it is under attack, it will spit fire from its tail, making it easy to get burned if you are not careful.

This is also the place where you should be most vigilant when feeding and cleaning fire crabs.

However, as long as you don't deliberately irritate the fire crab, you don't have to worry about being burned. As for cleaning it, you only need to give it a full-body binding spell to restrain it easily, and then complete the attack on the fire crab without any danger. clean.

As for what will happen after the Fire Crab is released from the spell and regains freedom, it doesn't matter what happens to him. Maybe they will also prepare other Fire Crabs.

After leaving the tent, Albert ran to the hunting lodge to chat with Hagrid and observe the other candidates.

Sure enough, many students suffered, with burn marks on their bodies. Fire Crabs are not easy to mess with, and Hagrid has basically not taught them any useful knowledge this semester. It is normal for them to get frustrated with Fire Crabs.

"How did you go in the exam?" Hagrid asked in a low voice, sounding a little guilty.

"It's okay, but I haven't dealt with the fire crabs. I think many students will complain now that you didn't teach how to feed and clean the fire crabs." Albert was a little helpless. Hagrid could trick the fifth grade students of this year. Crap.

Hagrid suddenly looked a little embarrassed, because he really hadn't taught them much useful knowledge this semester.

Fred and George had also come out. Both of them looked a little embarrassed. Fred's hair was partially singed, while George's clothes were singed and there were burn marks on his hands and quilt.

"What the hell, why would anyone want to keep such a dangerous pet?" Lee Jordan appeared with a curse. Not only did he have burns on his body, but he also had scratches on his hands caused by the Bowtruckle.

"Go to the campus hospital and let Madam Pomfrey take care of it for you. I think many people will go back." Albert suggested.

"Why can't you do nothing?" Fred complained angrily. Among the candidates who entered the tent examination, Albert was the only one who had nothing to do.

"Who knows."

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the school hospital, they heard Madam Pomfrey complaining. The unlucky students who had been burned were covered with orange ointment.

"I really don't know how Charlie dealt with the fire dragon." George suddenly admired Charlie's choice.

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