Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 807 Report

"Don't eat beef these days."

Albert stared at the evening news being played on the TV, frowned slightly, and said to Grandpa Luke, who was sitting opposite him, reading the newspaper and playing with the cat.

"We haven't eaten beef for a long time, and no one dares to eat beef now."

Sansa put the cut fruit plate on the table and looked at the news being broadcast on the TV. The announcer was struggling to talk about mad cow disease.

Since the outbreak of mad cow disease in the UK in May, the government still has not found the cause of mad cow disease, and the symptoms have a tendency to spread to other countries. "

"They must have found the cause, but they don't dare to tell the truth. Most likely there is something wrong with the cattle's feed." Albert inserted a piece of pineapple and put it in his mouth. It tasted pretty good.

It is said that pineapples used to be very valuable in Europe, and only rich people could afford them, so many wealthy people in Europe like to eat pineapples or pineapple preserves.

Of course, they love to cook pineapple as a dish.

Under Albert's strong suggestion, the Anderson family has changed the way they eat pineapple. Instead of cooking pineapple as a vegetable, they will cut the pineapple into pieces and soak it in salt water for more than half an hour, then take it out and taste it as fruit. There will be no sour taste.

"Feed?" Luke was surprised and didn't understand why Albert said this. Did he know anything?

But...what can Albert know? He spends most of his time in the magical world now.


Albert remembered that the cause of mad cow disease was cannibalism. "I remember seeing it somewhere. It was said that the indigenous people of a certain island had the custom of eating the internal organs of the deceased, and they suffered from very serious similar symptoms."

"Don't sound so scary, okay?"

Nia, who had just taken a shower and had wet hair, walked out of the bathroom wearing a light pink nightgown. While wiping her wet hair with a dry towel, she took a piece of Polo from the plate and put it in her mouth, and asked: "Up Do you still have that kind of beauty potion over there?"

"Have you used all of those?" Albert was very surprised. He remembered that he prepared a lot of those things for his family last time.

"Mom took them all away. She asked me to ask for it from you." Nia sat next to Albert and rubbed her hair with a dry towel. There was a little helplessness on her rosy face. Her beauty potion It’s about to run out, and the girls are very concerned about their appearance.

"I still have some over there. You can take it and use it first. I'll help you make some again when I have time next time." Albert felt a faint rose fragrance coming to his face. It was Nia's shampoo and shower gel. The fragrance.

Isobel's shampoo has a faint scent of clove, which she fell in love with when she was in France last time. Albert bought a dozen for her.

Nia's body suddenly leaned forward, getting close to Albert and looking up and down.

"What's wrong?"

Albert reached out and gently pushed Nia's little face away.

"I'm just curious that you can actually use this thing." Nia said and reached out to pull Albert's cheek, as if she wanted to see if someone was pretending to be Albert.

"Of course I will pay a little attention to my image. Since I can become a handsome guy, who would want to become an ugly guy?"

Of course, Albert also uses beauty elixirs. He will apply them a little when washing his face, and the effect is pretty good. At least, you no longer have to worry about acne. Young men and women aged 17 or 18 are prone to this problem. No one likes to have acne all over their face.

In a way, Albert is more of a gigolo than Diggory, but no one dares to call him that.

"Don't you need a hair dryer?" Albert changed the subject, "Blow it to make your hair dry easier. You will go to bed later."

"Aren't you going to take a shower first?" Nia asked.


Albert went to the bathroom. He planned to take a quick shower so that the summer night would not be so stuffy. While soaking in the bathtub, the voices of Nia and Sansa were heard outside. They were discussing the news on TV, which seemed to be saying that the school also banned beef from appearing in food.

"These times are really scary."

Albert sighed softly, remembering that mad cow disease can be transmitted to humans.

Although milk does not seem to be contagious, this incident directly caused him to lose his appetite for drinking milk in the morning.

When Albert came out of the bathroom after taking a bath, the TV was still reporting on mad cow disease, and an expert was talking to the broadcaster.

To be honest, Albert instinctively hated the word expert.

In my previous life, there was a saying that "experts are dogs", and most of the people who appeared on the TV screen were like this.

"Mad cow disease can be transmitted to humans." Albert moved Tom aside and said to the three people watching TV, "Just listen to the expert talk show next time. Ninety-nine percent of these guys are paid , or it was thrown out by the government to quell the trouble."

"Really?" Nia couldn't help but tremble, "Then we used to..."

"Don't worry, it's usually not that easy to get infected. Just don't touch it in the future." Albert reached out and touched Nia's head, comforting softly.

"What's the reason?" Luke put down the newspaper and asked with a frown: "Why is there such a large-scale outbreak of this symptom in the country?"

"It is said that feed merchants mix some mince containing cow viscera and body parts into the feed to provide protein for vegetable cattle." Albert picked up a kitten from his feet and played with its ears while saying : "This is probably the source of this disaster."

"Those people really will do anything for money." Luke looked very angry. Ordinary people today are very uneasy when talking about this matter, and no one dares to eat beef anymore.

"It's useless for you to be angry here. The government obviously doesn't want ordinary people to know about this, so it asked experts to come forward to calm the storm." Shana said to the two of them, "You should also rest early."


After the two old men returned to the master bedroom, Albert turned off the TV and said to Nia beside him: "Okay, you go to bed too, staying up late is not good for your skin."

"Don't think I don't know what you want to do." Nia curled her lips, "Someone always sneaks out on dates at night."

"I lock the door at night," Albert said.

"Last time I looked for the cat, you weren't in the bedroom." Nia's eyes flashed with victory. "Actually, you can just bring her to live at home for a few days. Grandpa Luke and Grandma Sansa will probably be very happy. I’m glad you brought your girlfriend back.”

"Isobel plans to publish a book, and I will occasionally go over to give her some advice." Albert coughed lightly, "After all, I also have a share in the book."

"I thought you would refuse to admit it, thinking that your lovely sister was deceiving you."

"You forgot, I can easily see through other people's thoughts." Albert stretched out his hand to rub Nia and said with a smile, "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"I saw a dress in a magazine and I hope it can be my birthday gift." Nia got a magazine from nowhere and pointed to the beautiful dress on it and said to Albert.

"Your birthday is still a few months away." Albert reminded.

"Just think of it as an advance." Nia said.

"It's not good to spend in advance." Albert reached out and picked up the "Daily Prophet" from the table, looked at Nia and asked: "Didn't Herb give you an pocket money of 10,000, and you spent all of it?"

"I used it to buy some funds and stocks to test the waters, and Uncle Charlie helped me get an account." Nia pouted and said, "So, I have no money to buy anything now, so I can only ask you to advance my birthday gift." ."

"You're not afraid of losing all your money." Albert was a little speechless, because Nia didn't lie. She had indeed been studying economics, finance and how to make money in business recently, but she made small losses most of the time.

"You always need to spend money on trial and error, but not everyone can predict the future like you." Nia said confidently, "I need to accumulate experience and understand the situation."

"That's true, but if you want to try and make mistakes, you can go to the East with Herb. The cost of trial and error there is low, and it is relatively easy to make money. Especially with start-up capital, it is easy to make money if you find the right direction. No matter what you do in the future Even if you don’t understand, you can just lie down and collect money.”

"No wonder mom ran away." Nia suddenly understood why Daisy went to the East, if it was really like what Albert said.

"Okay, birthday gift." Albert looked at the price of the dress in the magazine and said to Nia, "It's been a long time since we went shopping together."

"Oh, I knew Albert was the best!" Nia said excitedly, even hugging Albert and kissing his face. "I'll tell Grandpa Luke about going shopping tomorrow."

"You really like to take advantage of me." Albert shook his head.

After returning to the bedroom, Albert tried to get in touch with Isobel through the double-sided mirror. While waiting for a response, he picked up today's "Prophet Newspaper" and flipped through it. However, he was distracted by an article in the newspaper. It attracted attention, and even Isobel's voice was temporarily blocked by him.

Peter Pettigrew...dead?

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