Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 834 Self-introduction

When the host of the International Alchemy Conference officially announced to everyone that Albert Anderson had won the Gold Medal for Pioneering Contributions, the conference site suddenly fell into a deadly silence. There was no applause or cheers, only eyes of scrutiny and questioning. , as the alchemists on the scene turned their heads, they all focused on Albert.

It felt really bad to be stared at by many people with scrutinizing and questioning eyes. The alchemists present even selectively forgot that it was very rude to stare at others all the time. However, when facing the pressure of hundreds of people's eyes, the expression on Albert's face still did not change much. After all, he was a man who had seen big scenes, and the malicious eyes of those people could not make him flinch.

But Isobel, who was particularly sensitive to other people's gazes, couldn't help but frown. She quietly reached out to hold Albert's hand, trying to use her palm to give him courage, encouragement and support, but Albert was obviously not a man who lacked courage. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been sorted into Gryffindor.

Of course he knows that there are many people who are gloating about this and want to see themselves disgraced. In the end, they may even be forced to give up the Gold Medal for Pioneering Contribution and leave the International Alchemy Conference in despair as they wish, becoming everyone's after-dinner. A joke for small talk, but these people are destined to be disappointed.

The awkward atmosphere at the scene did not affect Albert at all. He stood up and left his seat, and slowly walked onto the podium despite the malicious looks of countless wizards.

The host looked at Albert, probably not expecting this to happen. After he came on stage, he quickly handed over the microphone.

"The scenery here is really nice. I see a lot of old friends in the audience." Albert took the microphone and said casually, as if he was testing the function of the microphone: "Of course, I know many of you are interested in it." There are doubts about my ability to win this award, but people who know me here probably won’t have such thoughts.”

"My name is Albert Anderson. I am 16 years old this year. Well, I will be 17 years old in a few months. I come from a Muggle family. The Gold Medal for Pioneering Contribution I received at the Cairo International Alchemy Congress today should be regarded as my fourth. an international award."

At this moment, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Albert's mouth, as if he was laughing at the mediocre people who were jealous of him.

"I have previously won the International Wizarding Chess Championship, the Magic School Potions Championship, and the Barnabus Finkley Gold Medal for Excellent Spellcasting Techniques. By the way, if I am free next year, I should participate in the duel competition and try Winning the fifth world-class award.”

After saying this, Albert paused deliberately for a while and leaned forward slightly, as if to appreciate the changes in expressions on the faces of the people in the audience.

"Of course, I have also won many other awards that are not world awards. Personally, I think the more valuable one is the third-class Medal of Sir Merlin that I won not long ago. Because I restored a humanoid restoration spell that can help solve the threat of werewolves. I completely understand your doubts about me winning the award, but for me, it is just another award. Please allow me to boast here. I have won too many awards, but I am still very passionate about it. Collect various awards.”


There was dead silence under the stage, and everyone in the venue was stunned.

How dare he!

They didn't expect that Albert would actually tell them in this way, you really think too much, I really don't need to cheat, because winning these international awards is as easy as drinking water for me. If you don't believe it, You see, I still have several world-class championship titles on my head, which is the best proof.

However, Albert really dared to do this. He slapped everyone present in the face with the cruel reality and told them that it was time to wake up.

If there is no real ability, how can a Muggle wizard with no background win such a series of world championship titles and become friends with those famous alchemists?

Sporadic applause began to ring out in the venue, and the alchemists who were familiar with Albert waved to him in a friendly manner.

The faces of other unconvinced guys were ugly, but they had to admit that they were shocked by Albert's series of world-class championship titles.

Maybe, there are really people who can win so many world-class championship titles, but they are definitely not as young as Albert, and this is a Muggle wizard with no wizarding background at all. If you say you cheated, 80% of them will say you have lost your mind. , should I crack my head open and see if the brain is full of batter?

Aria, who was still unconvinced at first, had a particularly complicated expression on her face at this moment, looking up at the young man on the stage who was looking down at them. Just now, the reactions of the other alchemists made him feel lucky, but after Albert introduced himself, Aria knew that he had completely lost.

Sierra, who was still a little nervous at first, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was just worried that Albert would be embarrassed under the pressure, but he didn't expect that Albert would slap him with a backhand, giving everyone an unexpected surprise. .

Nicholas has always been calm. Although he has not had much contact with Albert, he himself has great confidence in the heir of Wild Smith and is very optimistic about Albert.

At this moment, Nicholas was admiring the stunned alchemists around him, and he agreed with Albert's approach. There are times when you must not back down. Backing down will only make others push for more, and you should beat them hard. Only those people will know how to be in awe, and Albert happens to have this ability, even if he ends up falling out with some people. It doesn’t matter, Nicholas feels that Albert will not come to attend the International Alchemy Conference next time.

Isobel stared at the figure on the stage with a slight smile on her face, as if she was not surprised at all by what just happened.

She knew Albert, who was not a man willing to suffer.

The counterattack just now was so interesting that it was not difficult for her to imagine the expressions on other people's faces.

As for Katherine and Valeria, they were both looking at Albert on the stage in trance. The self-introduction just now was so handsome that they were slightly attracted by it.

Many people have dark faces, dark faces in every sense of the word, but even so, what can they do? Should I file a formal complaint with the International Confederation of Wizards?

Even if I file a complaint, will it really work?

Anderson was able to win so many international awards. It is impossible that no one was unconvinced and filed a complaint with the International Federation of Wizards. However, Anderson still participated in the International Alchemy Congress and won the Gold Medal for Pioneering Contributions, which speaks volumes.

After Albert finished introducing himself, he left a few minutes of buffer time for the people in the audience. Then, regardless of other people's reactions, he began to talk about his personal opinions on alchemy. In this regard, Albert is already far ahead of others, not only because of the knowledge that comes with his panel skills, but also because he has communicated with Nico Flamel and even many famous alchemists. What he said on the stage Everything was very novel and refreshing, and most of the alchemists had very complicated expressions on their faces.

They all clearly feel the threat from the sixteen-year-old child.

However, just as people were immersed in Abbott's speech, the people on the stage suddenly stopped.

At this moment, everyone was confused and even wanted to yell loudly to ask the people on the stage to continue speaking, because Albert only spoke half of what he said.

Why don't you continue talking?

Is this okay to keep people appetizing?

Under the astonished gaze of the host, Albert ended his speech with a smile, handed the microphone back to him, and then walked off the stage without paying attention to anyone else.

The organizers of the International Alchemy Conference would never have imagined the situation he was in just now, and Albert didn't believe it anyway.

Since the other party made him uncomfortable, he didn't mind making everyone else uncomfortable.

Well, everyone probably realized that Albert deliberately didn't finish speaking to disgust them, and they couldn't be angry with Albert because this saucy operation was completely within reason.

You said he didn't finish speaking, but Albert did.

The organizers of the International Alchemy Congress had not left much time for his speech, but from the self-introduction just now to now, his speech time has almost exceeded half an hour.

You say he has finished speaking, but Albert can indeed continue to speak a lot.

When everyone was left speechless by Albert, they all realized that this genius actually held a grudge.

"You seem to be very happy." After Albert returned to his seat, Isobel put her face to his ear and whispered, "However, you may offend some people."

"I'm sorry if I offend you. Anyway, I don't plan to come to the International Alchemy Conference again." Albert didn't care at all. After all, the two parties are not friends. Since they are not even friends, why do they care what they do?

"I think so too." Isobel smiled, as long as Albert didn't care, she didn't care even more.

Anyway, we probably won’t have many interactions in the future.

Albert came to the International Alchemy Conference just to covet the reward from the panel task. Do you really think he cares about that gold medal?

Gold-plated stuff, what's there to care about?

As his age and strength grow, Albert's wings gradually become fuller. In a few months, he will be an adult, and the restrictions on him in the magical world will be weakened a lot. When Albert becomes an adult, traces of traces on his body will no longer appear It will also disappear completely, and the things that once caused him trouble will no longer exist.

The International Alchemy Congress really couldn't do anything to Albert. After all, he followed their formal procedures, and he really shouldn't blame Albert, otherwise the rest would become his lecture, which is obviously inconsistent with process, so they really have to thank Albert.

Next came the host's finishing work. They formally awarded Albert the Gold Medal for Pioneering Contribution and the patent certificate for the flying ointment.

No one won the other grand prize, which was not beyond everyone's expectations. Normally, only one person would win the prize. Unless the alchemy results were very outstanding, there would basically be no "exceptions".

The International Alchemy Conference did not end here. The organizers also held a small party for everyone and provided a large amount of food and drinks so that everyone could sit down and exchange their research results at will.

Albert was quickly surrounded by a group of acquaintances, many of whom laughed and made fun of his self-introduction, and asked Albert to continue the previous topic.

Many alchemists who looked at Albert had extremely complicated expressions, because they discovered that Albert had already had his own circle, and there were quite a lot of them. There was no shortage of those famous alchemists in that circle. division.

Albert will not be stingy and continue what he just said.

Many guys who were very annoyed by Albert's sexy tricks pricked up their ears and eavesdropped nearby. However, what annoyed them was that the guy spoke so quietly.

After Albert finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

He had no intention of staying in Egypt overnight.

"Sorry, I have to take this medal back now." Albert politely declined the others' attempts to stay, and said that we would meet again another day.

That afternoon, Albert checked out directly and prepared to use the international floo network in Egypt to return to the UK.

"Are you in such a hurry to go back?"

Valeria and Katherine also packed their bags and prepared to go to England with them to watch the next Quidditch World Cup.

"Why don't you go back and stay here to be watched like a monkey?" It is not difficult for Albert to imagine how many wizards will come to watch him after this incident is exposed. He is not Lockhart, but he has no hobby of being watched. .

"Your previous wave was indeed a bit ruthless." Kathleen teased with a smile, "I dare say that "Finks Daily" will definitely report this matter."

"Where will we stay after we go to England?" Valeria was more concerned about this question.

"The Leaky Cauldron is barely there," said Albert.

"Can't go to your house?" Valeria asked deliberately.

"Of course, but you have to share a room with me." Isobel took over the words.

After saying goodbye to Serah and Nicholas, the four of them went to the Ministry of Magic in Egypt and returned to the UK through the international floo network there.

After all, they are adults and can take care of themselves.

A few people went to the Leaky Cauldron first. After feeling that the environment there was average and that it might not be safe for the two girls, they decided to share a room with Isobel.

"It seems we have to lay a floor." Valeria was not too surprised, "How about we set up a tent in your yard."

Isobel put the suitcase that Albert had given her before leaving on the ground, opened it, and opened a door with a flick of her wand.

"Follow me." Isobel opened the door and said to the two of them.

"Is this in the box?" The two of them followed Isobel down the stairs and found themselves in a room.

"Yes. We will live here next." Isobel showed the two of them around the room. "So, you don't need to lay the floor. There are enough rooms here."

"It's more spacious than expected." Kathleen opened the door of the wooden house and found that the sun was shining brightly outside, and there was a large herb field inside, where a large number of raw materials for beauty potions were grown.

"It seems that we have disturbed the world between you and Albert." Valeria said quietly.

"Yes." Isobel responded noncommittally, and suddenly said, "We should get married immediately after Albert graduates, and I will send you invitations then."

Valeria's expression froze, and Kathleen raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "He really can't wait. Is he too impatient?"

"Well, Albert is indeed a little impatient, but there are other reasons." Isobel did not intend to explain this matter to the two of them, "You will know it later."

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