Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 854 School starts

The next morning, the storm stopped. Albert opened the window, and the air blowing in front of him was particularly fresh. However, the weather outside still showed no sign of clearing up. There were large dark clouds rolling in the sky, and it might rain again at any time.

"Good morning." George covered his yawn and greeted Albert, "It looks like it will rain outside."

"If the heavy rain continues, the lake will flood." Li Jordan also got up. They had to go to the auditorium early today to finalize the sixth grade curriculum with Professor McGonagall.

"Sixth grade is great. We have a lot of time to allocate freely." Fred said happily:

"Don't waste the little time you have at Hogwarts. The most precious thing for you now should be the Hogwarts library. Make good use of the remaining two years and make use of the books in the library. They can provide more inspiration for your joke props." After Albert opened a pack of cat food and fed it to Tom, he said to the three people who were about to embrace a happy sixth grade life, "If you don't want to become the next Zuko .”

"What does this have to do with Joko?" Fred was confused, why did he mention Joko so easily?

"Zoko is a typical example of running out of inspiration. He doesn't have a rich enough knowledge base to support him in researching more joke props, and that's what happened." Albert closed the window and motioned for the others to walk and talk.

"People still patronize Joko's store simply because there are no other new stores to compete with him. If other more interesting joke shops appear, Joko's joke shop may not be able to withstand the market impact and close down at any time."

"I remember you said something similar before, thinking that after our joke shop opens, Joko's joke shop may be squeezed out by us." George agreed with Albert's words, because Joko's shop It’s been a long time since we released a fun joke prop.

"Don't we have you?"

Fred felt that they didn't need to worry about those things at all. Perhaps, as Albert said, the lack of sufficient knowledge support in the later period would lead to a stagnation in the development of joke props, but they had Albert. After Albert graduated from Hogwarts School, the knowledge reserve in his head was equivalent to a mobile library. What's more, they also know that Albert has the habit of collecting books, and his book reserves can fully support their store.

"By the way, do you plan to build a radio broadcast?" Li Jordan suddenly interrupted and asked, "If you want, I can write to Dad and ask him to find a way to help us get radio equipment."

"There's no hurry about this. Even if we get the equipment, we won't be able to set it up for a while, and we haven't figured out what to broadcast yet. These things have to be planned slowly." Albert walked along the stairs into the public In the lounge, Shanna came down from the girls' dormitory and said hello, and then said to Lee Jordan: "I think you can give our radio station a name first."

"Gossip little secret?" Lee Jordan said seriously, "If you allow me to spread a little bit of your private words, I think our radio station will definitely become popular very soon."

"Why don't you discuss the color of Snape's underwear on the radio?" Albert gave Lee Jordan a hard look.

"This is a good idea, but it will make people lose their appetite. As we all know, Snape may not wash his underwear for several days. Moreover, we don't know what color Snape's underwear is." Lee Jordan's words immediately attracted attention The disgusted looks from the girls around her said, "But we know what color your underwear is."

"Man, I think you're on the road to death." Fred and George both couldn't help but laugh and patted Lee Jordan on the shoulder, looking like they were asking for blessings.

Noticing Albert's look on his face, Li Jordan couldn't help but shrink his neck and hurriedly defended: "Many people are very curious about your affairs. Instead of letting them compile some messy gossip news, it is better to let them I’ll use it to talk to everyone, and everyone will know it, so there won’t be any more random gossip.”

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?"

"Sorry, I was just joking." Lee Jordan apologized immediately.

"If you really want to be popular, you can interpret recent events, such as the attacks at the World Cup, why the Ministry of Magic's response was so bad, or the attack on Professor Moody yesterday." Albert Give Lee Jordan a direction.

"Isn't this similar to what's in the Defense Guide?"

"Yes, you can talk about these topics together and interpret some recent events. Many wizards are actually very poor at interpreting key information." Albert did not deny this. He was going to let them start the broadcast first. Use this to gain experience.

"I feel that my interpretation ability is not much better." Lee Jordan sat down next to Albert, picked up the latest issue of the "Daily Prophet", and quickly found the report about Moody: Ministry of Magic There's new trouble.

However, Rita Kister deliberately downplayed the incident of old Auror Moody in the article and pointed the finger at Weasley. For this reason, she deliberately changed Arthur Weasley's name to Arnold Weasley. Moreover, there is a photo of the Weasley family at the bottom of the newspaper, which is obviously malicious.

"Mom must be very happy, she has always hated that woman Rita Kister." George took the newspaper, frowned after reading the article on it, and said, "I dare say that woman must have spelled her name wrong on purpose. "

"But she still reads Rita Skeeter's articles, doesn't she? We have to admit that Rita Skeeter's bullshit skills contributed to the Daily Prophet's sales."

"In your words, people are sometimes unwilling to accept reality because it would be too cruel to them. They are only willing to accept the reality they want to believe." Fred took the newspaper, read it and said, "Li Rita Skeeter is very good at digging out other people's secrets and then writing them into articles in a way that many people like. In fact, I am more curious, Rita Skeeter actually let you go without spreading gossip?"

"Because I talked to her about it and shut her up." After Albert drank the milk, he began to make himself a ham sandwich.

"How did you convince her?"

Fred, George and Lee Jordan all found it incredible that a woman like Rita Skeeter could not easily compromise.

"Everyone has weaknesses. She reports these things just for profit. As long as the negotiation is settled, she will naturally shut up and compromise."

"As expected of you, you actually found Rita Skeeter's weakness."

Fred, George and Lee Jordan were all curious, but seeing that Albert had no intention of telling anything, they did not continue to ask.

At this moment, Hermione came to Albert's side at some point.

"We can talk about house elves."

"Something about novels?"

"No, I have given up on the novel for now. Do you know where the kitchen is? Nick told me that there are hundreds of house elves in Hogwarts who are oppressed." Hermione took a deep breath and reorganized her words: "I I want to set up an association to ensure that house elves receive reasonable wages and a good working environment. I wonder if you have any good suggestions."

"No one will join your association, except Harry and Ron." Albert was silent for a long time and reminded: "Your original intention is good, but your approach is heresy in the eyes of other wizards. No wizard will I support what you are doing.”


Hermione's eyes widened in disbelief.

"House elves are slaves of wizards, and no master will allow slaves to be equal to them." Albert motioned to Hermione to continue listening to him, "If you want to let house elves have some power, then house elves and wizards There will inevitably be a war between us. Although it is cruel, some things require blood to win, but house elves do not have that kind of power, and their situation will only be worse than now."

"But I just hope that they can be treated well and that their rights can be guaranteed." Hermione looked at Albert in shock, unable to immediately understand why such a terrible thing happened.

"Because you are going in the wrong direction and your ideas are too naive." Albert reminded: "Your goal should be to allow house elves to be treated well, so that they can be completely integrated into the wizarding family and become important members of the entire family. One member, instead of guaranteeing their power, is very unrealistic and impossible to achieve, because wizards will not divide their power at all.”

"No one likes being a slave," Hermione said shakily.

"They like to be other people's slaves!" Fred reminded, "They like to work and serve wizards. Hermione, I think you should wake up and not lead the house elves to go on strike to fight for their own power."

Hermione said nothing, but stared at Albert.

"Yes, no one likes to be a slave." Albert said helplessly: "But thousands of years of slavery have completely changed the nature of house elves. This is not something you can change with a word, not even Dumbledore. Can not change."

"Even if you want to help them, they will not appreciate it. Instead, they will hate you even more and even regard you as an enemy." Albert continued, "If you really want to help them, you should guide and call on wizards to Treat them well and let them become a reliable part of the family instead of being treated as slaves, similar to how we treat pets as part of the family, and this requires a person to spend a long time and work hard. If you really want to do it, If you formulate a law to protect house elves, you should aim to become the Minister of Magic. Only when you become the Minister of Magic can you have the opportunity to call on everyone to treat house elves well."

"Minister of Magic." Hermione looked at Albert with wide eyes.

"Yes, it's difficult." Albert nodded: "That's why I suggest you write a book and subtly guide people to be kind to house elves through books."

After Hermione walked away, Fred muttered under his breath, "I thought she was a smart girl."

"Hermione is just a little naive and takes things for granted." Albert shook his head.

"Do you think Hermione can become Minister of Magic?"

"It's hard to say. If the environment of the Ministry of Magic does not change, she may not have any chance." Albert said softly: "But who knows what will happen in the future?"

"You know!" said George, "if you want."

"That's right." Albert laughed.

Albert had just finished breakfast when he saw Professor McGonagall coming over to distribute the course schedule. She needs to determine the selected N.E.W.Ts courses for sixth grade students to ensure that their O.W.Ls scores meet the minimum requirements of professors.

"Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, Arithmetic Divination and Ancient Runes." Professor McGonagall repeated the course Albert had chosen, picked up the wand and tapped on the course schedule. When handing the filled-in class schedule to Albert, she asked in a low voice: "I remember your birthday is in September."

"Yes, are you going to give me a birthday gift on September 21st?" Albert asked jokingly.

"Then do you plan to participate in this year's Triwizard Tournament?" Professor McGonagall lowered her voice.

"I do plan to sign up." Albert nodded: "For a Gryffindor, such an interesting competition cannot be missed."

"The Triwizard Tournament is more dangerous than you think. If you have seen it..."

"Are you referring to the incident in 1792 when a cockatrice monster got out of control and all three principals were injured in the competition?"

"The Triwizard Tournament is still very dangerous for you. If you want to participate, you should correct your mentality." Professor McGonagall reminded.

"In my opinion, catching the cockatrice monster is not a too dangerous creature. Even if I need to face the fire dragon in this Triwizard Tournament, I am confident that I can defeat them." Albert said calmly.

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth slightly, turned and left. Although she felt that Albert was a little overconfident, but considering his heroic deeds, there was really no one in Hogwarts who was more suitable to be a warrior than him.

"In this Triwizard Tournament, the warriors need to face the fire dragon?" Lee Jordan felt that he had guessed it right.

"Fire dragons are difficult to deal with, especially their scales. Most magic doesn't work. How do you plan to defeat them." Fred and George were both curious about how Albert planned to defeat the fire dragon.

"Fire dragons also have weaknesses. It's not difficult to deal with them based on their weaknesses."

"What is the weakness of the fire dragon?"

"Eyelids, so it only takes an eye disease spell to damage them." Albert shrugged.

"That means you have to deal with a crazy fire dragon," Li Jordan muttered. "It feels so crazy."

"There is a Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon, and I suddenly look forward to what Professor Moody will call us."

"How to attack the dark wizard? After all, he is an Auror and is very familiar with this matter." Albert took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

"But didn't you mean..."

"That doesn't matter, does it?" Albert packed his things and stood up: "I have to go, there is an ancient magic text class in the morning."

"Albert's words always confuse people." Fred said, looking at Albert's leaving back.

"I think he actually guessed everything, he just didn't tell us." George smiled and greeted Fred and said, "Let's go, we should go do something."

"Where are you going?" Li Qiaodan was a little confused. Why didn't any of these people speak human words?

"Of course to study our gadgets!" George said matter-of-factly: "You forgot, Albert asked us to hurry up."

"If we want to take advantage of this time to make a fortune, we must be prepared in advance." Fred and George said in unison: "After all, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared."

After saying that, the two walked back to the common room, arm in arm, and prepared to move everything in the dormitory to the laboratory in the Room of Requirement. After all, having those in your dorm room is obviously not a good idea.

"I agree with what Albert said, but can't you wait for me?" Lee Jordan finished the food on the plate in two bites and hurriedly chased after him.

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