Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 858 Stubborn Guys

The waiting days were long and boring. The Triwizard Tournament became a mainstream topic during this period. Many students believed that Albert would become a warrior in Hogwarts. His reputation in the school was also very good. Except for a few envious people, everyone thinks that only Albert is qualified to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament, and only he can defeat Beauxbatons and Durmstrang in a crushing manner, and win for Hogwarts. Gwartz wins the Triwizard Cup.

This incident undoubtedly made Professor Moody feel very unhappy, because as soon as he sneaked into Hogwarts School, he discovered that Albert's popularity was too high. The trial in the first class of school made Moody's mood hit rock bottom. Because he discovered that Albert Anderson was a very powerful wizard, and his own magical power was also very powerful. He didn't look like a Mudblood at all. He suddenly understood why Wormtail was so wary of the other party. He was indeed a guy who would pose a major threat to the Dark Lord's plan.

Wandless magic and silent spells are not skills that can be easily mastered by school students. Coupled with the super abilities shown in class, it will be useless no matter how powerful Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's warriors are, because they are no longer on the same level. , it is not an exaggeration to say that adults beat children.

Can you still lose?

If we continue to follow the original plan and make Harry the fourth warrior, even if we know the content of the game in advance and quietly provide help to Harry, it will be difficult to guarantee that Harry can win the championship trophy one step ahead of schedule.

The best way is to prevent Albert from participating in the Warriors selection. As long as he is unable to participate in the game, Harry will undoubtedly have a chance to win the championship trophy with his own help and allow the original plan to continue, but this will undoubtedly make Others became suspicious, and even Dumbledore would realize that something was wrong, because Dumbledore also believed that Albert would become a warrior of Hogwarts, and Albert himself had already said that he would participate in the selection of the warrior. , the worst thing is that no one can compete with him for the Hogwarts Warriors. Once he loses the election, it will cause a series of problems. Dumbledore is a very keen person. If other Hogwarts students are elected as the Warriors, that means It is possible that Albert was controlled by the Imperius Curse, or someone tampered with his memory and used the Forgetting Curse on him, causing Albert to directly miss the opportunity to vote. The Forgetting Curse will not work once it encounters a powerful wizard. It worked, and Moody's current identity cannot be exposed. Doing unnecessary things can easily reveal his identity.

Can we only modify the original plan?

Professor Moody was a little unwilling, because he had already racked his brains to figure out how to help Harry get high scores, and he had even begun to pave the way for Harry.

If he abandons the original plan and instead directly abducts people during the third game, his identity will definitely be exposed, and it is hard to say what the probability of success is. After all, he is under Dumbledore's nose. , there is indeed a great risk in not taking Harry away by surprise. This matter will definitely alarm Dumbledore. It will obviously take time for the Dark Lord to resurrect himself. Moody is not sure how long it will take for Dumbledore to find Harry. With such a favorable position, once Dumbledore went to disrupt the situation, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Damn Anderson, if only he could be killed.

After a few days, Moody actually agreed with Wormtail's original proposal, but the best time to kill Albert was the chaos caused by Malfoy at the World Cup camp, and they had already missed that opportunity.

Just when Moody was thinking about how to arrange Albert Anderson, he didn't even realize that he had been arranged first.

Albert exerted influence on Dumbledore through Sirius and Harry, making him have some doubts about the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Once doubts arise, he will definitely pay more attention to Moody, which will undoubtedly bring trouble to Moody. A lot of trouble.

Yes, Albert didn't want Moody to target him at all, so he threw "only" Dumbledore at the other party in a very unscrupulous manner and let them compete with each other on their own.

As long as Dumbledore has doubts about Moody, even if there is only a trace of doubt, some of the other party's behaviors will be interpreted differently in Dumbledore's eyes. After discovering that he is being targeted by Dumbledore, Moody will also Don't dare to mess around, otherwise flaws will inevitably be exposed. The slightest flaw may ruin the Dark Lord's plan. Moody cannot risk the failure of the plan to trouble Albert.

He had to think of other solutions, which made Moody feel strangely irritated.

Especially after they had just come out of Dumbledore's office, they had just discussed the Triwizard Tournament. This was one of the reasons why Dumbledore invited Moody to come to the school. He hoped that Moody could help keep an eye on Harry and the school. What happened here to avoid other problems during the Triwizard Tournament.

After returning to his office, Moody glanced at the spyglass he had broken on the table. He moved his eyes away from the buzzing spyglass on the table and returned his attention to the demon mirror. Reflect your own enemies. The closer the enemy is, the clearer the figure on the demon mirror will be.

Under normal circumstances, Moody will use this mirror to determine who the enemy is approaching his office, so that he can return to his original appearance at night without being noticed by others.

Walking to the window and looking at the scenery outside, Moody frowned and thought about the next thing. He still thought that Albert should be eliminated, but he must not be allowed to do this, and he had to think of a new way.

Moody's first plan was to have Slytherin students attack Albert on the day of the Warriors selection, causing him to miss the Warriors selection directly.

The excuse is also very simple, because both parties have grudges, and they don't want Albert to become a warrior. As for what will happen to the cannon fodder after they have been used, it is not a question that he should care about.

But Moody considered the strength comparison between the two sides and suddenly felt that this plan was very unreliable. Even if the group of people were to sneak attack Albert, there was no guarantee that they could knock him out and hide him, and it was even more difficult to guarantee that the plan could be implemented smoothly. The flaw in the plan was that the strength gap between the two sides was too large, and although many Slytherin students disliked Albert, the conflict between the two sides did not reach that level, otherwise they would have started fighting long ago.

The second plan is to find someone to hold Albert back. It is best to give him some medicine so that he accidentally misses the Triwizard Tournament. But this is not easy, because Albert himself is a very powerful potion master. , has also won the championship of the Potion Championship. It is not easy to give him medicine, and ordinary people are not qualified for this task. Albert is a very vigilant guy, and he must find a reliable person who can communicate with Albert. Bert has some connections and is not easily suspected of being a guy to complete this task.

Moreover, the use of the Imperius Curse to control people cannot be done by him personally. He must remove himself. It is best if there is little contact between the two parties.

The last thing is what kind of potion to use, and the reason for using this potion must be difficult to find, otherwise Dumbledore will definitely become suspicious.

This is very troublesome. Moody can't think of any good solutions for the time being, and his own understanding of Albert is very limited. He must collect more intelligence, and he also needs to ask Wormtail. The execution of this matter will probably fall to Wormtail. in hand.

"What a troublesome guy." Moody muttered as he looked at the figure walking towards Hagrid's hut. Because he found that Albert actually stopped, seemed to notice something, and looked over here. There was a long distance between the two parties, and he was still standing behind the window, not worried about the other party finding out.

Moody was indeed right. Albert did feel that he was being watched. It was just an instinctive reaction to stop and look back. However, Moody was wrong about one thing. Albert did not. He saw who was spying on him, but he already guessed who it was. However, Albert didn't care very much, because he believed that Moody would not have much time to cause trouble for him in the future, and he would not act rashly, and he had already decided to take time to divine for himself another day to see if Moody would be selecting the Warriors. other bad things happen.

After knocking on the door and walking into Hagrid's hut, Albert found that Hermione was also here, and she seemed to be chatting with Hagrid just now.

After seeing Albert, Hagrid suddenly became expressionless. It was obvious that he was unhappy because Albert did not attend the Care of Magical Creatures improvement class.

"What are you talking about?" Albert looked at Hermione and his eyes fell on the box on the table, which contained several badges. The letters on the badges were: S.P.E.W.


Albert looked away from the badge and said to Hagrid next to him: "Don't be angry Hagrid. After sixth grade, I have to drop several classes to ensure that my class schedule can accommodate other classes."

"So, you gave up Care of Magical Creatures?" Hagrid said angrily.

"Yes, because I don't actually like dealing with magical animals, and I don't plan to take this path in the future, so it's normal to give up." Albert said directly, and I am also very busy, with a lot of parties every week, and one There are a lot of letters to reply to and a lot of papers, not to mention homework. Now I have to help Blake deal with magazine issues, and Isobel plans to publish a book, and I have to help her keep an eye on it. It’s not easy to find time to come to your place for a cup of tea every week.

"Huh!" Hagrid snorted dissatisfiedly. He felt that Albert was quibbling, but he still poured a cup of hot tea for Albert.

Of course he knew that Albert was very busy, but he gave up the Care of Magical Creatures class, which still made him a little emotional. The number of people in the advanced class of Care of Magical Creatures was really... appalling.

"Well, I know you're busy, and there's a rumor going around the school that you will become the Hogwarts Champion." Hagrid changed the unpleasant topic.

"I do plan to participate in the announcement of the warriors. The Triwizard Tournament is a very interesting competition. It would be a pity to miss it. As for whether I can become a warrior of Hogwarts, I can only wait until the day when the warriors are selected." Albert took a sip of black tea, looked at Hermione again and asked, "What's up with your 'vomiting' badge?"

"It's not vomiting, it's S-P-E-W!" Hermione explained angrily. "It means the Society for the Promotion of House-Elves' Rights."

"So, you didn't give up in the end?" Albert asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I agree with your point of view, but I think it is still necessary to establish an association."

"Hermione, I think what you are doing is very bad. It is the nature of house elves to take care of humans. If they are not allowed to work, they will feel miserable. Paying them wages is an insult to house elves. "Hagrid reminded seriously. He didn't understand why Hermione was so stubborn on this matter. He cast a pleading look at Albert, hoping that he could persuade Hermione to give up this stupid idea.

"But, Dobby was so happy when Harry freed Dobby, and didn't Albert also hire a house elf?" Hermione cast her fiery gaze on Albert.

"Really?" Hagrid looked at Albert in surprise, but with Albert's character, it didn't seem strange to do such a thing.

"That's not hiring." Albert shook his head.

"That one is completely different from a house elf. I saw him wearing clean and tidy clothes." Hermione pointed out this point bluntly. Ordinary house elves don't know how to wear clothes at all.

"That's not a piece of clothing, it's just a piece of cloth with three holes, at least that's what it looks like to house elves." Albert shrugged and said, "My promise is still valid, if you really want it Write a novel to guide and appeal to wizards to treat house elves well, and I can help you."

"Hermione, I think you should accept Albert's suggestion. You will never be able to convince most elves to fight for freedom - really, it's impossible." Hagrid agreed with Albert's words and felt that that was the The best way to help house elves.

"It's difficult." Hermione said sadly: "Most of the families with house elves are pure-blood wizarding families, and their attitude towards house elves...haven't you seen how the Sirius family treats Kreacher?" Attitude. It will never be possible to change their minds through novels. There are not many wizards in the wizarding world who are as enlightened as Albert and willing to treat house elves as family members."

"Perhaps, you are right, but you are too anxious. Some things cannot be solved with your passion." Albert sighed softly and said, "I suddenly understand why the Sorting Hat assigned you to Gryffindor."

"I chose Gryffindor on my own initiative," Hermione said.

"This kind of thing must be guided slowly, and it cannot be achieved in one step. Anyway, house elves have been enslaved for a thousand years, and waiting for a few more decades will be nothing. If you don't slowly change the way wizards treat house elves now, Attitude, if you don’t let people sympathize with house elves and think that they are reliable friends and helpers of wizards, one day you become the Minister of Magic and want to promulgate laws related to house elves, it will be difficult to implement them, and people will object by then. You, some people will even ask you to step down, turning you into a lost dog that everyone calls for beating."

"I think Albert's words are very reasonable, and his approach has a high probability of success. Obviously, if your plan is reliable, you'd better believe in him, because many of Albert's suggestions can be realized, just like if I follow His advice was as successful as saving Buckbeak." Hagrid raised his hands to agree with Albert's point of view, but he didn't think Hermione could become the Minister of Magic. If Albert became the Minister of Magic, it would really be a big deal. possible. As for Hermione, the probability is too low.

"Well, you're right, the wizarding world should be made to sympathize with house elves, and I will find time to come up with the content of the novel." Hermione muttered.

Hagrid burst into laughter and gave Albert a look that was worthy of you.

At this time, a strange clicking sound suddenly came from the box next to the wall. Albert turned around and found that it was coming from the box placed in the corner.

"I got a box that is similar to your suitcase." Hagrid explained with a smile: "It contains the result I made a while ago: Explosive-tailed Skrewts. I used a manticore and 60 manticores. It can only be cultivated by fire crabs, do you want to see it?"

"Get one for me," said Albert.

"Hold on."

When Hagrid opened the box, a very strong smell of rotten fish and shrimp came out of it, which made Albert feel nauseated.

Soon, Hagrid caught a fried-tailed snail. The smell of rotten fish and shrimp became stronger. It looked like a big lobster with the shell removed. It looked very bad. What was even worse was the fried-tailed snail. Some sparks will be emitted from its tail. Hagrid, who is thick-skinned and thick-skinned, may not be afraid, but other students will be in bad luck.

"Hagrid, I have to remind you that if you continue to cultivate blast-tailed snails, you will definitely violate the "Prohibition of Animal Breeding Experiments" law. Be careful that the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will get you into trouble. The Manticore itself is a XXXXX level danger Creatures, fire crabs are XXX-level dangerous creatures, which means that the fried-tailed snails are at least XXX-level dangerous creatures, and are more likely to become XXXX-level dangerous creatures when they grow up." Albert picked up a spoon and tapped the skin of the fried-ended snails. Said: "Fire crabs have a strong shell, which means that the snails will most likely have a strong shell. This thing will definitely be more dangerous. Believe me, if you let students cultivate this thing in the classroom, it will protect the magic." Biology class will definitely become the most annoying subject, bar none, because it is so dangerous."

As he spoke, Albert did not forget to point to the tail of the snail, "Such a small tail is quite lethal. When they grow up, it will be easy to guess how dangerous they will be."

When the two left Hagrid's hut, Hermione said to Albert: "We should persuade Hagrid to give up cultivating squid. In the last Care of Magical Creatures class, many students were injured by its tail. Once Hagrid figures out what the Blast-Ended Skrewts eat, I imagine they'll suddenly grow to six feet tall, and Hagrid will be in big trouble if the Ministry of Magic finds out we're raising XXXX-level dangerous creatures."

"It's hard, just like you won't give up 'vomiting'." Albert shook his head.

"It's the House-Elf Rights Association," Hermione corrected weakly.

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