Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 860 Civilized Debt Collection

On the street on the south side of Diagon Alley, there was an inconspicuous magazine at some time, and the office of "Defense Guide" is located here.

Remus Lupine, the editor-in-chief of the "Defense Guide", was checking the recent development plan. He took a sip of black tea and his eyes fell on the store diagonally opposite, which was the office of the "Daily Prophet", next to it Next to Whiz Harder Books.

Compared with these two famous companies, their newly opened stores seem much shabby, and many things are still in the preliminary stage.

Opposite Lupine, Sirius was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, reading the latest "Daily Prophet", completely ignoring the dire situation they were currently facing.

It has been almost a month since the launch of "Defense Guide". Although the situation is much better than Luping expected, it is still at a loss.

Just then, an owl flew in through the reserved window, threw the envelope into the mailbox, flapped its wings and flew away.

"Albert's letter?" Sirius asked without looking up.

"No, it's a letter from Mr. Jordan. He probably wants to discuss with you how to ask for money from Bagman." Lupine opened the mailbox, took out the letter and placed it on the desk in front of Sirius, and took it out from his desk The parchment said to himself: "This month, a total of 145 copies of the "Defense Guide" were sold, of which 50 were given away for free, so in fact, only 95 copies were sold. By the end of this month, I’m afraid I won’t be able to buy two hundred copies.”

No wonder Lupine smiled helplessly. The price of a copy of the "Defense Guide" was as high as 10 siekos. After deducting printing fees, discount fees, owl mailing fees and other messy expenses, he was operating at a total loss this month, and Sirius was actually still... They planned to offer him a good salary. Although Lu Ping refused in the end, the situation was still not optimistic because the house they were using now also required payment of rent. Based on the current experience of losing money, Lu Ping was very doubtful. "Guide to Defense" can hold out until next year.

"Don't worry. Didn't Albert prepare several sales plans? I think his idea is very good. Operating at a loss is only temporary." Sirius put down his legs and comforted: "As long as the magazine sales increase, then it will be You can make money by advertising in the magazine, and I suspect that guy didn’t expect the sales of the Defense Guide to make him money from the beginning. He is very smart and will definitely not engage in loss-making transactions. He must have another purpose.”

"There is another purpose. Does Albert plan to sell the magazine to the students of Hogwarts?" Lupine didn't think that the students of Hogwarts had the money to buy it.

All he sees now is losing money and wasting a lot of energy. If the "Defense Guide" cannot improve, then Sirius may have to lose a lot of galleons.

"You don't have to worry about these things." Sirius threw the parchment he had finished reading on the table and said to Lupine, "I have to go out. Mr. Jordan is planning a siege on Bagman to collect debts. He is trying to collect money from Bagman. Get back the suppressed principal from Geman."

"Isn't Bagman out of money?" Lupine had heard about Bagman. It was said that this unlucky guy borrowed a lot of gold from the goblin. As a result, he failed to pay back the money after the World Cup in galleons. All the gold coins were robbed by goblins and are currently being closely monitored.

"Ludo Bagman does have no money now, but that doesn't mean he won't have any money in the future, and everyone just wants to get their principal back." Sirius curled his lips. He suspected that this matter was caused by Ai Bert did it.

Of course, this is just a guess.

When Sirius went to the meeting place, he found that there were quite a few wizards who had been tricked by Ludo Bagman, a total of eleven people.

Sirius also found Arthur's son standing in the crowd with a gloomy face.

"Okay everyone, let me first talk about our situation and goals." Mr. Jordan, as the initiator of the debt collection group, took the lead and said: "As we all know, Bagman's Galleons were snatched away by goblins, and he was even He doesn’t have a galleon, so we can’t expect him to pay back the money now. But just because he doesn’t have money now doesn’t mean he won’t have money in the future. We can wait for five years, or even ten years. Anyway, we can’t let that guy just give the money away. Damn it."

"That guy is the Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports, and his monthly salary is quite high. Use his salary to pay off debts." Everyone thought this was a good idea.

"We don't expect him to be able to repay the money in one go, but it would be nice to use the Galleons from his salary to repay the money." Mr. Jordan is very satisfied with the current development.

"Would this be too lenient towards him?" someone said angrily.

"Besides, we don't have that much time to keep an eye on him." Percy reminded with a frown, "Five years? Time? We can't waste time on Bagman just because of this."

"Perhaps, we should report Bagman's actions to the Ministry of Magic." A somewhat bald wizard reminded

"This is a private gamble and is not protected by the Ministry of Magic." Percy shook his head. If possible, he would have done that long ago and would discuss countermeasures here.

"Also, there is another question, how do you plan to ensure that he will pay back the money?" Sirius, who had been silent, suddenly asked.

No matter how nice they say it now, it's meaningless if they can't ensure that Bagman pays back the money.

"Of course I thought of this, we can use this thing!" Mr. Jordan took out the parchment full of writing from his robe pocket.

"Magic contract." He excitedly introduced to everyone, "Within ten years, as long as Bagman pays back the money as agreed, the magic contract will be automatically terminated and we will let him go."

"This is impossible!" a woman screamed. "Bagman defrauded little Agatha Timms of half the stock of Eel Farm. How could that guy have no money? If not, we will use violence and take all valuable things directly from him as compensation. gold."

"That's illegal," Mr. Jordan reminded.

"Isn't that thing in your hand illegal?" Sirius couldn't help laughing.

"This is the settlement document." Mr. Jordan said without hesitation. He didn't know how thick-skinned he was, but he could still say confidently, "Bagman owes us money. What we should do now is to stop the loss in time, not when the time comes." Can’t get anything.”

"What if Bagman defaults on his debt and runs away?" someone continued to ask.

"If Bagman really defaults on his debts, then he will probably become the most unlucky wizard in the world." Mr. Jordan shrugged and said, "Moreover, as long as he signs the settlement document, we can use this contract at any time to Find his specific location. If Bagman dares to run away, we will sell his location to the goblin. We will also earn some galleons from the goblin to make up for the loss. As the price of Bagman's default, he will never If he is entangled by goblins, he will never be able to get rid of those goblins for at least ten years."

"Very good, I have no objection, just follow your plan. Bagman must pay the price for what he has done."

Having said that, that guy really owed a lot of people Galleons.

There are a total of seventeen people on the list, but some people are owed a limited number of Galleons by Bagman. The first one is the screaming fat woman just now, the second one is Black, and the third one is Jordan. , adding up the following zeros and zeros, the principal amount is about 3,000 Galleons. Of course, if you include the galleons won from betting, it would probably have to be multiplied several times.

"According to your magic contract, you can only get back 2,400 galleons at most in ten years. What about the rest?" The sarcastic woman asked Mr. Jordan.

"Those of us who are owed the most can take less," Mr. Jordan said without hesitation, "or deduct it according to a ratio."

"I have no opinion."

"No comment."

The fat woman wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Mr. Jordan, "Get the money from Bagman first. The rest is nonsense."

Sirius couldn't help curling his lips, looking down on the woman in front of him. Mr. Jordan undoubtedly planned to force Bagman to compromise due to his numerical advantage.

In fact, many people who were owed money and deceived by Bagman gathered here, not all to ask for money from Bagman. They all knew what happened to that guy, and they also knew that even if they found the guy, they would not be able to get Galleons, but Bagman Germann deceived them with fake Galleons and duplicate Galleons, especially Bagman's attitude towards them was very bad because he did not pay back the money.

This undoubtedly made everyone very angry, and they all planned to make the bastard suffer.

"Okay, I'll take you to find Bagman. That guy didn't dare to go home and hid directly to avoid the harassment of goblins. Come with me!"

Mr. Jordan apparated with everyone in tow.

In a remote area on the coast of England, Bagman was dragging his tired body towards this seaside house. It was a Muggle villa. Most of the time, no one lived in it. It was very suitable for temporary hiding to avoid those groups of people. Disgusting goblin.

Bagman regretted that he provoked the group of goblins. In order to get money from him, they followed him all day long, causing Bagman to have a nervous breakdown.

However, when Bagman entered the hall of the villa, he was stunned because he found a group of people sitting there waiting for him.

"You, how do you..."

"Okay, Mr. Bagman, we are here to discuss with you how to pay back the money you owe everyone." Jordan appeared from behind, handed over Bagman's wand, and put his hand on his shoulder. Prevent him from apparating away.

"I really have no money." The smile on Bagman's face was uglier than crying.

"We know you have no money." Jordan nodded to express his understanding, "So, we just want to get our principal back. You know, we can give up the money we won from gambling, but you can't take all our principal." gone."

"but I……"

"Perhaps, we should teach him a lesson." The fat woman held up her wand and gritted her teeth, as if she was planning to use the Cruciatus Curse.

"Okay, we know you don't have money now, but you will definitely have money in the future. After all, you are the Director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports, and your monthly salary is quite high. You can just use twenty galleons to pay off the debt." Jordan smiled. He put the parchment in front of Bagman and said, "We will give you ten years. It will be easy for you to pay off this debt. In ten years, you will need to pay about 2,400 galleons. We will not pay the remaining galleons." How about asking for it from you again?"

"Okay, I'll sign."

Bagman knew he had no choice. He quickly scanned the contents on the parchment and found that all the guys he had cheated were here. No wonder they weren't writing letters to him asking for money. They had already gathered and were ready to come together. I came to him to collect a debt.

After Bagman signed his name, Jordan handed the parchment to the fat woman with a smile and said, "It's up to you to keep this. It's best to put it in the vault."

"I will."

By the way, Mr. Bagman, I forgot to remind you just now. There is a magic spell on this contract. If you can't repay the 2,400 Galleons in ten years, I don't think you want to know the consequences. "

"I know." Bagman said dryly.

"Then we won't disturb you anymore. Goodbye Mr. Bagman."

After a group of people left the villa, they apparated away.

"Damn, what a bunch of nasty guys, it seems like it's not safe here anymore." Bagman muttered softly.

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