Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 877 Just talking

"Harry mentioned to me in the letter that you were attacked." Sirius did not answer that question, but talked about another thing that had always concerned him.

Albert turned to look at Harry, who scratched his cheek with his hand and looked embarrassed. He probably didn't expect Sirius to talk to Albert directly about this.

"Yes, I suspect it was Peter Pettigrew who did it." Albert withdrew his gaze from Harry and said to Sirius in the double-sided mirror, "For this reason, I also made a special prophecy, although there was no accurate prediction. , but the finger does point at Peter Pettigrew, and I have reason to believe that he did good things."

Hermione looked up at Albert, with deep worry in her eyes. She knew that Peter Pettigrew was in Azkaban because of Albert. If the other party really wants to seek revenge on Albert and murder him, the consequences will be really disastrous.

Sirius kept his mouth open and stood there in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking. After a long silence, his voice came from the double-sided mirror again: "Can you help Harry divine, I want to know who it is." Put his name in the Goblet of Fire?"

Albert raised his eyebrows slightly and asked: "You want to ask me for divination?"

"So be it!" Sirius nodded. This was his responsibility as a godfather. He couldn't do anything knowing that Harry might be in danger and watch Harry face the coming danger alone.

"Actually, you can guess without divination that it was the minions of the mysterious man who threw Potter's name into the Goblet of Fire." Albert picked up Crookshanks to prevent him from knocking over the double-sided mirror with his paws, "This should be considered a reward for You saved a fortune.”

"How can you be so sure?"

Although Albert had said that Voldemort might intend to harm him in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry still couldn't understand why Voldemort would do that.

Albert looked at Harry as if he were an idiot.

"Is there any problem?" Harry became even more confused.

"Harry, Albert just said that Peter Pettigrew attacked him. Since it was Peter Pettigrew who did it, it is obvious who put your name into the Goblet of Fire." Hermione looked at Harry quite speechlessly. , I don’t know if he really didn’t understand, or if he was deliberately pretending to be confused.

After listening to Albert's words, Hermione felt that this was a conspiracy arranged by Voldemort. Moreover, Albert's guesses were always accurate, so she had to consider the results of his guesses.

"Voldemort is very likely to do something to you during the Triwizard Tournament. You should be more careful." Sirius' eyes showed concern for Harry. "The result of the Triwizard Tournament is not important. Everything is important. Protecting your own safety must be your first priority.”


"If Peter Pettigrew wants to prevent Albert from participating in the Triwizard Tournament, it can only be because he participates in the competition, and your chances of winning are very low. There is no doubt that Albert's participation may disrupt Voldemort's plans , I think they may have other preparation plans." Sirius interrupted directly, "I know what you are suspecting, but I don't think Albert has the need to deceive you."

On the other side of the double-way mirror, Sirius sighed softly. Even if he didn't believe Albert's words, he wouldn't show it in front of him, not to mention that Albert really had no reason to do that.

In Sirius's opinion, Harry had no value in being deceived by Albert.

The most important thing is that many of what Albert said at the beginning came true, such as Harry being involved in the Triwizard Tournament.

When Sirius approached Albert, he actually wanted him to help look after Harry in his spare time, but he also realized that he obviously had no reason to ask Albert to do that unless he was willing to spend a large sum of Galleons to hire Albert. Bert helps, maybe the other party will help take care of Harry for Garen's sake.

Sirius did originally plan to do this, but Harry was nearby, so he had to choose to postpone the matter to discuss it with Albert.

"But why did Voldemort do this?" Harry asked confused.

Sirius was also silent. He was actually thinking about this question, why did Voldemort do this?

If Voldemort really wanted to murder Harry during the Triwizard Tournament, it would make sense, but there was no need to involve Albert. In Sirius's view, Albert was an extremely dangerous guy, and none of the unlucky ones he targeted had a good end. Look at Peter, and Ludo Bagman, who is still hiding around.

To be honest, Sirius doubted that Peter really had the ability to sneak attack Albert?

He even suspected that Peter might have tried to do that, but was discovered by Albert, and then he set up a trap to test someone, such as Mad-Eye Moody. Although Sirius had dealt with Moody before, it was a long time ago and the two parties were not familiar with each other.

Therefore, compared to Mad-Eye, Sirius is actually more willing to believe in Albert, the young man who can predict the future.

In Sirius's view, Albert's intuition and observation skills are simply terrifying. He was arrested by the other party for exchanging money, and even the unlucky Peter Pettigrew was imprisoned for this. Sirius has never used it again since then. Albert was a student.

Under the gaze of Harry, Hermione and Sirius, Albert calmly stated his "conjecture", "It's very simple. After the mysterious man is resurrected, he is going to use you as the savior flag. Don't you think it is a good idea?" Idea, because of your relationship, Voldemort is in such an embarrassing state. Killing you with his own hands to wash away the shame is undoubtedly what Voldemort must do, so that his servants can fear him. Maybe Voldemort will still pretend to be By pretending to duel with you and then killing you in front of the Death Eaters, not only would he get revenge, but he would also prove that your savior was nothing but a joke. He would also be able to reunite other Death Eaters in a short period of time and accomplish many things with one stone. "

"Will the mysterious man be resurrected?" Hermione screamed in shock. Fortunately, Albert's magic was around her, preventing the scream from spreading.

"There are various signs that something terrible is going to happen." Albert put his hand on Hermione's shoulder, beckoning her to calm down first, "I think it is completely reasonable to consider the worst aspect of things, even if it doesn't have to predict me. You can also guess that you probably don’t know that the centaurs actually have a similar prophecy.”

"What prophecy?" the three of them said in unison.

"The centaurs think that people in the wizarding world are just spending a short period of peace between two wars." Albert looked at the confused Harry with an idiot's eyes: "As long as you use your brains a little bit, you will realize Another wizarding war is approaching, and maybe in the past few years, even if I don’t tell you what caused this wizarding war, you can probably guess it!”

"So, after Voldemort's resurrection, it will trigger a second wizarding war?" Black muttered softly. He felt that Albert's speculation was reasonable.

"But, is this just speculation?" Harry said confused.

"Harry, I think you'd better believe it. It won't hurt you." Hermione whispered: "In fact, you didn't notice at all that Albert's predictions basically came true, and last time I remember you said Trelawney gave you a similar prophecy, I remember it was..."

Hermione got a notebook from nowhere, opened it and read out a passage recorded in it: "The Dark Lord lies there alone, without friends, abandoned by his men, and his servants have been chained for these twelve years. The servant will break free from his chains and set out to join his master. With the servant's help, the Dark Lord will return, stronger and more terrifying than before."

"Hermione, I thought you didn't believe in prophecies," Harry muttered.

"I just don't believe Professor Trelawney, at least she is definitely a big liar when she teaches us." Hermione had a very bad impression of Professor Trelawney.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. Last time, when you divined Peter for me, the man I saw in the crystal ball was Barty Crouch." Sirius said to Albert: "Old Barty Ty Crouch's son died in Azkaban Prison a long time ago."

"Died in Azkaban prison a long time ago?" Harry repeated doubtfully, "But what do you mean, that Barty Crouch Jr. is still alive?"

"Peter was able to fake his own death and escape, so why can't Barty Jr.?" Sirius felt that Barty Jr.'s survival might have something to do with Old Barty.

"Barty is a Death Eater?" Harry suddenly asked.

"Yes, he was a Death Eater, and was later captured by Moody and sent to Azkaban Prison."

"Perhaps, you can control Moody, pour some truth serum into him, and ask him if he is a fake, or you can go to Barty's house and have a look." Albert gave this suggestion irresponsibly. "Perhaps, you can have unexpected surprises."

"But, didn't you say that Professor Moody helped you choose the name..." Hermione was a little confused, but soon figured out the reason and looked up at Albert in surprise.

"Actually, I think your suggestion is good." Sirius interrupted. "But... Dumbledore probably won't do that. Moody is his old friend. Before Dumbledore sees any flaws in Moody, Dumbledore will never use veritaserum or use veritaserum on him. Legilimency, that’s disrespectful to an old friend.”

Albert shrugged and said irresponsibly, "I just said it casually, you don't need to pay attention."

"You are not just talking casually." Sirius's mouth twitched slightly, "As for whether Barty Crouch is abnormal, I will give Dumbledore some more advice. He should pay special attention to Barty Crouch. Case."

"Okay, do you have anything else to do? Just go back to bed without me." Albert said, covering a yawn.

"I hope you can help take care of Harry. I hope you can help predict the contents of the three projects and inform us. Of course, I will pay enough. Anyway, you also want to know about the first project. Isn’t that the content?” Sirius hesitated for a moment, then said to Albert in front of Harry.

"Sirius, you don't have to..." Harry didn't want Sirius to waste Galleons on him.

"I have told Harry some of my guesses for free." Albert yawned again and continued, "Based on past competition events and the tips given by Barty Crouch, the first event is The right one should be some kind of magical creature classified as XXXXX."

"Magical creatures classified as XXXXX," Sirius frowned. The number and types of magical creatures classified as XXXXX were not large.

"I will discuss with Dumbledore to see if we can let Mu... Forget it, Lupine and I will go over and help you with expedited training. We will never let you go directly to the battlefield. Albert, do you need it? ?”

"I don't need it." Albert shook his head.

"That's right. With your ability, you won't be afraid even if you face the fire dragon alone." Sirius still recognized Albert's strength.

"I suggest you take Potter into the woods to see the world. There are many interesting little guys there." Albert gave some suggestions to Sirius. "The Acromantula is a good choice, as long as you are careful not to It would be nice to be ambushed by those beasts, and you can also collect the venom of the Acromantula to sell. I remember the high price of one hundred galleons per pint, and let Harry kill several Acromantulas with his own hands. After seeing You won’t be afraid of ferocious magical creatures. Also, remember not to tell Hagrid that it was me who gave you the idea. Those spiders are the descendants of spiders that Hagrid used to breed.”

"Oh my God, Hagrid raised a nest of Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest." Hermione thought this was ridiculous.

"To be precise, those Acromantulas were not raised by Hagrid." Albert corrected, "He just released two Acromantulas, and then a nest of spiders appeared on his own. Many wizards were suspicious. There is an Acromantula breeding farm in the Forbidden Forest.”

"A Acromantula breeding farm?" Harry thought that he should also bring Ron along to let him calm down.

"If it's okay, I'll go back to bed first." Albert yawned, got up and walked away.

"Has he killed an Acromantula before?" Sirius asked curiously.

"I heard Fred and the others boast that when Albert was in first grade, he broke into the Forbidden Forest and brought down a large group of Acromantulas by himself with a guardian tree." Hermione recalled.

Sirius opened his mouth in shock. He felt that he had been naughty enough before, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him was bolder than him.

"I think his idea is good." Sirius nodded and said: "I will discuss this matter with Lupine later. It is still necessary to take you to the world, although I think you may not be afraid, after all You’ve had experience facing basilisks before, but it never hurts to have a little more experience with something like this.”

"Oh my God, what do they think the Acromantula is?" Looking at the two-way mirror that had returned to its original shape, Harry couldn't help complaining to Hermione: "Is it wool that you have to shear and continue to shear next year?"

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