Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 880 Invitation

"Who is the girl who was talking to you just now? Why do I feel that she looks familiar?" Hermione asked curiously, looking at Yanila's leaving back.

"Looks familiar, does it look familiar?"

When Harry heard Hermione's words, he turned to look in the direction in which Yanila left, and said doubtfully: "Why doesn't it look familiar to me?"

The two of them turned their attention to Albert, waiting for the other party's explanation. Anyway, it was faster to ask the person involved directly about this kind of thing, and they were too lazy to waste time.

"Remember the record I gave you during the summer vacation?" Albert reminded Hermione with a smile.

"What record?" Harry was even more confused, but Hermione had already guessed the girl's identity and said in surprise: "You mean that famous singer?"

"What famous singer?" Harry looked at Hermione, waiting for the other party's explanation.

"After Albert returned from participating in an international competition abroad during the summer vacation, he gave me a foreign record. It was said to be a famous singer in Europe. I didn't expect it to be her?" Hermione looked at Albert with a complicated expression. She discovered The man in front of me is really popular with the girls. She finally couldn't help but asked: "Are you familiar with each other?"

"Not very familiar, just met a few times in Spain." Albert tightened his cloak and walked towards the castle.

"What kind of person is Miss Yanila?" Hermione asked tentatively.

"Miss Yanila is a very beautiful and enthusiastic girl." Albert added in his mind, "Yes, really enthusiastic."

Albert felt that if he were single, he would probably be tricked.

"The Beauxbatons girls are pretty pretty," Harry muttered. For some reason, he suddenly shuddered, probably aware of the glances from the side, and quickly changed his words: "I mean, the girls Albert knows are all very beautiful."

"That's because I know a lot of people, and naturally there are a lot of beautiful girls." Albert added insult to injury: "What, Potter, have you fallen in love with a certain Beauxbatons girl?"

"No," Harry said dryly.

"Don't be shy. If you really like someone, you should try to invite them to be your dance partner."

"What partner?" Harry asked confused.

"Of course she is the partner of the Yule Ball." Albert said matter-of-factly.

"So, are you here to invite them?" Hermione asked sharply.

"No, I'm looking for Hagrid. He just went to help build the stable for the rune horse." Albert walked along the gravel path towards the yard. "As for the dance partner, I actually found it a long time ago."

"There are many girls in the school who hope to be your dance partner. If they know that you have already found a dance partner, they will definitely be very disappointed." After Hermione heard that Albert had a dance partner, a look of disappointment appeared on her face, "I am very curious about you. Who would you invite to the prom? If Isobel was still in school, you would definitely invite her. But she graduated from school last year."

Albert said mysteriously: "This is kept secret for now, so as not to cause trouble to her."

"Do I have to dance?" Harry asked tangledly. He couldn't dance at all.

Of course, if dancing could save Harry from having to participate in the first project, he would definitely find a random dance partner, but obviously this would not be a good thing.

"According to tradition, the dance will be held by warriors and their partners, so you have to find yourself a dance partner. Otherwise, why do you think the school asked us to prepare dresses?" Albert patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "You still have If you have enough time, you can consider the dance partners after the first project is over.”

"If only I could be like you, I wouldn't have to worry about anything."

Harry actually envied Albert. This guy had always been the role model and object of envy for the boys at Hogwarts, but it was a pity that they just couldn't learn from him.

"In many cases, there is no need to worry about yourself. As for your dance partner, you can consider Ginny Weasley. I can see that the girl seems to like you very much. This should be a good choice for you." Albert slowed down, looked at Hermione and asked, "What I said should be right!"

"Ginny does like Harry very much. If Harry is willing to invite Ginny to the Yule Ball, it will be a wonderful Christmas for Ginny." Hermione nodded in agreement. She and Ginny were good friends, and Hermione would definitely be happy for Ginny if Harry chose her.

Harry's cheeks suddenly turned red and he didn't know what to say.

"Of course, you can also consider Hermione. Trust me, Hermione is actually very beautiful. She is just too lazy to dress up, and you are still good friends." Albert continued: "If I don't have a dance partner, maybe I will Invite Hermione to be my dance partner."

When Hermione heard Albert complimenting her on her beauty, a blush appeared on her forehead. Very few people would compliment her on her beauty like this, especially when it was Albert who complimented her. This made Hermione very happy.

However, Hermione felt a little lost after hearing the last sentence, and she was even more curious about who Albert had invited.

"Well...I don't know." Harry said dryly.

"If you have someone you like, invite her to the ball, and you might be able to develop a relationship." Albert asked Hermione: "Does Potter have a girl he likes?"

"What? Oh, I'm not sure." Hermione shook her head and said after regaining consciousness, "Probably not. I feel that Harry has always been slow in this emotional aspect."

The figure of Ravenclaw Seeker Cho Chang came to Harry's mind.

"If not, it would be more appropriate to find an acquaintance to partner up with. At least both parties will not feel embarrassed." Albert glanced at Harry and said, "However, I think Potter has reached the age where he has a vague impression of girls."

"Who?" Hermione asked in a low voice.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. If you like a girl, do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you'll be picked up and you won't even have a place to cry." Albert said heartlessly. He knew who Potter liked, but Cedric was faster than him, more handsome, and more popular with girls, so Potter's first love was destined to be unrequited love.

"Sirius and Lupine are taking us into the woods over the weekend to expand our knowledge. Do you want to come with us?" Harry coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject. He must now concentrate on the first project. He will wait until he completes the prom. There is not much time left. "

"Forget it. The Acromantula has a grudge against me. If I go deep into the Forbidden Forest, I will probably cause trouble for you. When those Acromantulas see me, they will probably rush towards me in groups immediately." Ai Burt rejected Harry's invitation and gave the other party a bad idea, "You should bring Ron Weasley with you. I remember that you like to take risks together."

"This is a good idea." Harry also felt that he should take Ron with him to let him understand that the Warriors are not as beautiful as they appear on the surface, and they also need to take great risks.

During dinner, Harry actually took the initiative to invite Ron.

Of course, he didn't talk about going into the woods to deal with the Acromantula, but told Ron that Sirius and Lupine planned to teach them how to fight the trolls alone.

Although they had successfully defeated a giant monster in the first grade, it was somewhat tricky at that time, and not every time they could have that kind of luck.

"Harry, are you really planning to go into the forest and challenge the troll?" Neville couldn't help but gasped after hearing this.

"Actually, I don't want to either." Harry sighed softly, "But Anderson thinks that the Warriors' first project may need to face magical creatures classified as ?????. After Professor Lupin learned about it, he thought that I You should go to the Forbidden Forest to see the world, and learn to try to defeat those dangerous magical creatures by yourself, so as not to be scared to the point of weakness when you encounter dangerous magical creatures in the first project."

"The biggest threat from trolls to wizards comes from the stench on their bodies. Be careful of being fainted." George seemed to recall a certain past event: "I still remember that the last time we entered the forest, we had a fight."

"Really? Why do I feel like you are bragging." Aaliyah didn't believe what George said.

"Is it necessary to brag? Albert was also there at the time." Lee Jordan recalled: "When the two giant monsters rush towards you, the pressure is really strong, and the timid guys will definitely be scared to death. Pants."

"You really think that the first project requires defeating a creature more dangerous than a troll." Shanna couldn't help but frown. She felt that the troll was dangerous enough.

"It must be a dangerous magical creature like a cockatrice monster." Albert analyzed after swallowing the food, "The difficulty of the Triwizard Tournament is actually about the same, otherwise the mortality rate would not be so high. However, this time They've stepped up security."

"Potter, I suggest you bring an extra pair of pants. You can put them on when you pee, so no one knows you peed yourself." Malfoy mocked.

Around him, a group of Slytherin students booed and flashed the "Harry Smelly Shit" badge at Harry to disgust him.

"How can a waste like you have the courage to say such things." Harry sneered mercilessly: "I still remember when you first entered the forest, you were scared to death by Voldemort."

When Harry said Voldemort, there was a gasp of air from around him.

"Don't be dissatisfied. If you don't believe me, come with me into the woods tomorrow. A warrior like you is not for a loser like you."

Now if anyone was dissatisfied, Harry would make sarcastic remarks. If the other party was dissatisfied, he would drag him with him to the Forbidden Forest to challenge the trolls. Harry knew that many wizards didn't have that kind of courage, so he looked down on the losers who only dared to laugh at him.

"You think I'm as brainless as you." Malfoy really didn't have that kind of courage, but that didn't stop him from taunting Harry: "Only a brainless guy like you would think of fighting a troll alone. Gryffindor students really only have muscles in their minds. You actually have the nerve to call yourself a warrior. I dare say you won’t survive ten minutes after the first competition event begins.”

"At least I dare to complete the first project. What right does a waste like you have to criticize me?" Harry continued to quarrel with Malfoy. Anyway, he was not afraid, especially after getting some information about the first project from Albert. After learning the content of the project, he hated those guys who made trouble for him even more.

"If you're not convinced, let's make a bet, just ten galleons. How about betting that the goal of the first project is to face a magical creature? Or whether I can survive for ten minutes? Harry took out his money bag from his pocket and took out ten Galleons and said, "Of course, you can guess the content of the first project by yourself. If you dare, just shut up if you don't."

Harry was full of fire. He was not willing to miss the rare opportunity to angrily criticize Malfoy. He ran down in a row and almost made Malfoy dumbfounded.

"How do I know if you will break the contract if you lose?"

"We can put the galleons with Albert first, and go and get them from him if we win." Harry added, "Don't worry about him defaulting on the money. The prize money for a world-class competition champion is more than what you get in a lifetime." The pocket money is too much, and it has always been your Slytherin patent to default on your debts."

"I don't want to get my gold coins dirty."

Malfoy still didn't dare to directly say that Albert was a mudblood. He was really timid.

"Get out of here if you don't dare. Don't affect my appetite for eating here." Harry couldn't help but feel disappointed when he saw Malfoy timid. If Malfoy dared to say it directly, he would probably have a hard time.

Everyone was taken aback by Harry's strength, but they also liked seeing the Slytherin people deflated.

Harry was in a good mood and was more than happy to seize the opportunity to gross out Malfoy.

"Harry, you were so cool just now." Neville said with admiration. "Malfoy is so disgusting. He is just jealous of you becoming a Hogwarts warrior. I dare say he will definitely play. You’ll be so scared that you wet your pants.”

Neville's map cannon blasted Ron, Seamus and Dean who had been watching with cold eyes, causing the expressions on their faces to look a bit unnatural.

"I didn't pay attention to Neville, I already knew what they were." Harry said calmly.

"Can I follow you and watch you challenge the troll?" Neville asked expectantly.

"You can't find trolls outside the Forbidden Forest. You need to ride a broom deep into the Forbidden Forest." Hermione interrupted, "Harry, would you like some beef and potatoes stew?"

"Thank you." Harry said to Neville apologetically, "I can't make the decision on this matter. I have to ask Professor Lupin for his opinion."

"But you didn't ask Ron just now. He doesn't seem to be going with you." Neville looked at Ron and asked, "You're not going, right?"

"Who said I won't go?" Ron raised his eyebrows slightly. He actually didn't want to go, but... he finally chose to participate. It was just a troll. He had defeated a troll when he was in first grade. Ron knew the trolls very well. weakness.

Harry could take on a giant monster, so could he, and he could brag about it for a long time.

Ron didn't know what he was about to face, and he didn't notice Harry and Hermione secretly exchanging glances, with a very strange smile on their faces.

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