Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 883 Detection of the Magic Wand

Recently, Albert found that he seemed to have encountered a little trouble. The trouble came from his rejection of Yanila's dance invitation a few days ago. Now, no matter what class Albert takes, he will listen quietly. Yanila, who did not wrap her face with a scarf, although not as charming as Fleur, still made it difficult for the boys in the class to concentrate in class. For this reason, Albert was forced to be in the last row of the classroom.

Although the professors were a little dissatisfied with this, no professor would do such a disrespectful thing as blaming the distinguished guest.

With Yanila's poor example, Albert soon found that several more girls came to the classroom where he was attending classes, which made the professors even more unhappy.

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

In order to nip the worst situation in the bud, Albert decided to have a showdown with Yanila.

"It's quite interesting to listen to the professors at Hogwarts." Yanila pretended not to understand and said with a smile, "The course content at Beauxbatons and Hogwarts are different."

"I remember that many schools' magic classes used the "Standard Spells" series." Albert said, staring into Yanila's eyes.

"Professors teach in different ways." Yanila is not embarrassed. As a singer, she is much better than others in some aspects.

"I suggest you just say it." Albert reminded kindly.

"When you treat a beautiful girl, you should be a bit gentlemanly. I heard that British men are very gentlemanly." Yanila winked at Albert. If it had been any other man, she would have been beaten by him. The girl was fascinated by her exquisite appearance and lively personality.

"Maybe it's because I'm not a gentleman!" Albert simply admitted that he was not gentlemanly.

"You..." Yanila was choked.

"Okay, Miss Yanila, I know it's because of your dance partner, but I won't change my mind, so you can give up. Besides, I don't actually like dancing, and my dancing skills are terrible." Albert didn't want to Go around in circles and call out the matter directly.

"It doesn't matter, I can dance." Yanila said nonchalantly.

"Do you know how I usually solve troubles like yours?" Albert said suddenly.

"How to solve it?" Yanila suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Just let you forget a small part of the memory." The expression on Albert's face became more kind, "To be honest, I am still very confident in my forgetting spell."

"You are indeed not a gentleman at all." Yanila couldn't help but complain.

"No, actually I'm still a gentleman, otherwise I wouldn't be here to tell you this." Albert was very satisfied with his method of persuasion, and the effect was really good.

"Well, I think you don't mind dancing a few dances with me!" Yanila put her face close to Albert's ear and whispered.

The girl compromised.

She didn't want to bet on whether Albert would dare to use the forgetting spell on herself.

Without giving Albert a chance to refuse, Yanila stood up and walked away.

After the girl walked away, Albert said to the flower bed not far away: "She's gone, come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fred, George, Lee Jordan and a group of girls appeared out of nowhere.

"I've told you before, the Disappearance Curse can't fool Albert."

"We're just... a little curious." Li Jordan smiled awkwardly. They hid in a nearby flower bed and eavesdropped, but they never heard what the two of them were talking about.

"What is she looking for you for?" Angelina asked impatiently.

"About the Yule Ball." Albert said, "I said I had a partner."

"I think she wants to get to know you and pursue you." Li Jordan's face was full of envy that could not be concealed. "I wonder when I will be as popular as you."

"I suggest you go back and take a nap now. Anything is possible in your dreams." Fred reached out and patted Lee Jordan on the shoulder, teasing.

"Albert, who is your dance partner?"

"Keep it secret for the time being." Albert had no intention of revealing the information. After all, he was using Katrina as a shield, so it was better not to cause unnecessary trouble to the other party.

"I can almost foresee that a large group of girls will come to invite you to dance at the prom." George suggested with a smile, "You'd better take the time to find someone to practice dancing. As a warrior of Hogwarts, what if your dancing is too bad? No, Fred is a good dancer. You can practice with him... Ahem, I mean you can practice with girls. There are many girls here who know how to dance. "

George changed his tune under the oppressive glares of a group of girls.

"Don't be silly, of course I can dance." Albert tried to divert everyone's attention: "I think you should think about your dance partner."

At this moment, a junior girl came running over, stopped in front of Albert, and said with a blushing face: "Mr. Bagman asked me to take you there..."

"Detection wand?" Albert finished the sentence for the other party.

"Yes, testing the wand, it seems that we also need to take pictures."

"I'm afraid I have to leave first, see you later." After greeting the others, Albert motioned to the little girl to lead the way. When he passed, there were only two people in the classroom, Rita Skeeter and the cameraman Fu Zuo.

"Long time no see, Rita Skeeter." Albert greeted the witch in front of him, "It's really unpleasant to see you here. It seems that you are planning to use this opportunity to cause trouble again."

"You don't mind if I give you an exclusive interview. I heard that you have a good relationship with the Beauxbatons warriors." Rita Skeeter was not embarrassed at all.

"You know, I don't like being in the newspapers, and trust me, you have better options." Albert suggested Rita Skeeter interview the savior, Harry Potter.

"There's a lot of interest in you," Rita Skeeter took out parchment and quill from her alligator bag.

"If you really want to interview me, I suggest you change a quill, or I can change it for you. You know, I hate the processed language of your quill." Albert reminded kindly , "I hate them even more when they appear in the Daily Prophet."

Rita Skeeter curled her lips and gave up reporting on Albert.

She has her own plans. If she wants to thrive, she needs to know who cannot be offended and what cannot be reported.

Rita Skeeter once thought that Albert Anderson was just a relatively talented Muggle wizard. When the opponent won the international wizard chess championship, he cleverly used his ability to make up stories based on pictures and fabricated many stories that everyone liked to hear. The sexy news, but ended up bumping into the steel plate, and the other party came to the door.

Albert exposed her Animagus identity as soon as they met and threatened her with it. Although the two parties finally reached a settlement and promised not to publish Albert's report randomly, Rita Skeeter actually didn't do much. Take this matter to heart, because as long as she reports animagus to the Ministry of Magic and pays a high fine, this matter will be over.

But Rita Skeeter hesitated. If Animagus's identity was exposed, it would be difficult for her to obtain more valuable information in this way. People would be wary of her, and those who hated him would be wary of her. People will definitely cause trouble for her.

Reaching a settlement with Anderson is obviously more cost-effective, but it requires taking some risks, but it is still worth it. Without those exclusive news, it would be difficult for Rita Skeeter to write news that satisfies everyone. The reputation she has accumulated over the years will soon disappear, and people will soon forget who Rita Skeeter is.

Although Rita Skeeter has a bad reputation now, she is famous after all. As a result, her articles can sell well, become popular, and even have a group of loyal fans.

However, Rita Skeeter has never been able to see through the person in front of her. He is definitely not a Muggle wizard. A Muggle wizard cannot win the title of British Youth Representative of the Wizengamot, let alone the third-level Order of Merlin. authorization. It is an underlying rule in the wizarding world that they will only award the Wizengamot British Youth Representative and the Order of Merlin to pure-blood wizards.

However, this rule was broken by the other party, and Albert, who broke the rule, was still safe and sound, which speaks volumes.

The classroom door was pushed open again, and Filch walked in with velvet. He first connected the three desks to each other, and then covered them with a long piece of velvet.

Five chairs were placed behind the velvet-covered desks.

Not long after, Fleur walked into the classroom. Behind her was Ludo Bagman. The Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic had not been having a good time recently. He forced a smile at Albert, and then followed Rita Skeeter made small talk.

However, the cameraman Fu Zuo was very interested in Furong and kept secretly observing her from the corner of his eyes. However, Furong was too lazy to look at her and sat directly next to Albert.

"I heard that Yanila has been pestering you recently." Fleur talked to Albert in French. With her English level, it was difficult to use it to communicate with others.

"She is just interested in the courses at Hogwarts." Albert smiled.

"Do you believe this yourself?" Furong said contemptuously: "That woman is really determined to give up."

Albert made no comments.

"However, this kind of thing is actually quite rare. It is undeniable that that woman was quite popular in Beauxbatons. If his suitors knew that you treated her like this, they would probably cause you trouble."

Fleur was actually very curious about the charm of the man in front of her that attracted the woman Yanila. Even her cousin Louise also liked him very much.

Just as the two were talking, the classroom door was opened again, and Viktor Krum walked in. He still had the same gloomy face as usual, standing quietly in the corner, not talking to anyone else.

Fleur glanced at Krum and suddenly asked, "By the way, do you still have contact with Louise?"

"What happened to her?" Albert asked.

"She closed the cold drink shop and opened a witch beauty shop with two American friends she had just met."

"She mentioned it in her letter."

"She seems to say that this shop is related to you?" Fleur looked at Albert, "could it be that you supported her in opening that witch beauty shop?"

"You think too much." Albert shook his head.

At this moment, the door of the classroom was knocked again. Harry Potter appeared outside the classroom, which immediately attracted the attention of Ludo Bagman. The Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic was very enthusiastic about Harry. , Rita Skeeter, who was talking to him, was even more enthusiastic about Harry, and directly took him to the broom room for an exclusive interview.

Not long after the two left, Dumbledore walked in with Professor Karkaroff, Mrs. Maxim, Mr. Crouch and Mr. Ollivander, and sat on the five chairs prepared by Filch. Scanned the three people in the classroom.

"Isn't Harry here yet?"

"Rita Skeeter said she wanted to give Harry an exclusive interview," Ludo Bagman explained. "I guess they didn't get far."

Dumbledore walked outside and soon came back with Harry, along with Rita Skeeter.

Dumbledore still implemented his habit of talking less nonsense. After briefly explaining the reason to everyone, the wand testing ceremony officially began.

Fleur, who was sitting next to Albert, was the first warrior to be tested. Mr. Ollivander seemed surprised that Fleur's wand core was actually a Veela hair. What was even more surprising was the source of Fleur's hair. As for her grandmother, although Albert had long known that Fleur had Veela blood, Fu Zuo, who had been staring at Furong since just now, seemed to think it was a good topic.

Albert was the second warrior to be tested, and Mr. Ollivander seemed more interested in talking about his own work than the work of others.

"You know what? Sequoia wands paired with successful witches and wizards are always fascinating, and when I send them out of my workshop I always look forward to hearing about their exciting exploits later on." Ollie Mr. Vander smiled at Albert and said, "Actually, I'm glad it didn't take me long to hear about your deeds."

"It's in excellent condition. I can see you've been taking care of it regularly."

"It's very easy to use, and it always brings me luck." Albert said with a smile.

"I remember you didn't believe this at first." Mr. Ollivander waved his wand and sprayed out a stream of silver-white smoke, forming a smoke raven and flying into the faint sunlight from the open window.

"I still stick to my point of view. Redwood wands themselves do not bring luck. They are just strongly attracted to certain wizards, and those wizards already have the ability to save the day, make the right choice, and seize the advantage in a crisis. Admirable ability." Mr. Ollivander nodded to Albert and said, "Obviously, that is your ability, not the luck that the wand brings to you."

Krum was the third warrior to be tested, and his wand came from another outstanding wandmaker, Grigovitch.

Grigovich retired a few years ago, and Albert also has several wands made by Grigovich himself. These wands have their own characteristics and are usually more powerful.

Perhaps, it is for this reason that Gregorovich tried to copy the Elder Wand!

Harry was the last warrior to be tested. Mr. Ollivander just stared at the wand for a long time, briefly tested it, declared it to be in very good condition, and returned the wand to Harry without revealing the two wands to anyone. news.

That concludes the wand test.

After taking group photos of everyone, Rita Skeeter asked to take individual photos of the warriors, but Albert ignored her and deftly avoided the opponent's outstretched hand and moved directly towards Olivan. Mr. De walked away.

"Mr. Ollivander, I have something to tell you. Do you mind wasting a few minutes with me?" Albert called to the wand maker who was about to leave.

"Is something wrong? Mr. Anderson." Mr. Ollivander and several others looked at Albert in surprise.

"I want to talk to you alone." Albert motioned for Mr. Ollivander to follow him.

"Oh, okay!" Mr. Ollivander was still happy to hear what Albert wanted to say to him.

The two entered an empty classroom. After making sure that there was no one around, Albert said to Mr. Ollivander, who was staring at him curiously, "In another two years, you are likely to encounter some big troubles. I suggest you Before next winter comes, it’s best to travel around the world and don’t let anyone find you. If you have a family, it’s best to go with them.”

"What?" Mr. Ollivander was a little surprised, probably not expecting Albert to say such a thing.

"You can think that this is a fortune teller's well-intentioned advice, which can help you avoid some trouble." Albert said calmly: "I originally wanted to invite you to seems there is no chance."

"Soothsayer?" Mr. Ollivander stared at Albert with surprised eyes, as if he wanted to see something on his face.

"I suggest you observe the situation next year and then consider my suggestions. This will be good for you." Albert reminded kindly: "By the way, please don't spread this matter. Many people actually don't believe that I have that." Ability."

"So, you know the content of the Triwizard Tournament from the beginning." Mr. Ollivander's mind is very flexible.

"This is personal ability and does not count as cheating." Albert defended: "The first project is dragon. I think this is enough for you to verify my words."

"You are right, that does belong to personal ability." Mr. Ollivander smiled and said: "Thank you for your advice, Mr. Anderson, I will consider it carefully."

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