Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 899 Grab it

In the anticipation of countless students, the Christmas vacation at Hogwarts has arrived as scheduled. What is different from the past is that this year many students choose to stay in school for Christmas.

After there are no classes, no students want to hang out in the castle on a snowy day. Most of the time, they are crowded in the warm and noisy common room, playing happily and enjoying the rare Christmas vacation.

Lee Jordan took the opportunity to open the activity room and build a wave of popularity for the Wizard Card Club. The warm and comfortable environment attracted a large number of students, and he successfully became the object of everyone's attention. Many girls came to ask Lee Jordan about Albert because they discovered that they had not seen Albert during the entire Christmas vacation.

Where is Albert?

Lee Jordan wasn't sure. Anyway, it was definitely not in the Room of Requirement. The Weasley twins had been staying there for a long time since the Christmas vacation and began to mass-produce their joke props. Magic candies and cookies were always in high demand on the black market. good.

Of course, this also caused a lot of trouble for the students.

Recently, I often see students who have been bullied. Everyone is now very wary of food handed to them. Even a potato chip may make your hair stand on end and become colorful, and it may even make your hair look greener. The body expands into a balloon.

Fat Tongue Toffee is now obsolete, and Fred and George, with the help of Albert, successfully develop an upgraded version.

A certain unlucky Hufflepuff student just ate a potato chip and became the first victim. His whole body inflated into a balloon and floated up in full view of everyone, shocking all the students who were dining.

It was also at that time that the Weasley twins became famous.

Of course, the Weasley twins' fame was not an accident, but an "accident" deliberately arranged by someone. The Hufflepuff student received ten Galleons as a test fee, and both parties were happy. It was undoubtedly a good deal for them to use a few Galleons to become famous, and it was naturally Albert who secretly planned all this.

Having had experiences in his previous life, Albert knew that many times, so-called "accidents" and "opportunities" were actually created by humans.

"It's so boring. Those guys are really always leaving problems to others!"

At the front desk of the Wizard Club activity room, Lee Jordan was scratching his hair in a frenzy. His eyes couldn't help but glance at the wall clock next to him. After reaching out to stop the music that had been playing just now, he grabbed the microphone next to him. He cleared his throat and shouted again: "This party is about to end. Please pack your belongings and leave the activity room in an orderly manner. This party is about to end. Please pack your belongings and leave the activity room in an orderly manner."

"It's only five o'clock in the afternoon, it's still very early, why is it over?" Angelina and Aaliya walked towards this side together.

"Well, it's over. I have to clean up the environment in the activity room a little bit."

Facing the girls' dissatisfaction, Lee Jordan shrugged helplessly and explained, "It has only been open for a few days, and the activity room of the Wizard Card Club has become a bit messy. If you are willing to help clean it, I don't mind it at all. Extend it for a while.”

"Why haven't you seen Albert recently?" Angelina changed the subject.

If it was Albert who said this, they wouldn't mind helping to clean it up together, forget what Lee Jordan said.

"He, I don't know, maybe he went home." Lee Jordan expressed his speculation.

"Going home, doesn't he plan to attend the Christmas ball?" Angelina and Aaliyah were stunned when they heard this.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, Albert is probably not in school anymore. Even his cat is gone. He probably won't come back until Christmas Day." Lee Jordan was not surprised by this, "I didn't I’ve seen him stay at school during the Christmas vacation, and if it weren’t for the Warriors needing to lead the dance on stage, I doubt he had any plans to attend the Christmas dance at all.”

"I remember Albert signed the detention list, and how did he get back on Christmas Day to use the Floo?"

"I don't know. I think Albert must have a way to hide from the Ministry of Magic's detection and use magic secretly outside the school. After all, it's Albert. I'm not surprised at all that he can do this." Lee Jordan shrugged. Shrugging, they didn't know how Albert did it, and he never mentioned it to anyone else.

The two looked at each other. No wonder they hadn't seen Albert recently. It turned out that he had already left school.

"Then let's go first. We'll be here tomorrow, right?"

"We'll talk about it then." Li Jordan waved his hand impatiently, and he didn't ask anyone else to stay and help clean up. He would go to the kitchen later and ask the house elf to clean it. Albert had already made an agreement with the house elf, and Dobby would help clean it here.

Lee Jordan still remembered the last time Dobby went to the dormitory. Albert easily convinced the house elf Dobby to work for him a few years later. Seeing the house elf's excitement, Lee Jordan felt that this was his first time. I realized that there really is something called charisma.

"House elves don't want much, and they are very loyal and will be reliable helpers, so don't be too stingy or treat them too harshly."

"That guy always thinks everything out in advance." Lee Jordan admitted that Albert was right, and house elves could indeed bring them a lot of help.

After everyone left, he was the last one to walk out of the activity room. He took out his wand and waved it gently, then put it away again. When he was about to stuff it back into his school bag, there was a sound of unfamiliar footsteps behind him, and Lee Jordan turned his head. At that time, he saw several Slytherin students staring at him maliciously.

"Is something wrong?"

Although there were three people opposite him, Lee Jordan still raised his wand calmly, completely ignoring them. Although they often lost in previous sparring sessions with Albert, it did not mean that they had gained nothing. He was confident that he would immediately put down the three guys in front of him later.

"Is something wrong? How dare you ask if something is wrong?" Mengtai's face was almost distorted.

"Oh, so you are talking about what happened last time? You broke into the activity room by yourself, disturbed others, and were thrown out by everyone. Who can blame you?" Lee Jordan shrugged.

When necessary, justice must be taken. It is best not to take the initiative to stir up trouble and let the other party take action first. Li Jordan had no doubt that this guy was planning to take action against him.

Sure enough, after being told by Lee Jordan, Montague couldn't help but take the lead.

A red magic flew towards Li Jordan. When it hit him, it seemed to hit something and bounced back directly.

Meng Tai was caught off guard and was directly focused by the rebounding spell. His body went limp and he fell limply to the ground.

"Scared me, your extraction spell is not powerful enough!" Lee Jordan looked at Montague who fell on the ground and mocked unceremoniously.

Ever since these three guys were thrown out of the activity room last time, Lee Jordan had been on guard and put on the defensive bracelet made by Albert. Unexpectedly, it actually came in handy.

"Okay, you guys have to get out of here, or I can help you get out of here." Lee Jordan looked up at Warrington and Blige. The two guys were obviously shocked by the scene just now. They turned around and slipped away. He forgot about Montague who fell to the ground.

"Your friends seem to have forgotten you. Your friendship is really cheap." Lee Jordan squatted down and said to Montague, "If you are not willing to duel with me, we can make an appointment. Of course. , if you dare to bring people to me again, I promise to hang you up and beat you up and hang them on the Christmas tree as decorations next time."

"Wow, what you said is really domineering." Fred and George appeared at the entrance of the secret passage laughing, each holding a person in their hands.

"We just heard someone say that they seemed to be trying to trouble you, so we came over to take a look. I didn't expect you to solve it by yourself." George threw the person next to Montague and explained.

"This group of guys is worse than expected." Lee Jordan said, "I can solve it by myself."

"Be careful of being tricked. If they dare to come again next time, just stuff them all into the toilet." Fred glanced at the three people who were facing a ball of mud, lifted the spell on them, and stuffed the wand back. In their hands.

Looking at the three figures running away in embarrassment, Fred sighed softly and said, "I thought they would take the opportunity to attack us after getting their wands back."

"You don't want to beat them up again." George was speechless.

"No, I just want to test the hitting effect of our fake wand, but unfortunately I guess I can't see it." Fred conjured a wand from nowhere and said with regret.

"You are so insidious." Lee Jordan curled his lips and said.

"I'm not as sinister as you." Fred glanced at Lee Jordan's defense bracelet. No wonder this guy planned to challenge three.

"Each other."

"What are you going to do with this thing?"

"I think Warrington will be pleasantly surprised when a Christmas present is sent to him."

"Oh, as expected, after spending a long time with Albert, even the kind-hearted us began to turn bad."

The three of them looked at each other, laughed arm in arm, and scared a junior student who had just passed through the secret passage to run away.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Albert, who was sharing anecdotes about the Triwizard Tournament with Nia, suddenly sneezed.

"Caught a cold?" Nia, who was flipping through the photo album, looked up and asked.

"No, someone is probably talking bad about me." Albert rubbed his nose and moved Tom away from the fire dragon model to prevent it from dismantling the fire dragon model.

"The Triwizard Tournament looks very dangerous." Nia flipped through the photos of the fire dragon in the photo album and said, "You are so powerful. How can you still handle such a monster with ease?"

"I went on the stage after being completely prepared." Albert comforted, "They are a few fire-breathing lizards. It is not difficult to subdue them as long as you find their weaknesses."

"You should be careful. Fire dragons are not that easy to subdue. Even if you are indeed strong enough to face them calmly, we still hope that you can pay attention to your safety. Nothing is more important than your safety. Don't let the people who care about you worry. "Luke was well aware of the dangers of fire dragons and was shocked that Albert could easily pay for a dragon, but he still told Albert to pay attention to safety to avoid being careless and capsizing in the gutter.

"I will." Albert nodded.

"By the way, have you brought back the suit in the photo? I dare say you must have fascinated a lot of girls wearing it!" Nia's eyes fell on the last photo of Albert and the fire dragon.

"No, the clothes were taken back by those people." Albert explained, "They just wanted to use this to publicize it."

Nia showed a regretful expression, she seemed to want to see Albert in person looking handsome in a fire dragon suit.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

When Albert walked to open the door, he found Isobel standing outside the door.

"Why are you here?" Albert gave the girl a hug.

He actually wanted to invite Isobel to his home, but he was worried that she was not used to getting along with ordinary people, so he gave up in the end to avoid her being embarrassed later.

"Mom worked overtime again, and I was bored staying at home alone, so I came to see you. Don't you mind?" Isobel said.

"Albert, who was that just now!" Sansa walked towards the entrance. After seeing Isobel, she said happily, "Don't stay at the door, come in quickly."

"excuse me."

Isobel and Albert entered the living room.

After Nia looked up and saw Isobel, she raised her eyebrows slightly. She felt a little unhappy, but she didn't say much and just flipped through the photo album.

A few people chatted animatedly. During dinner, Isobel and Sansa cooked a large plate of fried dumplings and chatted about the food issues in the magical world. Sansa was very interested in the butterbeer in the magical world, and they also We went to the kitchen and made a butter beer. Although it was not as authentic as the one sold in the bar, overall it felt good with a smooth texture.

"I suddenly feel a little useless." Nia said depressedly.

"Do you mean cooking?" Albert put Tom in Nia's arms and comforted him, "If you like it, you can learn it slowly. If you don't like it, it's useless to force it. And don't compare yourself to Ize Bell for comparison."

"When do you plan to go back?"


"Is there a party over there for Christmas?" Nia nodded and said, "That's right, because of the competition, your school has foreign guests coming, so there will definitely be a dance, and you are the warrior of the school. Do you want to go up and dance?”

"How smart." Albert reached out and rubbed Nia's hair, "There is indeed a Christmas dance."

"Is your dance partner Isobel?"

"No, it's my sister Katrina." Isobel put the eggnog in front of Nia, "I have graduated. If I go to occupy Albert's dance partner position, I will most likely make the girls at school resentful. ” (mentioned in Chapter 859)

"He must be very popular with girls in school." Nia took a sip of eggnog and found that the taste was a little different this time. It was much sweeter than before, and there was almost no alcohol taste.

"Yes, it's very popular." Isobel said with a smile, "I defeated many girls in succession before I finally got Albert."

Ahem, Albert was choked and had a dry cough.

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