Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 910 Dialogue

"Is this what you did last night?"

Snape put down the newspaper and stared at Dumbledore, as if he wanted to know something from him.

"You already knew that, right?"

"Already known? No, we were just going to talk to Barty about strengthening the security measures for the Triwizard Tournament, and we were going to verify our guesses." Dumbledore looked calm, although Barty's death made him feel... It's quite a pity, but after living for a century, he has seen many life, separation and death, and he doesn't feel any sadness.

"Did you kill the Dark Lord?" Snape couldn't help asking the doubts in his heart. He opened his left arm and revealed the Dark Mark on it: "The Dark Lord has become weak, and the Dark Mark has even returned to its previous state. situation."

"Kill, no, no, I just drove him away temporarily." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Let's talk about the situation in the school. There should be nothing unusual during my absence."

"Moody still looks suspicious, and I suspect he knows you asked me to spy on him," Snape said.

"Any more?"

Dumbledore paid no attention to this matter. He had long known that with Alastor Moody's caution, he would discover this sooner or later.

"Potter is sick. According to him, it seems that the scar on his forehead hurts. It is not an ordinary scar." Snape continued, "Even Madam Pomfrey can't do anything."

"Does the scar hurt?" Dumbledore looked thoughtful.

"You must know why," said Snape.

"I'm not sure." Dumbledore actually guessed the reason.

"Do you think Voldemort will regain his physical body?" Snape was still more concerned about Voldemort's problem.

"Peter Pettigrew is still alive. Although the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic are hunting him everywhere, I doubt whether the Ministry of Magic can catch him." Dumbledore didn't believe that the Ministry of Magic had such ability at all. "Since there was a first time , there will be a second time. I think Voldemort can't wait to have a physical body and regain his previous power. I am convinced of this. It is only a matter of time."

Snape looked paler than usual.

"Although I don't want to admit it, you'd better be prepared in advance, you know what I mean." Dumbledore looked at Snape and said.

"I know what I should do." Snape trembled his lips slightly and turned away.

Dumbledore looked at Snape's leaving back, picked up the Daily Prophet, looked at the news on the front page, and murmured: "You did do that after all."

"That guy is simply a disgrace to the Ministry of Magic. I really don't understand how someone like that could become the Minister of Magic." The portrait in the principal's office began to denounce Fudge after Snape left.

"I can't help it, some things just happen."

Dumbledore raised his hand to signal the portraits to be quiet, grabbed a handful of shiny powder from a jar on the mantelpiece, sprinkled it into the fireplace, and said to the rising green flames: "Alastor, please come here, Headmaster." office."

Seconds later, Mad-Eye Moody crawled out of the fireplace flames.

"Sit down, old man!" Dumbledore pulled out an armchair for Moody. "Tell me about last night!"

"If I have to say it, I think it's probably Potter who is sick." Moody recalled: "Others, I didn't find anything wrong. No one left the castle, and no one spread the news. Of course, Snape was still suspicious. , I found that he grabbed his left arm for a while, which should be the location of his Dark Mark. If that thing has any special functions, the Death Eaters you know can summon Voldemort through the mark."

"I see." Dumbledore was secretly observing Moody.

"I read the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, and I always feel that Fudge seems to be hiding some secret." Moody cast a searching look at Dumbledore, who could probably guess what happened last night.

Little Barty is actually very angry, but he must hold it in now and not let Dumbledore see any flaws, otherwise he will really be doomed. Moreover, you can't drink sedatives, lest the other party see any flaws.

"It's Voldemort," Dumbledore said. "Voldemort used the Imperius Curse to control Barty. I suspect he has another helper besides Peter Pettigrew."


"Barty Crouch Jr." Dumbledore said without thinking.

"I remember Barty Crouch Jr. seemed to have died in Azkaban?"

Moody's face trembled slightly, and he frowned and said, "The body should have been buried by the dementors in the Azkaban cemetery."

"I know, but... Peter Pettigrew's body was also buried in Azkaban, but he is still not dead, so Barty Crouch Jr. may not be dead either." Dumbledore murmured: "Otherwise , Why did Voldemort want to control or even kill Barty?"

"Do you suspect Barty Crouch Jr. of infiltrating Hogwarts?"

"I don't know. If he really sneaked into Hogwarts and acted under my nose, there's no way I wouldn't have noticed something was wrong."

Dumbledore actually had very strong control over Hogwarts, and few people could hide it from him.

"Are you suspicious of anyone in the school, including me?" Moody said suddenly.

"Sorry old man."

"It's understandable that before we found out that guy, everyone looked suspicious." Moody didn't pay much attention to this. "However, we know enough about both sides. If you find anything suspicious about me, The place had already subdued me as soon as possible."

Dumbledore did not object. This was indeed the reason why he only doubted Moody now. In fact, he should not show it, but he still let Moody know his attitude towards this matter and see how he reacted.

"Tell me about what happened last night. Did you encounter Voldemort?" Moody changed the subject, showing sufficient curiosity and vigilance about what happened last night.

"Yes, Voldemort turned into a baby."

"He's regained his physical body, which is not good news." Moody murmured.

"The situation is a bit bad. There are two things like this. I haven't figured out what Voldemort's situation is yet." Dumbledore sighed and said, "That guy seems to be planning a big conspiracy. The Aurors are in Barty I found a lot of medicinal materials at home.”

"At least, you successfully foiled Voldemort's conspiracy. If you can catch Peter Pettigrew, you should be able to get more useful information from the other party." Moody sounded a little regretful: "Also, I feel sorry for Peter Pettigrew. I’m very interested in how I come back to life after death.”

"Mrs. Peter went to Azkaban to visit the prison two days ago." Dumbledore said suddenly.

"It's not worth it." Moody was silent for a moment and said, "I remember that the Ministry of Magic will not easily allow family members to visit Azkaban. Fudge must have taken the Galleons from the other party."

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