Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 925 Don’t cheat when you are the savior

I don’t know if it was because Albert didn’t let the three of them keep it a secret, or if other students saw them diving in the lake at that time.

In short, the news that Albert went diving in the lake quickly spread around Hogwarts Castle.

When everyone speculated that this matter was related to the second project, the secret in the golden egg was secretly leaked by someone and became known to everyone. The mermaid song is no longer a secret. Now everyone is most curious about the warriors' song. Who will the baby be?

Someone on the black market at Hogwarts started betting because of this, and it was said that if everyone guessed correctly, they would get ten times the odds.

The second event of the Triwizard Tournament was unknowingly presented to everyone. Many students suddenly realized why Krum was often seen swimming in the Black Lake. It turned out that this Durmstrang warrior had always been Preparing for the next game.

As for Albert, there is no doubt that he is ready and even found the mermaid village directly.

In fact, the students at Hogwarts didn't even know that mermaids lived under the Black Lake. After learning the news, many rumors related to mermaids appeared in the school.

According to the information leaked by Fred and George, the mermaid village is well hidden by aquatic plants. It is not easy to find. The warriors need to pass through areas with lush aquatic plants, and Grindylows are often found in the aquatic plants. Sneak attack on passers-by.

The Weasley twins have used their own experiences to tell other warriors that if they are not prepared, they can easily be surrounded by a large group of Grindylows, and if they are not careful, they may even be dragged into the lake and drowned.

Now many people are worried about Harry Potter's safety and worry that he will drown in the second project, because they don't think they can complete the feat of saving others, especially after hearing that Krum Flower After more than a month of not being able to find the specific location of the mermaid village, I became even more certain about this possibility. Let alone saving people, whether you dare to go into the water to save people in such horrible weather is still a big question. Don't let people rescue you. Not bad.

Draco Malfoy of Slytherin House even made a bet with others without hesitation, claiming that Harry Potter needed to be rescued as soon as he entered the water. He also laughed at Harry that he would freeze to death or die if he stayed underwater for five minutes. Drown.

For this reason, Ron did not hesitate to "borrow a lot of money" from Harry, saying that he would make a huge bet with Malfoy on whether Harry would drown in the second project and whether he could successfully rescue the hostages and complete the mission.

Malfoy was not stupid, so he naturally refused to bet with Ron, but he was still stubborn and claimed that if Ron dared to bet that Harry won the first place in the second event, he would bet him a large sum of money, and he also took this It mocked the Weasley family as a bunch of poor people.

However, to Malfoy's surprise, poor Weasley, for some reason, boldly said that he could bet Malfoy that Harry would come first in the second event, but Malfoy would have to pay five times the amount. Odds, and he also needs to sign a magical contract, and he will take out a thousand galleons as a bet.

Malfoy was naturally not to be outdone, and started to quarrel with Ron. However, when Ron said that he could place bets and sign the magic contract in person, no matter how stupid Malfoy was, he realized that this matter was not simple, and quickly said, "I need to go back and sign the magic contract." Think about it", he shut his mouth and ran away in despair.

Since that incident, every time Ron met Malfoy on the road, he would always ask: How are you thinking?

Malfoy was so angry that his cheeks almost twisted, and he almost started a fight with Ron over this, but was finally stopped by Moody who was passing by.

Ron used this incident to ridicule and disgust Malfoy, and he also let out a lot of bad breath, maintaining a good mood for several days.

To be honest, Ron was actually curious about what kind of confidence Albert had that could allow Harry to easily get first place in the second project?

Why is it Albert and not the Weasley brothers?

Because the Weasley twins didn't have a thousand Galleons, even if they were sold, they wouldn't be able to raise the money.

"What a pity!" Ron sighed.

It would be nice if Malfoy agreed. If the bet wins, he will definitely get a lot of galleons, and Harry can easily complete his second project.

It's a pity that Draco Malfoy didn't agree immediately. It's such a pity.

"Although Malfoy is a bastard, he is not stupid. Anyone who is not blind can see that there is something wrong with this matter." Hermione was a little worried about whether Harry could successfully complete the second project. The current situation is not optimistic. She learned from the information obtained from Albert and the Weasley twins that the water in the Black Lake was very cold, the temperature was very low, and it was very deep. Even swimming would take a long time, not to mention that Harry was not good at swimming. , although he has been practicing swimming recently, the situation is not much better. It is most likely that Harry has not been able to find the mermaid village after the air of the Bubble Charm ran out.

Everyone's concerns are not without reason.

"How about asking Sirius, maybe Sirius has some good ideas?" Ron said to Harry who was silently copying his divination homework.

"Sirius is not in the UK, he seems to have gone to the Netherlands." Harry actually wanted Sirius to help him, but when he thought of the contents of the letter he received a while ago, he sighed helplessly.

Ron and Hermione looked at each other and asked in confusion: "What is Sirius doing in the Netherlands?"

"I heard that Peter Pettigrew was in the Netherlands, so he went to hunt down Peter Pettigrew." Harry couldn't help but worry about Sirius's situation. Although he hated Peter and wanted to kill Peter, Harry cared more about Sirius. Security Question.

Harry didn't want Sirius to be distracted by his own affairs, so he didn't write to his godfather at all recently.

However, Harry did not know that with the help of Albert, Sirius had become an enhanced version of Sirius Black. It was Peter who should be worried now, not Sirius.

"Hermione, do you have any ideas?" Ron asked Hermione, who was flipping through books.

"No, I've been studying Albert's Warming Spell recently, and Harry should be able to come in handy." Hermione didn't know how Albert found the mermaid hut so quickly, but she was sure that the group of Grindylows should be Obstacles left to the students by the organizers.

"Grindylos aren't difficult to deal with, but a large group of them, while still in the water, can become troublesome."

Ron put down the book in his hand and said to Harry, "Many spells don't work in water. Then try the obstacle spell recommended by Fred and George, right?"

"Lupine will come to Hogwarts on the weekend and accompany me down to the Black Lake to look for the mermaid village. We will also see what kind of trouble we will encounter." Harry said suddenly.

"Aren't you going to Hogsmeade?" Ron was a little surprised.

"I think completing the second project is more important than going to Hogsmeade." Hermione glared at Ron, "You have to be prepared. I'm worried that Harry won't be able to find the mermaid village and rescue this baby like you. Be careful of drowning in the lake."

"Dumbledore will definitely not let anything happen to the hostages." Ron shrugged, but he still thought Harry should try it before participating in the second project. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was what Albert did many times. It all makes sense.

"Harry, you must be prepared before diving in the lake," Hermione warned seriously.

"I know." Harry was a little irritated. He found that the preparations he had made before seemed not enough for him to successfully pass the second project.

"Actually, there is nothing to be ashamed of even if it fails," Ron comforted, "After all, Krum spent more than a month unable to find the mermaid village."

To be honest, Ron didn't think Harry could win the final championship, unless Harry was so lucky that someone took the initiative to deliver the championship trophy to Harry.

"If there is really nothing you can do, you can ask Albert for help. I'm sure he will be willing to help you." Hermione's expectation for Harry is also to complete all competition events safely.


Harry responded noncommittally. If it were before, he would probably choose to complete the task alone, but now Harry did not have the courage to say that he could complete the task alone.

After all, Sirius had helped him a lot on the first project, and the idea of ​​using a broom came from Albert.

The time is slowly approaching for the second project. If there is any good news recently, it is probably that the weather is starting to get warmer. The weather was not as cold as before, but the water of the Black Lake was still bone-chilling, and Harry had no intention of going into the lake.

To be honest, Harry was a little worried that he would freeze to death after diving in the lake.

It's really no joke. As soon as I put my hand into the lake, the skin on my arm started to hurt, as if it was on fire.

He felt that he needed a warming charm to prevent him from freezing to death after diving in the lake.

When Harry went to find Albert awkwardly, he was told by Fred that Albert had gone somewhere last night and didn't come to Apparition class at all today.

"That guy probably went on a date again."


Hermione was in a daze, remembering Krum's invitation to go to Hogsmeade a few days ago.

Hermione refused because of Harry.

Of course, Hermione's impression of Krum was actually quite good.

"Don't that guy need to practice apparation?" Ron couldn't help but ask.

One lesson costs one Galleung.

What a waste that guy is.

"Of course not, Albert has mastered apparation long ago." Fred's matter-of-fact tone made Ron choke.

"Oh, Harry, are you going to go down to the lake to find the mermaid village?" George asked.

"Yes, I think we should prepare in advance. The second project is more difficult than expected." Harry said dryly, "I heard that Albert can use the heat preservation spell, and I want to ask him for advice. "

"You are talking about the Warming Curse. This spell seems to have been invented by Albert himself." George guessed the purpose of the three people looking for Albert, so he introduced, "This spell seems to be a variant of the Drying Curse. If you want If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"He invented it himself?"

"Isn't it strange? I remember that Albert invented a lot of magic spells." Lee Jordan, who had been holding back until now, finally found a chance to interrupt.

"The secret to the Warmth Spell is that the spell must be cast on clothes." George introduced the three of them, "If you wear a lot of clothes and use it directly, the effect of this spell will not be obvious. You are probably Encounter this problem."

"Yes." Hermione nodded.

"You need to change your clothes, and then use a warmth charm on them. If you want to wear more, you can use this charm on your underwear. Of course, if you want to go diving in the lake, it's best not to wear too much, and it's best Find someone to watch over you to prevent yourself from accidentally drowning or being in danger."

After a brief discussion with Fred and George, Harry and Hermione quickly mastered the correct use of the Warming Charm.

"Albert actually has a way to let Harry pass the game easily, right?" Ron suddenly asked.

After Fred, George and Lee Jordan looked at each other, they shrugged and said, "We don't know much about this kind of thing. You have to ask Albert yourself."

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were not going to leak the information about the underwater respirators without Albert's permission.

"Ron!" Hermione frowned, feeling that Ron was really rude to say this.

On the way back to the castle, Ron said to Harry and Hermione: "Albert must have a way to easily let Harry pass the second project, otherwise with his character he would definitely not bet money with Malfoy. That guy never Don’t do anything you’re not sure about.”

"Passing the second project easily?" Harry and Hermione looked at each other, feeling that this matter was a bit strange, but the possibility should not be low.

What could it be?

Harry racked his brains and couldn't think of anything. Of course he wanted to win the game easily.

However, there are some things that are unexpected.

Harry wouldn't go out of his way to ask.

At noon the next day, when the temperature was the hottest of the day, Harry and Lupine met at the Black Lake. After getting ready, they went diving in the lake together.

They had been underwater for about twenty minutes and almost caught a cold.

"How was it?" Ron asked.

"It's not good. It's very cold at the bottom of the lake. It's not suitable for swimming in clothes like this, and the swimming speed is also very slow." Harry went straight into the lake to dive without taking off his clothes. The robe became very heavy after absorbing water, and his hands and feet were not protected by a thermal insulation spell. The protected position was so cold that my hands and feet were cold, and that feeling was really uncomfortable.

"The situation is not good." Lupine frowned, realizing that he could not help at all. He took out his wand, and after removing the chill from his body, he helped Harry remove the lake water and chill from his body.

"I feel like I almost lost feeling in my hands and feet. Maybe I need to prepare gloves for myself by then. It's best not to expose the skin to the water. This should be able to keep warm." Harry felt that he might need some Muggle gloves. The diving equipment and scuba can be replaced by a head soaking spell, but the diving suit should be able to solve the problem of heavy water absorption and coldness when touching the lake water. It should also make swimming faster.

To be honest, swimming under the lake is really slow and strenuous, and he may need some aids.

Harry told Lupine his idea, and Lupine thought Harry's idea was right and said he would help Harry get a Muggle diving suit by next week.

As for competing for the Triwizard Tournament championship?

Harry just wanted to get the job done, that's all.

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