Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 943 People who eat melons

"Hey, you three, what are you sneaking up on?"

Hagrid, who had just come out of the hunting lodge and was leading Harry, Hermione and Ron into the forest, noticed Fred, George and Lee Jordan walking towards the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest not far away and yelled at the three of them. .

"We are not sneaky, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see us at all." Fred corrected loudly as he looked at the four people and one dog walking this way.

As if to prove that he was not lying, Fred took out the wand from his belt, cast a spell on himself, and disappeared in front of everyone.


Hagrid was almost choked to death by the three of them.

"Illusion Curse?"

Hermione looked at the position where Fred disappeared and asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." Fred reappeared.

"This spell is very suitable for night walks. As long as you don't meet the professor, there will be no problem." George said with a smile, "Filch doesn't understand magic and can't see through the Disillusionment Curse. It doesn't matter even if you walk around him."

"Want to learn?"


Hermione glared at the trio of good roommates.

"Ahem, what are you doing in the forest?" Hagrid asked. He would not let three dangerous people enter the Forbidden Forest.

"Of course I'm going to watch the game." Lee Jordan said matter-of-factly

"This is a rare opportunity. You guys should go together." Fred put the wand back into its holster.

"This stuff is good, where did you buy it?" Ron asked, staring at the wand holster on Fred's waist.

"I don't know. The birthday gift Albert gave me a while ago seems pretty good. If you want to buy it, you can ask him yourself." Fred's tone changed and he added, "But I guess you won't buy it either."

To Ron, this sounded like a blunt statement: You don't have the money to buy it.

"Watching the battle? What do you mean?" Hermione brought the topic back up.

"Albert is dueling Professor Flitwick."

"Why did Albert want to duel with Professor Flitwick?" Hermione asked quickly.

Harry and Ron exchanged glances, both curious as to why.


George made a silence gesture, lowered his voice and explained: "Albert has been learning wizard fighting skills from Professor Flitwick a while ago. Today seems to be the last class, and they plan to fight in the Forbidden Forest. field to test the results of this period.”

"By the way, you'd better ride a broomstick, otherwise if you approach from the ground, be careful of being affected by the battle." George reminded.

"Albert learned fighting skills from Professor Flitwick?" Harry was very surprised.

"Yes, it's very powerful, but it's a pity that we can't learn it."

"Where's your broomstick?" Ron asked doubtfully. He didn't see the three of them holding broomsticks.

"You'll find out later."

"Okay, let's go quickly, lest we can't find their duel location later."

"We have to find Sirius and Professor Lupin first. If they agree, we can go together." Harry was also curious about how powerful Albert was.

A group of people hurriedly entered the Forbidden Forest and arrived at the camp where Harry had previously trained. Sirius and Lupine had already arrived early, and they didn't know what they were whispering.

After Sirius heard that Albert and Professor Flitwick planned to duel, he was also very interested in it and planned to take everyone to watch.

"Do you know the specific location?" Lupine asked.

"I don't know, Albert didn't say, we were eavesdropping on his conversation with Professor Flitwick." Lee Jordan said proudly.

"However, that guy probably knows that you are eavesdropping, and he definitely has no intention of letting us easily find the location of their duel." Fred took out a simple bag and took out a broomstick from it.

"Invisible Stretching Charm?"

Hermione immediately recognized the bag in Fred's hand.

"Yes, it's a very practical gadget made by Albert." Fred had already stepped on the broom and was ready to take off.

"I remember it was illegal to abuse the Invisible Stretch Charm," muttered Hermione.

"Come on Hermione, as long as the Ministry of Magic doesn't know, it's not a crime." George smiled as he stepped on his broom and prepared to leave.

"What if I get caught?"

"We'll say the agent bought it from the black market." Lee Jordan also climbed on the broomstick.

"Why do you have this thing?" Ron asked rather resentfully.

"Christmas gift."

The three of them looked at each other and shrugged.

"Hermione, do you have it?" Ron looked at Hermione.

"How is that possible?" Hermione shook her head.

"If you want it, just tell him and ask Albert to give you one on your birthday." George suggested, "Making this thing is just a piece of cake for Albert."

"It seems that Anderson is very accomplished in the Invisible Stretching Spell." Lu Ping was surprised at Albert's true level.

"It's very impressive." Hermione said in admiration. "Albert used the Invisible Stretching Charm to get himself a movable wizard card club activity room. It has a spacious activity space like an auditorium. Its body is a book."

"That stuff is really incredible."

"We plan to leave it in the school as a souvenir, just like you once left the Marauder's Map." All three people flew into the air on their broomsticks: "Then let's go first, see you later."

"Wait, you don't mind taking us with you!"

"Our broomstick can't carry that many people." Fred shook his head.

"Just add my Firebolt." Harry pulled out his wand and used the Flying Charm to summon the Firebolt. "This way we have four broomsticks and can bring eight people with us."


Hagrid snorted in dissatisfaction and glared at these guys who excluded him.

Although it was true that he couldn't sit on a broomstick due to his size, he was still very unhappy.

Harry's Firebolt flew over quickly.

Each person took one and flew into the air.

"Sirius, Lupin, take care of Harry and the others."

Hagrid waved to everyone, and after they left, he depressedly returned to the hunting lodge with his hounds.

"Why not use a tracking spell?"

Lu Ping asked in confusion as he looked at some of the people who were scratching their heads.

"It's useless. Albert will use a shielding spell to avoid being tracked, so even if he uses a tracking spell, he will definitely not be found." Fred explained helplessly, "His shielding spell can't even be found on the Marauder's Map." Can be blocked."

"Then follow Professor Flitwick?" Hermione suddenly didn't know how to evaluate this group of people.

There was an eerie silence.

Professor Lupine tried the tracking spell again and found the approximate location. However, the location seemed not to be in the Forbidden Forest, but in the wilderness near Hogwarts.

A group of people chased after each other on broomsticks, and then...

"I knew we were deceived by Albert." Fred looked at the wilderness ahead and muttered softly.

"He didn't say he was in the Forbidden Forest."

George also realized that all three of them had been misled by Albert.

Especially since they had been flying for a long time and still couldn't find the place where Albert and Professor Flitwick were dueling, they were even more sure that their group had been tricked.

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