Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 951 Expanded

There are only the last two weeks left before the third event of the Triwizard Tournament begins.

As one of the four warriors in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry Potter has not felt the pressure from the third event of the Triwizard Tournament so far.

Anyway, he himself is not competing for the championship. What he needs to do is to save his life in the third event. However, he couldn't feel the crisis that Albert mentioned, so he naturally had no sense of crisis.

On the contrary, after receiving rigorous training from Sirius and Professor Lupin, his strength improved at an astonishing speed.

The growth in strength prompted the expansion of his heart, making Harry more and more confident.

In this competition, he was more prepared than the previous two times and was more confident in completing the third event.

Harry, who had just said goodbye to Hagrid and stepped into the entrance hall, said to Hermione and Ron beside him: "I have never felt so ready."

Although knowing that the third project will definitely be full of difficulties, Harry has successfully passed Professor Moody's test of huge animals and magical obstacles in the past two months, and this time he was informed in advance and made more preparations .


Hermione smelled a bad omen, frowned and reminded: "You promised Sirius that you wouldn't mess around."

"I won't mess around." Harry almost assured him by patting his chest.

"Are you as good as Sirius and Professor Lupin?" Hermione suddenly asked.

"What?" Harry opened his mouth.

"Now you should think about how to get out of the maze safely." Hermione stopped, so as not to make Harry feel verbose.

In just a few months, Harry gradually became stronger and selectively forgot about the hidden dangers. This was undoubtedly a very bad thing.

Hermione planned to take the time to write a letter to Sirius and ask him to remind Harry again. This would be much more useful than her being verbose and annoying here.

If Harry were allowed to continue to swell, Hermione had no doubt that Harry would try to compete for the Triwizard Tournament, and even want to compete with Albert.

Men are a group of creatures who will not give up easily, especially after they have power, they will try to challenge and surpass.

After all, if you succeed, how can you be convinced if you don’t try?

But, does that really make sense?

Harry may not have seen the huge gap between the two sides, but Hermione did.

She never thought that Albert would lose the Triwizard Tournament championship, just like the previous two times, he won the competition perfectly and flawlessly.

For this reason, Albert did not give up preparing for the Triwizard Tournament. She saw the map of the maze from Albert a while ago.

Yes, a map of the maze.

Although she didn't know how Albert got it, it did look a bit like the maze map from the third project.

"The championship is not that important. Survival is the most important thing."

This was Albert's attitude towards the Triwizard Tournament. He anticipated the danger and prepared for it.

However, Harry never took this matter seriously.

"Harry Potter is a lucky man. Thinking about everything he has experienced, you will know how lucky he is. If other warriors have died, he may not die. This is why I think he is the savior. Without this good fortune, how could he become the savior based on his bravery, wit, fearlessness, and hatred of the mysterious man? "

Hermione thought of Albert's evaluation of Harry and couldn't help but sigh. She could only hope that Harry would continue to be lucky.

After all, he is a person who can survive both the Stunning Curse and the Killing Curse, and the Disarming Curse and the Killing Curse. This is almost a precedent in history. How can he not be lucky?

After returning to the common room, Hermione immediately wrote a letter to Sirius to remind him that Harry was swollen again.

Then, take your books and notes to the library to review.

The end of the semester was approaching, and she should have taken the time to review, but instead she spent a lot of energy helping Harry prepare, greatly reducing the review time for the final exam.

Harry doesn't have to take final exams, but Hermione and Ron do.

"Aren't you going to the library together?" Hermione, who was holding books and notes, had just come down from the dormitory and looked at Ron sitting on the sofa chatting with Harry in confusion.

"No, I'm too tired today." Ron shook his head and refused, "Let's review tomorrow. Anyway, I still have some time."

"If you want to become an Auror, you need to pass at least the Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology and Charms exams, and in the N.E.W.T. exam, the scores in these five subjects must not be lower than E." He Min felt that if Ron didn't work hard now, it would be completely wishful thinking to work hard to become an Auror with Harry, because they couldn't even reach the threshold.

At the end of the novel, Harry and Ron were able to become Aurors only because Kingsley, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, secretly opened a backdoor for them after he became the Minister of Magic. After all, both Harry and Ron made a lot of efforts to defeat Voldemort. , no one will think they are not qualified.

One could even maliciously guess that they did not take the seventh-grade exam because they were worried that they would not be able to pass the exam.

After all, a bad grade would be very bad. If you didn't take the exam, you would naturally have no grade. And Harry's OWLS grade wasn't too bad, so his face would be gone.

Ron's cheeks suddenly turned red, and he looked at Hermione's leaving back with some annoyance. He did have the idea of ​​becoming an Auror with Harry, but Hermione's cruel words deeply hurt him, because it is not easy to pass 5 N.E.W.T. exams with a grade of no less than E. Don't look at Percy's ease with After graduating from Hogwarts with excellent grades, I thought I could do it too.

"Look, what did we hear?"

"Ronnie wants to be an Auror?"

The Weasley twins looked at Ron and laughed extremely evilly.

"You don't have to worry about it." Ron glared dissatisfied at the two guys with bad personalities in front of him.

"Sorry, we have seen the process and training content of becoming an Auror." Fred looked Ron up and down and said, "It is almost impossible for you to become an Auror. I suggest you give up and stop struggling pointlessly."

"Where did you see it?" Harry asked curiously.

"Albert found someone to get it. He said that as long as he has some connections, he can get it. I have to say that Auror training is indeed very strict." Fred said with emotion.

"Does Anderson also want to be an Auror?" Harry was a little unbelievable, that guy didn't look like that.

"How is it possible!" The two of them shook their heads and complained, "The probability is lower than Ronnie keeping a spider pet."

"Shut up and don't use that name."

Ron glared at Fred and George, looking angry.

"What's wrong with Aurors?" Harry asked in confusion. He was indeed somewhat interested in becoming an Auror to fight against dark wizards.

"That's not true. The only problem is probably that this profession is actually quite dangerous, and it's very difficult to become an Auror." George glanced at Ron and reminded kindly, "Ron's mediocre results It's basically hopeless. If Harry wants to become an Auror, I'm afraid he has to work harder, especially in the Potions class. Snape's old bat only recruits sixth-grade students with excellent grades."

Thinking about his poor potion skills, Harry suddenly fell silent.

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