Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 982 Fudge Pills

The Daily Prophet mentioned the results of the International Wizarding Duel Competition held in Spain in just one sentence and downplayed the fact that Albert Anderson won the duel championship.

However, for those who personally witnessed the duel competition, the final was a profound and unforgettable duel.

At this moment, in the kitchen of No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius was vividly telling everyone about what happened at the International Wizarding Duel Competition in Spain a while ago.

Ever since he told the story about the Death Eaters who tried to send people to assassinate Albert, but were killed in one fell swoop, every meal has now become the happiest time for everyone, because Sirius always takes the time to finish what he has not yet finished. The story goes on.

Although it sounds unbelievable, those are things that really happened and are not stories that Sirius himself made up.

"In short, it was a very exciting and unforgettable duel." Sirius ignored Mrs. Weasley's complaining look, cleared his throat and continued: "At that time, Voldemort seemed to have used a compound potion to disguise himself as A dark wizard named Avger. This guy has used black magic to kill two opponents in a previous duel and sent other opponents to the hospital. He is an extremely cruel guy. I think Voldemort probably wants to use that guy's identity. Covering up the murder of Albert."

"After all, it's not strange for the dark wizard Avger to kill other opponents in the next game." The corners of Sirius' mouth raised slightly, "However, Voldemort's conspiracy was actually given a glance by Albert. Got it."

"You could tell at a glance?" Bill asked in surprise.

"Yes, Voldemort was discovered by Albert as soon as he arrived in the players' lounge." Sirius nodded and said, "That's what Dumbledore said."

"How did he see through it?" Lupine asked with raised eyebrows, "Even Dumbledore couldn't see through it. Maybe we can put his method to use in the future."

"I don't know, you have to ask him yourself." Sirius shook his head.

Fred and George opposite heard this and exchanged glances. Apparently they had thought of the reason, but neither of them planned to say it.

"I still can't believe that an event like that actually allows players to kill people." Hermione put down her spoon and couldn't help but say.

It is really hard to imagine that other players would be allowed to kill their opponents in an international duel competition.

"Although the organizers do not allow contestants to kill people, accidents will inevitably occur in duels, and there will be loopholes that can be exploited." Sirius suddenly showed a strange expression: "Besides, Spain actually relies on this to make money, otherwise there would be no It's a good-looking duel. Why do their tickets sell for such high prices? The participation of dark wizards in the competition is actually a highlight of the duel competition. People like to see someone defeat the dark wizards or even kill them. Those guys deserve to die anyway? Of course, most of them It's time for a referee to step in and stop a senseless murder."

"By the way, I remember you seemed to bet on Mr. Anderson to win." Lupine asked with a complicated expression.

"Converted to about 20,000 Galleons!" Sirius noticed the gazes of the others and coughed lightly: "Don't look at me like that. Some of them belong to Anderson, and I remember asking you to follow them. The bets you make are the ones you don’t make.”

"Twenty thousand Galleons!"

Ron was stunned when he heard the numbers that Sirius exploded.

"I always feel that making money for that guy is as easy as drinking water."

Fred and George looked at each other and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. Of course they could guess what kind of sexy operation this was.

It's so familiar.

"Does this count as cheating?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Definitely not. There are only a few people who dare to do this. After all, who dares to be sure that he will win the championship?" Sirius announced happily: "I plan to use a few thousand galleons to fund the activities of the Order of the Phoenix. .”

Ever since he killed Peter Pettigrew and went to pay homage to James and Lily's graves, Sirius' whole spirit had become completely new. His life goals have also changed, which is to kill Voldemort, fulfill his responsibilities as a godfather, and watch Harry grow up, get married and have children.

Everyone was shocked by Sirius' generosity, a few thousand galleons was not a small amount of money.

You must know that the Order of the Phoenix has no so-called activity funds at all.

"By the way, Remus, we will include these reports in the next edition of the Defense Guide." Sirius thought for a moment and then said, "Everyone has the right to know the truth."

"If you put the truth up there, I bet Fudge would be very unhappy," Mr. Weasley reminded.

"So the magazine also needs to think of a new name."

"Change your name?"

Everyone cast doubtful glances at Sirius.

"The new magazine is a high imitation of the "Defense Guide", what does it have to do with us?" Sirius said matter-of-factly, "Even if Fudge is so angry when he sees it, there is nothing we can do because there is no evidence to prove that magazine It’s about us.”

"I don't think Fudge needs evidence." Lupine looked strange, surprised at Sirius's wit.

"Okay, kids, it's time for you to go back to your room and rest."

After dinner, Mrs. Weasley began to chase people away, as something was about to be discussed that no one else was fit to hear.

The children reluctantly left the kitchen, and Mrs. Weasley cast a distraction spell at the entrance to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

"The Goyles were all acquitted. I heard that Malfoy was running around and donated a lot of money to St. Mungo's Hospital for Invalids and Injuries." Mr. Weasley's face was a little gloomy and he lowered his voice. Said: "Fudge thought they were just kidnapped by dark wizards during the International Wizarding Duel Competition. They were not dark wizards at all."

"Is Fudge crazy? The evidence is conclusive, how dare he..." Bill's eyes widened, it was hard to imagine that Fudge would dare to do this.

"He is indeed crazy." Arthur sighed. "Many people think he is crazy. Not long ago, they tried to drive Dumbledore out of the Wizengamot, and I also heard that because of Fudge, Dumbledore also lost his position as president of the International Federation of Magicians."

"I heard that they also plan to take back the Order of Merlin, First Class Medal given to him by the Ministry of Magic." Arthur sighed, "If there is any news, it should be in the next few days."

"Fudge must have accepted bribes." Sirius tapped his fingers on the table and turned to Lupin: "We can list some of his crimes one by one. You know, if the truth is exposed... people will be surprised to find out. Their Minister of Magic is actually..."

"Fudge can't be a Death Eater," Lupine interrupted.

"I didn't say he was a Death Eater, I just wanted to list the bad things he did one by one, so that everyone could open their eyes and see what their Minister of Magic has done," Sirius' voice was very soft, but Very cold: "I think everyone has sharp eyes. Everyone can definitely see whether Fudge is innocent or not."

This move is actually very cruel.

Perhaps, one thing after another is not conspicuous on ordinary days, but once someone deliberately connects them and exposes them to everyone's eyes, and the environment in the Ministry of Magic becomes increasingly bad, it will be difficult for them to make connections even if they don't want to.

"Did you come up with it yourself?" Lupine felt that Sirius had really changed a lot.

"So be it!"

"If this is true, I think the prediction that Fudge will step down seems..." Bill considered his words and said, "It may come true."

"Did we do something wrong?" Sirius suddenly said, "Shouldn't we let some beasts escape?"

"I originally thought that Goyle, Crabbe, Selwyn and Avery would be punished after their identities as Death Eaters were exposed. But what happened? Except for Peter who was killed by me and was punished, everyone else escaped. It’s been a long time.”

"You think we should kill them?" Lupine frowned. This was undoubtedly not a pleasant topic.

"No, I think it doesn't matter whether we kill them or not. We need to prevent them from becoming our enemies and treat them harmlessly." Sirius shook his head and reminded: "Lock them up, or something else... in short, let them There is no way we can continue to be a threat to us, otherwise if Goyle, Crabbe, Selwyn and Avery kill our companions one day, can we consider that they died because of us?"

Everyone frowned, what Sirius said was undoubtedly something that was very likely to happen.

However, once a killing spree begins and both sides become red-eyed, the situation may get completely out of control.

"Are you going to bring this up at the next Order meeting?" Mr. Weasley asked Sirius.

"No, I plan to discuss it with Dumbledore privately, and don't tell Snape, that guy is unreliable." Sirius reminded.

"Come on Sirius, Snape still gave us a lot of reliable news." Lupine chose to believe Dumbledore.

"Snotlout also gave some information about us to Voldemort. For a double agent like him, who knows which side he belongs to?" Sirius raised his hand and interrupted: "Since we don't know and we can't be sure, then Just don’t believe it in the first place.”

Fudge has been in a good mood in recent days. Not only did they successfully make Dumbledore lose his position as president of the International Federation of Wizards, but they also kicked him out of the Wizengamot, the highest wizarding court. Next, they only need to take back his Merlin, First Class, Fudge believed that not many people were willing to believe Dumbledore's words anymore.

The masses follow blindly and are rarely willing to think about the reasons. This also means that it is not difficult to mislead them. With the continuous bombardment of newspaper information, unknowing wizards will be misled by the information in the newspapers and think that Dumbledore is really The old man is confused.

"The next step is how to deal with Harry Potter, find a way to shut him up and discredit him... to make people think he is a delusional fool."

Fudge knew that soon no one would want to believe what they said, no one would believe in Voldemort's resurrection, because they themselves were equally unwilling to believe in these things.

"Dolores, I need your help to keep an eye on Harry Potter. If he uses magic in any illegal way, notify me as soon as possible." Fudge said to Umbridge, which can actually be regarded as a hint. Fudge has been sitting in the position of Minister of Magic for several years, how could he not have any means.

"I will," said Umbridge.

"Very good, as long as that guy uses magic outside, I can ask Dumbledore to fire him."

"Minister, what's going on with my going to Hogwarts? Has Dumbledore agreed?" Umbridge suddenly asked.

"He has not agreed yet, but if Dumbledore cannot provide a teaching candidate, I will use the laws of the Ministry of Magic to make you a professor at Hogwarts." Fudge said without thinking: "I'm afraid you will have to be prepared to go to Hogwarts at any time. Preparation for Gwartz’s appointment.”

"What if he finds someone?" Umbridge felt that Fudge was very unreliable.

"He can't find the right person!" Fudge affirmed.

"All right"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the minister's office.

"Come in." Fudge said to the wooden door.

"Minister, this is bad!" Percy walked into the minister's office panting.

"What's the matter, Weasley?" Fudge asked with a frown. He didn't like Weasley's rashness.

"'Guide to Defense', Sirius Black has released the latest issue of 'Guide to Defense'." Percy placed the magazine in front of Fudge and quickly turned to a certain page.

"Asshole, how dare they!"

After Fudge took the magazine, his expression suddenly changed. He clenched his hands and dropped them hard on the table. He stood up directly, staring straight at the magazine in front of him, wanting to tear it up.

The content of this issue of the magazine is an article about the Spanish side of the International Wizarding Duel Competition, and compares it with the Ministry of Magic's attitude towards this matter.

This is literally putting Fudge on the fire grill.

"Immediately put a bounty on Sirius Black and Remus Lupine for disturbing public order." Fudge roared at Percy, and his spittle flew into Percy's face.

"I'm afraid not." Percy grimaced and reminded cautiously: "Although this magazine looks a lot like the "Defense Guide", it is actually a replica."

Percy pointed to the name of the magazine. It wasn't Defense Guide, but Defense Letters.

"We don't have any evidence to prove that this is a newspaper printed by the magazine owned by Sirius Black. Even if Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are caught, they will not admit that this matter has anything to do with him."

"What good idea do you have." Fudge stared at Percy, "Tell me what good idea you have."

"We just have to find a way to turn this magazine into a joke," Percy suggested.

"Can't they be banned?" Fudge was very dissatisfied with Percy's approach.

"The more it is banned, the more likely it is to have counter-effects. People will be curious about what information is in the magazine and why the Ministry of Magic wants to ban it?" Percy reminded.

"That's enough, I don't want to hear you say this." Fudge said irritably: "I allow you to use all methods to minimize the impact of this matter."

"I will," Percy said seriously.

"As long as you can show your ability to do things, I will promote you as appropriate." Fudge made a big deal for the other party.

There was no other way. The Spanish Ministry of Magic characterized Goyle and his group as Death Eaters, but Fudge believed that they were just kidnapped and declared several of them innocent.

In fact, it doesn't matter. Everyone is forgetful. As long as no one mentions it, it will pass under the cover.

However, "Defense Express" cruelly opened the scars and exposed the bloody wounds to everyone.

The four people who were considered innocent were actually suspected of being Death Eaters. What's even worse is that there were even photos attached to them.

Photos taken when the four were first "rescued".

That's not like being "saved."

It was as if he was clearly telling others that those four guys were Death Eaters, and that he, Connery Fudge, was related to Death Eaters.

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed, even Fudge suspects that they are Death Eaters.

"Protest diplomatically to the Spanish Ministry of Magic." Fudge said suddenly.

"Will action be taken against Albert Anderson?" Percy asked tentatively.

"Not yet?" Fudge frowned and said, "That guy just won the championship for the British wizarding world, and... there is no rush in this matter."

After the last experience, Fudge realized that there was a group of supporters behind that guy. His attack on Dumbledore had pushed many wizards to the opposite side. His political opponents even mocked him unscrupulously. Fudge felt that he should continue now. Provoking another group and pushing the neutrals across from you is never a good choice.

"Okay, I'll take care of it right away!" Percy nodded slightly towards Umbridge and left in a hurry.

"Minister, I'm leaving first!"

Umbridge looked at the annoyed Fudge, turned and left thoughtfully.

She actually disdains those guys who just whisper around all day long but don't dare to take action.

"Someone has to take action." Umbridge thought this was a good opportunity.

Fudge's words just now reminded Umbridge that Potter had violated the International Federation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy more than once before.

If he continues to breach the Statute of Secrecy, the Ministry will have grounds to fire him.

It's not difficult to force Harry Potter to use magic.

Umbridge believed that as long as he could save his face and avoid being caught, Fudge would not mind why the Dementors were chasing Harry Potter, but would be happy to have the opportunity to expel Harry Potter.

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