The ring is the arcanist's cognition of the spiritual arcana, and it is also the underlying logic of all the great powers of the arcanist in the future.

Whether it is a powerful arcane technique, an incredible arcane weapon, or various other supernatural means, it will be based on this ring in the spiritual sea.


Xiaoyi with nine rings and Shaying with one ring in Duke Linghai do not use his rings as the underlying logic, but travel through time to integrate with this world, taking the rules of the world as the underlying logic.

Can't analyze, can't reproduce.

But it can be used, improved, and more incredible functions can be created on the basis of this underlying logic.

"That is to say, in my spiritual sea, there are two sets of underlying logic... Fortunately, the underlying logic of Xiaoyi and Shaying, I don't need to worry about it, just let Xiaoyi solve it." Duke thought very openly, and even Time travel is acceptable, but there is nothing Goldfinger can't.

It is reasonable to use the rules of the world as the underlying logic!

He just needs to watch it carefully, study hard, and strive to learn a little knowledge from this set of underlying logic that represents the rules of the world.

Even if it is just a little bit, it will be of great benefit to his own ring.

after all.

The rules of the world's operation are the supreme mystery of spiritual mysteries, far beyond the underlying logic formed by his little knowledge.

"As long as I can solve the mysteries of Xiaoyi with nine rings and Sand Eagle with one ring, it means I have touched the rules of how this world works."

"At that time, I will definitely stand on top of the Nine Rings!"

While looking inside the spiritual sea, Duke wandered in the sky, imagining the bright and bright future, and was intoxicated in his own world for a while.

But soon, this imagination was interrupted.

Mentor Penrose finally came to the academic conference hall.

"I was delayed for a while just now." He sat at the head of the conference table in the hall, and waited for the students to pack up the cards and sit down, and then continued, "Today's meeting, first listen to the research progress of the subject in your hand , starting with the guidance of Leadman."

Penrose's style is crisp and clean.

Leadman's assistant quickly introduced his research topic, which was a certain improved manufacturing technology of Linka.

Duke did not understand a lot of statements in a flat tone, but this did not prevent Xiaoyi from recording these statements and storing them as data.

"Yes, continue in this direction. If you can really develop a new technology, I believe it will be a very important plus item for your evaluation of card scholars." Penrose appreciated it very much.

Leadman still had the same indifferent look, and he didn't show any excitement just because he was praised by Penrose.

After thanking you politely, you sat down quietly.

Afterwards, Director Vikas, Orianna and others introduced their research progress one after another. Duke could only understand these researches. Even the research of Sanfis, Duke had only a half-knowledge of it—in the field of card making. , he only took one leg.

Finally, it was Duke's turn to introduce.

He cleared his throat and felt that his subject, to be honest, didn't need any introduction, it was too simple.

But I have to say: "At present, we are using exhaustive methods to arrange various novel spiritual materials to be added to the experiment, and compare the effects... Judging from the current progress, there are several spiritual materials on spirit beasts, which are not suitable for the hands of mages. The effect has been slightly improved..."

Wait for him to finish.

Penrose nodded slightly: "The progress of the experiment has to be accelerated, and more attention should be paid to the comparison of the data. Many details are not made by experiments, but are extracted bit by bit from the analysis of the data. You have to remember this a little."


"Don't let your studies fall behind. Build the arcane wonders as soon as possible so that you have enough power to protect yourself."

"I will, mentor." Duke agreed.

Knowing the progress of the students' research, Penrose continued: "In addition to listening to your progress introduction today, there is one more thing. I will go to Cuihai Valley to conduct field research on Cuihai Valley. You are ready to go there with me. "

"Going to Cuihai Valley, teacher, can we hunt spirit beasts?" Roroya Snow Eagle suddenly became energetic.

"The hunting is open." Penrose smiled, "Remember to contact the mercenary group under your hands to help deal with the spirit beast materials."

Sanfis yelled immediately: "Teacher, can I rent some three-ring arcane cards?"

Penrose glanced at him: "No."

After a pause, Penrose added: "Of course, you can buy it instead of renting it."

Shan Feisi's face was broken: "Mentor, a 3-ring arcane card, a tens of thousands of golden dragons, where can I afford it, forget it, I'll use my 2-ring arcane card!"

1 ring spirit card, a dozen silver dragons can be bought.

2 Ring spirit cards, more than a dozen golden dragons can also be bought.

The price of the 3-ring spirit card directly reaches several thousand gold dragons, and the price of the 3-ring arcane card costs tens of thousands of gold dragons at the beginning, so it is normal for Sanfis to afford it.

Wait until Penrose announces the adjournment.

Sanfis sighed for a while, and then left with Duke, and asked curiously on the way: "Duke, you haven't sponsored your own mercenary group yet, do you want to act with me and use my mercenary group?"

"I've already sponsored."

"What, you have already sponsored?" Sanfis asked in surprise, "Do you have money to sponsor?"

"It's okay, I'm affiliated with two companies and paid a sum of money in advance."

"I almost forgot. With the title of a genius arcane master, you entered the Shenjiao City Hotel as a consultant, earning 1,500 golden dragons a year!"


"By the way, you remember to buy a few more 2-ring arcane cards, otherwise, as an arcanist, you won't even be able to deal with stronger spirit beasts, and you will be laughed at by the group of mercenaries under you."

"I know." Duke smiled.

He didn't plan to buy a card.

The reason is very simple, he has a refurbished 3-ring arcane card in his hand - arcane return, and he barely repaired it after he was promoted to arcanist. Although the effect will definitely be much worse after the refurbishment, but if necessary, it is more than enough to protect yourself.

In addition, there is a semi-new 2-ring arcane card in his hand - the bondage of the python shadow, which was seized from the wolf pack mercenary group.

In addition, among the previously refurbished cards, there are still two 2-ring arcane cards that have not been sold, these are all hole cards.

What's more, he has also practiced the fighting spirit martial art "Douqi Armor", which can be combined with the chicken when necessary. These defenses are enough to ensure his personal safety.

As long as safety is guaranteed, Shaying will handle the rest.

The departure time for Cuihai Valley was scheduled to be two days later, so after the meeting ended, Duke sent a letter to Zina with the postman owl.

"Well, the world is developing very well, but...communication is inconvenient."

There is no telegraph, no telephone, let alone a mobile phone that can be carried with you. If you want to contact, you can only use the original method of sending a letter.

He stuffed a silver dragon into the pouch around the neck of the postman owl.

I thought silently in my heart: "Perhaps, I should do more research in this area in the future. If I conquer the communication technology, the title of 'eruditionist' will definitely not be able to escape. Even relying on this technology alone, I can get the title of erudite sage!"

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