Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1094: So-called miracles

Xin Li's expression changed unpredictably in an instant. The more so, the more she confirmed her thoughts.

This guy is really cruel and black-handed, and very deliberate.

But he was so anxious that he revealed these flaws.

当然 "Of course, I won't really make you kneel. But I don't think there is any need for cooperation between us."

After saying that, Lin Mengya pretended not to care about walking back with the lighting stone.

Moreover, the children were not greeted deliberately, lest Xin Li felt that he could use these children's lives to threaten her.

When she walked about ten steps calmly, Xin Li's voice finally came from behind.


I knew that this guy would not be able to hold on first.

She turned and raised his eyebrows and looked at him lightly, and now she took the initiative and had it in her hands.

"If I can kneel and let you cooperate with me, yes, I promise you."

She heard the sound of her knees touching the ground. The children who were busy eating now finally reflected it.

That person is not their partner.

"You, who are you?"

Lin Lin Mengya heard a teenager asking a question, slowly turned around, and said with a sneer.

"A mad dog, just stay here when you're full, don't go anywhere, you know?"

Where are the teenagers dare not stop her, she faintly saw the children, like little animals, leaning tightly together, and sighed secretly.

Although she didn't know why Xinli was mixed in the Bear Spirit Tribe, just now he secretly calculated the item of Xiong Lin and knew that he was not bad.

"With you, they are not very useful."

之中 In the darkness, Xin Li's indifferent voice came, but Lin Mengya did not believe his words.

After a few steps, he walked in front of Xin Li, and sure enough, the man knelt down on the ground.

Lin Lin Mengya did not mean to make things difficult, but she knew too much about Xin Li's temperament. Once he succeeded, he was afraid he would kill himself.

Why is she so polite?

起来 "Get up, I can consider getting the following things for you, but it's so dark here, I don't want to be kicked by you like Xiong Lin."

Wu Xinli looked awkward, but did not have an attack immediately.

This makes Lin Mengya a little curious. Previously, everyone said that Xin Li was the key training object of the Xin family, which should be at least a thousand and noble, and it was almost the same as the prince.

This kind of humiliation, even if he reluctantly agrees, he will never give her any good looks.

But the Xin Li she saw was just more gloomy.

This person is really not easy.

"There are lights here, but after I light them up, don't scare you."

Lin Xinli's tone was a little bit bad, Lin Mengya just snorted, but narrowed her eyes.

"There is nothing to be frightened. Since there is a light, go and light it. You two, tear a piece of cloth from your clothes and cover your eyes. I didn't say yes, I must not take it off, did you hear it?"

She said this to the teenagers, and even to Bai Su.

I have been in the dark for a long time. If I suddenly see the light, my eyes can't stand it.

"You are really careful, rest assured that no one can enter except us."

In Xin Li's words, with a mockery of her.

Gao Linmengya took a few steps back, hid the lighting stone, and covered her eyes.

She is not afraid of Xin Li cheating, because besides her, no one can approach the thing.

But she had to defend, after all, the lunatic wouldn't reason with her.

She opened her eyes and peeped at the movement over Xin Li's side. Unexpectedly, two tiny fire snakes suddenly came out of the darkness.

Lin Lin Mengya screamed a bad voice in her heart, immediately covered her eyes, and fell to the ground.

Damn Xin Li, she really dared to count her!

The expected heat did not strike, Lin Mengya only heard the sound of ‘噗噗’ in the air.

She was still lying on the ground, but her fingers loosened a small gap, narrowing her eyes and looking around.

I didn't catch fire, but what about the fire snake?

Huh? There is light!

Although the light can be considered very bright, because the space here is too wide, the lighting function is very limited.

Xun Ke still did not return. She heard the footsteps flickering away, and the fire snake kept rushing in all directions.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her sore eyes and gradually adapted to the surrounding light.

的 The design here is still very reasonable, at least it doesn't light up at once, but it gradually becomes brighter.

She dropped her hands and stood up to look around.

What a god! What is it here!

怎么 样 "How is it, amazing enough?"

Behind him, Xin Li's voice came.

Lin Lin Mengya turned back immediately and watched Xin Li walking up step by step.

His eyes had a proud look, and it seemed not surprising to everything here.

Everywhere I saw, I was covered with bones.

No wonder she did not trip over the bones later. Because of those long-standing relationships, those bones have become dregs, and they will break with a touch, and there is no longer the toughness of the bones.

This is by no means a relic of an ancient city. All the bones are placed in the direction behind her in the open space that you can't see at the edge.

Lin Lin Mengya went back to God, but found that Xin Li was also looking at the direction behind him.

what is that?

The huge stone statue, from a round pothole, was set off by the bones, and looked strange.

But all the lights extend from the top of the stone statue.

I don't know how long the oil lamps are, they line up along the stone wall above my head.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but walked forward, but found that this stone statue is actually a queen maiden!

"Here, where is it?"

She originally thought that these things were made by Xin family. But it now appears that the Xin family obviously does not have that much ability.

Xu Xinli glanced and said.

"I don't know. I have been here since birth. But these are not important. Do you see the wooden box in the arms of that stone statue? What I want is there."

He licked his lips, and in his eyes there was greed that could not hold back.

Zhe Lin Mengya looked at him as quietly as possible, and then she turned her eyes to the middle of the stone statue.

Sure enough, a wooden box was inlaid in the hands holding each other on the chest of the stone statue.

However, the wooden box is a bit weird, but now it's a little far away, she can't see clearly.

"I can't lift such a big box. Besides, this thing is so expensive, there must be a lock on the box, and I can't open it."

She shrugged, obviously it was a difficult activity.

Xi Xinli was a little dissatisfied, but now he can't even give up.

"I can't give you the keys in this wooden box now. And you don't have to hurry. It's not time yet."

Xin Xinli held her arms and looked good.

Lin Lin Mengya did not continue to ask questions because she saw the dead corpses under control.

Almost all the corpses stood on the other side of the stone statue.

There are many people, at least a thousand or so.

So many people, what is the Xin family going to do?

"It's time, if it were not for me, you would never see such wonders in your life."

The enthusiasm in Xu Xinli's eyes made Lin Mengya shiver for a while.

The people in the Xin family are not normal, or they will not get so many corpses.

She saw that the wooden box moved a little, but it was impossible. Is there any living thing in it?

But Ke Xinli took a step forward and looked very excited.

After a few minutes, she saw a few white rattans that did not know when to extend from the wooden box, and then climbed out along the stone statue.

All the corpses are standing there honestly.

The rattan rattan stretched so hard that it finally got entangled in the body of the first person, and then, without hesitation, pierced the corpse's brain, and then went out from the other side, followed by another.

The horrifying scene made Lin Mengya's eyes suddenly widen.

Impossible! Although she knows that there are plants that can eat people in the depths of the jungle, this rattan is too weird, right?

But afterwards, Shennong System gave her a message.

She calmed down, but to the Xin family, more and more she could only use the words 'heartbroken'.

"See? This is a real miracle and the biggest secret of our Xin family. Now, it's almost done!"

In Xin Xin's eyes, madness flashed.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the thing in the wooden box was the eternal life they were after.

"Where there is any miracle, it is just a trick played by people."

Xi Xinli glanced at her fiercely immediately, apparently dissatisfied with her attitude.

Wu shrugged needlessly, Lin Mengya did not continue to speak to stimulate him.

Because this thing is special, strictly speaking, a white bug is parasitic on a white vine.

This thing should be the predecessor of the kind of maggot they found on the bear spirit tribe.

I think it is this kind of bug that likes to lay eggs and parasites in the brain of the dead, and then it is used by the Xin family.

Once some secrets are revealed, they don't look very scary.

Lin Lin Mengya watched the vines spreading wildly in the dead pile, and she was more concerned about the contents of the box.

连 Even Shennong system gave her the highest alert, and she felt an unprecedented crisis.

But she also finally understood that the so-called longevity is really a scam.

Xin Li, now is just seeking his own way.

"Miss Lin, please."

Xin Li flashed to the side, Lin Mengya saw a step behind him, reaching to the bottom of the pit.

家伙 The guy also fully revealed his fierceness, his eyes were staring at her like poisonous snakes, as if she were the prey.

"It's easy to let me go down. You answer a few questions first. Otherwise, the two of us will fight together."

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