所以 "So, do you think An Zichen is not reliable, right?"

"Well, I'm afraid that if something happens on the road, what will happen. Now that you can take me, can you take someone else? Simply, let's bring more people, so even if something goes wrong It ’s better to have a care? ”

"Do n’t bring it anymore, Bai Su, you just have to remember that no matter where you are, you can't take a step away from me. The two of us sisters joined forces, I'm afraid no one can kill us."


That's what the saying is like, but Lin Mengya, like Bai Su, has nothing in mind.

After yesterday's surprise attack, Lin Mengya and An Zichen changed course.

Hearing An Zichen said that these families were disdainful of dealing with the people in the trial land, and in the second place, in order to protect their successors, in general, it was good to find a power in the trial land. Clan, use its own resources to cultivate.

Therefore, apart from the Xin family, they have nothing to do with other families.

They might as well take the road instead of rushing around in the mountains.

She Anzichen also felt very reasonable. Several people bought a humble carriage in the village and reached the town at the fastest speed.

After I bought some supplies, I continued on the road.

With the lessons learned from the past, An Zichen was extremely careful along the way.

He disconnected from his people, and even when he reached the meeting place, he didn't mention it to his people.

Zhe Lin Mengya became more and more certain that the problem was with her own family.

He just said that An Zichen had his own pride, and Lin Mengya couldn't go further.

However, secretly, it was a lot of self-defense strategies discussed with Bai Su.

On the journey of one and a half months, it was unexpectedly calm.

"Miss, we will be here tomorrow."

Wu Ajin's face was a little happy. When she wanted to come, she felt like she was going home, so she was so happy.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, but there was something missing in her heart.

I really want to leave, I don't know when I can come back.

"How long will we sail on the bed?"

开口 She asked, and A Jin answered her in a rare and quick way.

"It takes at least eight months."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, no wonder no one knows that there is a strong patriotic nation over the sea.

The original Lintian Kingdom was just a small fishing port. Later, the ancestors of the Zuo family tried hard to get the scale they are today.

In the ancient times when navigation technology was not developed, it is tantamount to want to cross this sea.

In addition, the defending country will definitely hinder the development of these neighboring countries. If they want to completely break away from the restrictions of these families, cousins, they have a long way to go.

Alas, this day will come.

I spent another night in the carriage, and when it was dark, they set off again.

It was not until lunch that the car drove down a small road.

There are cliffs all around. But Lin Mengya was not worried about any ambush.

Because those cliff tops are very narrow, there is almost no place for people to settle.

Nothing but this path.

Gao Linmengya and Bai Su stared at each other in the carriage, a little nervous.

I don't know what they are going to face.

"Miss, we are here."

Finally, the carriage stopped shaking.

Wu Ajin jumped down first, while An Zichen stood waiting for them.

After waiting for Bai Su to help Lin Mengya get out of the carriage, a lot of strangers had stood in front of her.

There are men and women, but most of those women are weak and boneless.

Behind them is a huge and gorgeous house.

I don't know why, Lin Mengya just looked at it and felt a little displeased.

"Zi Chen, have seen Uncle Dong."

Wu Anzichen saluted to one of the men, who was only about fifty years old, and the satin cloth of a man was boundless and rich.

The five facial features are still handsome, but there is a bit more shame in the eyebrows.

At first glance, he was not a good person. Now An Zichen was so polite, and that uncle Dong did not care about An Zichen in front of him.

I just laughed at my lips, and greeted me in a few steps.

"Miss Gong has been working hard all the time. Let's go to the house to rest."

Even though he tried to make a friendly look, Lin Mengya still saw the disdain of his eyes.

She turned her head slightly, she nodded slightly, her posture was elegant, she was decent.

I followed Uncle Dong and went to the yard.

"Stop! What the **** are you and dare to stain our house."

Behind me, a sudden scold came.

Gao Linmengya paused, turned her head, but saw a man who looked like a brother and was about to stop Bai Su.

The girl was unmoved, but the people around her were dissatisfied.

Immediately, she wanted to understand the truth.

Because she is a palace person, those talents dare not make trouble.

But Bai Su is not, she is the person in this trial land.

He was afraid that in the eyes of the Anjia people, those who tried the land were like slaves.

Lin Lin Mengya raised her brow slightly, and looked at the uncle Dong with a smile.

"Miss Gong must not misunderstand. You are a jewel in the dust, naturally different from those who are cheap. I have arranged for you more savvy maids, all of whom are famous, and they will not be vulgar like others."

Is she stupid?

Looking at this posture, it was clear that she wanted to become a puppet before she even arrived at the palace house.

"Uncle Dong, this is not appropriate. After all, Miss Lin is from the palace family, we are not the masters."

At this time, An Zichen's untimely insistence has committed another taboo of Dong Shu.

"Zi Chen, how can you talk back to Uncle Dong. Have you forgotten, are you already a family member?"

At the side of Uncle Dong, someone immediately jumped out and taught him.

Wu Ke An Zichen, despite bending over to salute his sins, still strives for reason.

"Uncle Dong must not be angry, Zi Chen just behaves according to the rules. Before leaving, grandfather repeatedly told us that we found the descendants of the palace family, but also just to return the palace family. We must not intervene in the palace family affairs."

I was so surprised by this kid.

After he finished speaking, Uncle Dong's eyes became increasingly cold.

"Zi Chen, what are you talking about?"

Uncle Dong Dong's tone was more and more gentle.

"I just think that, as a Miss Gongjia, if you want a slave to serve you personally, you will lose her identity. Don't you believe me?"

For now, An Zichen has nothing to say.

However, he still chose to stand by Lin Mengya, and his position is self-evident.

In just a few words, Lin Mengya changed her view of An Zichen quite a bit.

Uncle Dong didn't dare to really take him. He could only show his men and take Bai Su.

Zhe Lin Mengya said nothing, and did not even ask.

Uncle Dong Dong was polite, but in his heart was ruthless and sneer at her.

多 How capable he is as a woman of the palace family, in the end, but it is still a greed for wealth.

"Come here, pull on!"

At the order, a few men dressed up went to arrest him in person.

I did not expect that a few silver lights flashed, but the men fell to the ground in wailing.

"Is there any reason for this, ye, take her to Houshan and execute it immediately!"

Uncle Tong Dong apparently did not expect that the woman actually dared to resist, and there was a shadow of shame in her eyes, a cold command.

"An Zichen, if I remember correctly, this is not just the trial ground for your home?"

Lin Mengya, who had never been silent, happened to ask a question at this moment.

Wu Anzichen knew that she must be dissatisfied, so she had to bite the bullet and agree.

"Yes, this is indeed owned by both Angu."

"Oh, is that right? I thought that only you can settle here in the future? It seems that it doesn't matter whether I return to the palace or not. It will be fine for you to settle in the future."

Her voice is so soft that no matter who she is, she can't hear any dissatisfaction in her words.

But this is a good word, but a bad one.

At the time of Li Deng's arrival, several people who settled in their places were stunned.

"Ms. Gong, this is not what you say. You are away all year round and you do n’t know the rules at home. These slaves in the trial land are generally not allowed to take them back to the Patriotic Kingdom. If people know it, they will inevitably belittle you."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and looked at Uncle Dong casually.

"To be taken lightly, that is also after returning to the palace family. Does it mean that the family can now take charge of the house rules instead of the family family? An Zichen, why haven't you explained this to me?"

I saw that she only said to An Zichen that she clearly did not put Dong Shu in her eyes.

In the eyes of others, the dissatisfaction with her gradually grew, and when she wanted to come, she felt that she didn't know what to do.

What a pity, Lin Mengya has never been a person who would mind such things.

I turned around and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Or do you think that now is a great time to scare me? To be honest, if I were you, it would be better to choose Huairou policy, for example, to buy through the maids around me. So that I can have a good impression on you. But You guys who are going to take me up, why don't you put me in your eyes? "

Lin Lin Mengya's words directly poke the hearts of these people.

Alas, she didn't want to be so stupid. Whoever asked these people to do things so directly was not giving her a little face.

知道 She knows that if her attitude is slightly softer in this matter, I'm afraid that in the future, she will be endlessly manipulated by these people.

Rather than tear her face, she might as well see what they did.

"Miss Gong, you have misunderstood us. Our palace family and Anjia family have been good friends for generations. Uncle Dong is also your elder. Is it possible that we will harm you?"

Immediately someone jumped out to be a peacemaker, and at the same time, Lin Mengya had some calculations in her heart.

In my opinion, at least on the surface, the people in the palace family couldn't do anything to her.

Alas, she also has a bottom line.

既然 "Since I misunderstood, I apologize to you. As for those who are not relatives, let's go back to the palace and talk about it."

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