Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1154: Refuse to join

"Gongya, how dare you!"

Lin Mengya snorted coldly and looked at this howling Yu Kui in disdain.

"I have nothing to dare, do you dare to sell it at home, do you dare not let people say it? Oh, our palace family really has been down for so long, but our daughter has not been delivered since ancient times. You ca n’t be well-educated at home! You ca n’t shop around. What can you do to get a good selection for your family and read all the good men in the world? Whoops, I did n’t see it. Potential! "

"You bullshit!"

The head of Yu Yu's face turned blue, and his mouth shivered.

What a pity, Lin Mengya's side, but the more cursed, the more courageous, the eye movements followed.

I saw her with her hands on her hips, and she took a piece of silk from her arms and covered her mouth with a smile.

"I'm bullshit, you can inquire about it yourself. Who doesn't know David, your daughter was retired by our palace family. Now you still sell it for the price, and I want to say, this is your virtue at home It ’s better to come here to sell, I will certainly support you. Whoever knows how much the flower girl in Hualou sold for the first time this year, I, double! "

She stretched out **** and was arrogant.

Suddenly in the compartment, Yu Kui had obvious signs of rolling his eyes, covering his chest with both hands, and became faint.

In the end, it is Gong Bin who can't stand listening and can't listen anymore.

Although Nai Yukui was quite deliberate, the words of cursing turned over and over again.

I do n’t feel any pain when I hear too much. It ’s not like their little sister, I ’m not afraid of it, and I even started to interact with the onlookers.

I was so afraid that the palace boss, Gong Bin, who was afraid of Yu Kui's death, had to wink at the palace second.

The latter immediately understood, picked up the girl's slender waist, and entered the box without saying a word.

There was a loud noise outside.

"Master! Master you hold on, master!"

By the way, it seems Master Yu is really angry.

I turned around and glanced at my little girl who received the merits. The five sons of the palace secretly vowed that in the future, no one could mess with her.

怎么 样 "How, just now, am I handsome?"

Lin Lin Mengya proudly flirted at her brothers, but none of them dared to take it.

But don't let the eyes go away collectively, it really prevents the young girl from coming down to the stage.

In the end, she still had a good temper, and the fourth child who had a good relationship with her, was in danger, and came to her with a smile.

"Little sister, Si Si thinks you have been very brave. But should you, as a girl, pay more attention to it?"

Hei Miyako swears that his tone is quite euphemistic, and he absolutely does not show the slightest hint of blaming his little sister.

But the other side glanced at him coldly and snorted.

"It's almost painful, why do you care so much?"

She didn't know, she turned to her face, and a quick smile passed in her eyes.

As the next head of the palace family, she also became famous sooner or later.

But in order to reduce the trouble for herself, she made up her mind from the beginning to make her infamous.

It is not easy to be a good person, is it still difficult to be a bad person?

The five sons of the palace family didn't know their little sister, but they had such a frightening idea in their hearts.

Alas, even if they knew, what could they do?

In addition to helping the abuse, I guess the five brothers will not do anything good.

Outside, the voice of the steward responsible for hosting the auction soon came.

Because several major families will participate today, the auction house will also pay attention to it.

Although those small and medium-sized buyers know that their chances of picking up leaks today are very small, but they can meet people from several families.

After a short while, the veil and curtain of the box were opened by the servants in each box, and each family was considered the first meeting.

Soon after, Lin Mengya discovered that she had a lot of eyes on her side.

In those eyes, there are curiosity, disgust, and disdain.

But she is no matter who she is, and she is not afraid to say it, but she leans in her chair with a very lazy posture.

哪 Where does she know how embarrassing it is to make such a pose in her pose.

After a short while, those sights quietly became warm.

The five sons of the palace family have a tacit understanding.

Under the protection of their strong killing eyes, those people are more or less convergent.

But there are many people who started secretly thinking of her.

"I'm Lu Feng, on behalf of our boss, thank you for your support!"

拍卖 The manager in charge of the auction is Lu Feng, who is of medium build and looks not so prominent.

He just looks very kind, squints and squints when he smiles, people will unconsciously approach him.

But this person's vision is extremely tricky, and he is best at seeing the guests' faces.

Everything he did, there were no guests who were not fair.

不到 He will not shoot himself in less than the last scene in the calendar year. It seems that Rong family attaches great importance this time.

As usual, Lu Feng rushed to the outside to make a falcon.

I said some auspicious words to cheer everyone up. After all, how he made the atmosphere warm up a lot.

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked at the roster in her hand.

There are a lot of things to be auctioned today, but it doesn't matter what she looks like.

Outside the door, I heard someone talking. It didn't take long for Gong Yang, who was responsible for keeping the door, to enter the door.

"Three young masters."

Yang Gongyang is a close-knit young man of Gongsan. He is about twenty-four years old, with a quick temper, and speaks and works quite smoothly.

Now he came in, but in his hand he held a lacquered wood tray with a delicate brocade box on it.

"what's up?"

"The eldest son of the horse family in Qingyang sent a gift to our young lady."

Qi Qingyang's horse house? She has some impressions of this horse family.

Tong Tong is one of the top ten families, and Ma's power has been stable in the middle reaches.

The Ma Ma family is regarded as a scholarly family, but the eldest son of this generation is a loafer who likes to look for flowers and ask Liu.

It was almost Gong Yangcai who came in, and someone from the auction house came to tell him that someone had bought the West Sea pearls on the list in advance.

Zhe Lin Mengya motioned to Gong Yang to open the brocade box. Sure enough, a box was round and plump, and a huge pearl with a milky luster appeared in front of her eyes.

Alas, is this going to soak her?

Lin Lin Mengya picked her mouth, and was lacking in interest.

"Brother, please trouble me."

The ears of the two palaces listened carefully. Before long, Gong Yang came out with the brocade box.

怎么 样 "How's it? Miss you, wouldn't you accept it?"

Xiao Ma of the Ma family looked at the box as it came out and was a little surprised.

I thought to myself that this palace was just a run-down family, and she even put up the shelf of the young lady.

His complexion revealed a little discomfort.

"This is my lady's return to Mr. Ma."

Pu Gong Yang lowered his eyes, always looking like a business official.

厮 The little lad smiled immediately, he knew that no one could escape the attentiveness of his son.

"Oh, I'll send it back immediately!"

Xiao Xiaozhen was in a good mood, and at his feet was like a raw wind, and returned to the box of the Ma family.

As soon as I entered the door, a young man caught in the beauty heap jumped up.

"How is it? Miss Gongjia, did you accept it?"

"It's natural, small advance. Congratulations, Master, you can bring the beauty back! This is Miss Gongjia, a gift to you."

Xiao Xiaoxi immediately gave the box in his hand to his master.

Bian Ma Beichen was afraid of being snatched away and picked it up.

With a snap, the box was opened.

I didn't want to, there was a box of white powder inside.

"what is this?"

Sitting in the house of Ma Beichen, there is also a handsome young man.

The man looked like a pink peach, very flattering.

After seeing the things in Ma Beichen's hands, she raised her brow lightly, looking at her heart.

"Isn't there still a note? Magong, why don't you take a look."

He reminded him so that Ma Beichen saw it later.

I immediately picked it up and unfolded, but muttered after seeing the line above.

"Pearl powder, you can look at it with your eyes open, make your face beautiful and healthy, does that mean? Does she worry about my body?"

He uttered a tweet, and the little boy laughed.

"Xue Hua, what are you laughing at? Do you see that the beauty is pleased with me, are you jealous? This is not the case, I first saw the beauty, you can't grab the fool!

Xue Hua looked at him and guarded the box full of pearl powder tightly, but in his heart was laughing at the stupidity of this stupid horse.

The horse and his wife gave him a box of pearls, but the girl did not appreciate it at all, and he made the pearls and returned them to him.

He added that sentence on the note, telling him clearly that his eyes would be brighter in the future, and people didn't look at his face.

And, in such a short period of time, I am afraid that pearl powder is not ground, but it is broken by people.

Alas, Ma Beichen, Ma Beichen, thanks to his self-proclaimed love field, always winning generals, but now he does not understand the minds of other girls.

Regardless of Ma Beichen who warned him that he was not allowed to shoot, Xue Hua's sight fell on the stand not far away.

紫色 The touch of purple is particularly conspicuous, and judging from the woman's posture and what she scolded Yu Kui just now, in addition to her appearance, this woman is likely to be unremarkable.

As for this gift, I am afraid that several people in the palace family came up with it.


The eyes fell dimly somewhere on the stand without the screen curtain opened.

That person, why did you leave everything behind just to come here?

Can't hesitate, and he is interested in the palace family?

He calmly regained his gaze, and of course he remembered what he had said to himself.

I just, he is getting more curious now.

到底 What did he come for?

I missed the suitor who didn't want to go too far. She only wanted to follow her suitor at first glance. Lin Mengya was in a bad mood, but it wasn't bad.

What do you say? She changed her position, almost as if she was sitting upright.

But the dangerous feeling that made her blew hair did not completely dissipate.

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