Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1189: The gates meet

But the soldiers and defenders of the city are also differently arrogant.

Each one looks at people with his nostrils, but all ordinary people don't look at them.

I was humbly bowing and flattering to those who were noble.

Ning Lin Mengya and Gong Wu are not reckless people. They also know that in such a place, this cannot be avoided.

They don't want to have more trouble, they have to rush to the mansion of Longdu before dark.

"Blink off! Blink off! Chonghua County Master arrives!"

Behind me, there was a sudden noise.

Lin Lin Mengya was already conspicuous enough, but did not expect that behind her, there was another team of men and women.

"Chonghua County Lord, isn't that the daughter of King Qin?"

There was a lot of discussion around me, and these words also reached Lin Mengya's ears.

听说 "I heard that this Zhonghua County Lord is very powerful, and even the Supreme Lovers favor her!"

His Holiness is the Lord of the Temple.

Gao Linmengya was not very curious, and knew that when they would meet sooner or later, but did not want to, the gorgeous carriage just stopped beside her.

"Sit in the car, but the lady of the palace?"

A maid jumped from the carriage of the owner of Chonghua County. The maid was beautiful, but her eyes were full of vitality.

As soon as Zhuer's eyes turned around, she also leaned out her head and said with a smile.

"This sister has good eyesight. It's our lady in the car. I don't know what the county owner has to do."

She looks sweet and crunchy, but the maid doesn't show any respect.

He only looked at her coldly, then reached out and pointed at the four corners of the carriage they were riding on, and the bells were hanging.

"Our county lord looks at this gadget is very novel, let me come and show her. Please remove it quickly and wipe it cleanly so as not to dirty our county lord's hand."

These words are so rude, the bells are on their carriages, so openly grabbing, even if the other party's identity is valuable, it is a bit offensive.

Xuaner was angry at heart, but she still smiled on the surface.

"It's an honor to have the clever eyes of the lord of the county. It's just a coincidence that this bell was hired by a skilled craftsman and we can't dismantle the carriage."

门 The doorway here is already clear. Don't look at the Chonghua County master who came from the royal family, but his identity is actually not as good as Lin Mengya, the future owner.

Just now, just polite.

If you really get up, who is going to sleep without a face?

"Then you tear it down, our county owner can look down upon you from the countryside. Besides, it's just two pairs of bells. Your palace family is too stingy."

侍 The maid's eyes rolled, and what she said almost didn't make her jump up and choke her.

She was also ridiculed. She also knew that the other person was not a reasonable person. She laughed and said.

"Sorry, if our carriage is dismantled, as long as you can't afford it. The county owner still needs a lot of people to take care of it, sister, please come back, we will not bother and leave."

After I finished speaking, people drilled back, regardless of the maid's almost blue face.

"What kind of shepherd's shelf! If my lady becomes the owner, I don't know how honorable she is."

Xiao Xiao complained in the carriage, Lin Mengya didn't speak.

Yuner's approach is quite proper, she has never been a dumb person.

What's more, people bullied her.

The maid outside stomped her feet and scolded the palace lord for not admiring it.

However, behind him, several horses ran over. After the maid saw the person headed by him, she immediately raised her smile and greeted her.

"Slave has seen His Royal Highness Xi. His Highness must have come to pick up our county master. Coincidentally, the county master temporarily changed the road and let His Royal Highness make a trip,"

Immediately people are in black, black hair, and black pupils. The beauty of the beauty is as cold as the snow on the top of the mountain.

His Majesty's horse is also brave. His body is so dark that there is no foreign matter, and the horse pupil is quite proud.

A horse like a man is a rare choice.

The maid was proud, because this man was going to marry their county master.

"Step aside."

A low, deep sentence made the maid tremble with excitement.

The smile on Nian's face was a little stiff, and she immediately gave way.

As soon as the man was about to leave with his men, he heard a soft voice coming from the carriage.

"Brother Xi, where are you going?"

Stallion, stopped in front of Chonghua's carriage.

The man still did not dismount, but still answered the woman's question.

"Go back."

After groaning for a moment, the woman in the carriage seemed to hesitate.

"Brother Xi, I'm asking for something. Look at the bells over there, I think Xun'er might like it. Why not give it to Xuner?"

His Majesty Xi Xi tilted his head slightly, and saw the four corners of the carriage not far from the opposite side, with extremely delicate copper bells hanging.

虽然 Although he didn't understand these, he knew this way, even the whole dragon could not be found.

He then rode a horse and walked to the carriage.

"Can you sell it to me?"

A little head came out of the wagon shortly after.

Seeing the man in front of her, Min Er was slightly surprised, then lowered her head and said.

"His Royal Highness Qi, this bell was designed by our lady with ten minutes of love. Her Royal Highness, isn't it good to be loved?"

His Royal Highness Xi Xi also felt some truth, and Xuner did not lack the bell. He turned and wanted to leave, but he heard the maid next to Zhonghua who had come down, grievingly.

"His Royal Highness I don't know, the people of the palace family are indifferent. They have already promised us, only because they saw my county's landlord really like it, so they are so entangled."

Huer stared at the man, who was clearly talking nonsense.

His Royal Highness at this moment, however, turned his head and frowned slightly.

"His Royal Highness Xi will not listen to that sister-in-law's nonsense, my lady is the most serious promise. But it is four bells, if promised, we will give it away!"

The maid catches the opportunity and continues to use her words.

你 "Look, isn't that confessed? Our county's owner didn't say to take it for free. I think you are really crazy! Make a price, how much will you be willing to sell."

poor? Xuan Er sneered at heart, fearing that everyone in the world could be poor, except her lady.

"Our house is not short of these things, if not-"

"Forget it, sir, you ask someone to knock it down and give it to the county master and His Highness Xi."

A quiet voice came from inside the carriage of the house of the palace.

His brow, His Royal Highness, somehow gradually spread out.

In the end, Xun Er had rules with Zhonghua's maid. After saying ‘Yes’, she asked people to carefully remove all four bells.

I wrapped it in white satin and gave it to the followers behind His Royal Highness Xi.

"Is there anything else for the Lord and His Highness?"

The sound in the carriage of the palace was cold and peaceful, and it seemed to want to rest.

His Royal Highness Xi Xi asked people to get one hundred and two silver tickets, but they were returned by the people in the palace.

"These are baubles and are not valuable, oh, let's go."

The carriage of Xionggong family wanted to go, but what was unexpected was that the owner of Chonghua County got out of the carriage.

The Jaina County Lord looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, and has a beautiful face with flowers and moon, especially a pink face, delicate and dripping, showing a bit of nobility that others don't have.

She was wearing a white cloak in the snowy sky, as if the snowy sky was the only elf in her world.

Everyone who saw beside him praised the good colors of the Lord of Zhonghua County.

The extraordinary young girl smiled softly, turned, accompanied by the maid, and walked to His Royal Highness's horse.

"I asked for this bell with my sister Gong, naturally I thank you. Only my maid was unreasonable, and I asked sister Gong to forgive me."

The young girl smiled softly and tenderly.

His Royal Highness dismounted, but without a word, stood beside her.

Two people are like the same pair of people, one black and one white.

After a short while, there was a movement in the palace's carriage.

"No need, as long as the county master and His Royal Highness like it, it is the blessing of this thing. We have to hurry and we will not talk more with the two."

I didn't expect that Chonghua frowned, and seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Sister really blame Chonghua for being loved? Please forgive my sister, Chonghua really thinks that this bell is exquisite. If the sister can't bear it, then Chonghua will give it back to her."

In the carriage of the house of the palace, nothing came out this time.

I just opened the carriage door completely, and everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

What a beautiful lady in red!

I saw that the beauties' bright red fur was even more black, with red lips and white teeth.

"It's just a bell, the county chief is heavy."

The voice of a woman is like a sound of nature.

Immediately, the Zhonghua County Lord, who was pure as a flower, was overshadowed by the woman.

I am afraid that there is very much color in the heavens and the earth. The lady in front of the house is occupying seven points.

After Wu Zhonghua was slightly surprised, she bit her lip.

"It's Chonghua's trouble, sister Gong please."

"Thank you Lord, go."

As soon as Xun Gang made his appearance, the county master lost to the palace lady no matter whether it was manner or manner.

重 Even if Zhong Hua is unwilling, this matter has become a foregone conclusion.

Xu nodded to His Highness Xi and the host of Chonghua County, and the door was closed again.

But no one saw, Lin Mengya's sleeves, clenched hands.

I ca n’t cry! Can't laugh! She must not be seen by anyone. She knew that ‘His Royal Highness’.

It wasn't until the carriage had gone a long way that she collapsed in Bai Su's arms.

"Master, you"

让 "Let me slow down, don't alarm anyone."

Tears burst and almost broke her eyes.

If she had not pierced herself a few stitches just now, she could barely control the expression on her face.

Who knows, the clouds and light winds between that moment have actually exhausted all her strength.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

I don't know the root of the uncle, and curiously looked at Lin Mengya and Bai Su.

After Bai Su looked at her, she said lightly.

"The master is very chilling. I was afraid that he would catch cold again just now."

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